E<t~· tS s.6, 7, 8, 9 Gaf,6.1tt"· Pf•l. 16.8 5 r. The truth oftheir Graces, 1 1 2. The growth rfrheir 6;-acrs. r. For tbe truth of their Graas, it is good to begin with the bginning; and firll to ~Xamine their com.icrjion. " rind fecondly, the in~tvidulli comp~nium ofrhur convofiot 1 , as their i(hoJv!edge and Eatth;J and Love, and Obedtence, and defrre.s after this Ordinance. r. For Converfion : Aman may by fuch marks as there, try and confider whether he be truly and roundly converted or no. 1 . If he have turned from Satan in alljins, and turned Unto God in all duties . if he have left all grofs fins) as Lying., Swearing, Vjttry, Dnmk,tnmfs, Vncl~annefs, &c. in practice and action, and all frailties and infirmities, at leafi in allowance and affection; fo that with watchful refillance, and 1\arnefi gro:inings of fpirit, he /hive and pray againfi them, and be humbled and kept in awe by them, and that he perform obedience tQ all Gods Commandmcnts,though not in perfection and height of degree, yet in trurn and fincerity of heart. · 2. If he be willing in all his pllrpofcs, delircs, endeavours and actions, to fer himfelf in the prefcr.ce of God, and in them to be wholly, unrefervedly and entirely guided by his word. · l]chn 4, 17,18 3· If he can with an holy comfort, and h~tmble trittmph, think._rtpon dMth, the Law, that gre.zt ;n~gemei'Jt,~ hell, and thafe endlcfs tDrments. Tir. 2·IJ · l]obr; 3.14 Pf•l.l.>.-- 19.. 10 Phi!.~· 7,~,9 Jer. '3· 19 4· If he lovingly hunger and thirtr after fpiritual nourifhment, the g> owth ingrace by the Word, Sm·ramenu, Chrtj/inn confennce, f<tr,Elifyi·g tl>e Sabbath, and all other godly ex:rcifes both publique and private. 5. If truly and heartily he love and long after thct·o>nf11gof.Chnj/; aBd lo'Ye Juch M are tme Chnjlums , and that becaufe they make confc1ence ol fin, and ferve God with finglenefs and fincerity of heart. 6. If his chiefdelight and bcft comfort be inholy dmies and heavenly things,and tl:at he infinitly prefer them before gold, honou.-s, pleafure,yea the whole world. 7· ,f he would not change his prefent ftation, though never fo bifc, poor and negleEled in the world (yet accompanied with the ftate of Grace ~nd Chrifiianity) for the mofl rich andgloriottsej/ate of the greatejl man upon earth,where there is nothing but pfophanenefs and unrcgencration; if all this whole great world about. were turned into gold,honoui and pleafures, yet in refpect of tbe comfort of grace, it were to him but as dung,vanity, nothing. 8. Ifhe would not be in the f!:ate and cafe he was bcfore(though he thm tho~tght that– good enough) fer any worldly good, for ten thoufand worlds. 1\om. 6.zt l'{.tl.ll9·'36 ::~: 1'et. 2.7 9. If he be truly humbled with confideration of the long rime of his prophanenefl'e, and impenitency , and very forry he began no fooner, nor made greater hafic into the royal and glorious 1'l:ate of Chrifiianity. , 1 o. If thofc finful pl<aflms and vanities be moll tedio11s, irk.;Jom and dij/t~flejit! unto ' him, which formerly he perfued withgrcrdinefs and delight. 1 1. If he mottm for the abomination of the times: Grieve atthe l?ifksd cottrfcs of o– thers, and be very glad and heartily joyful, when godlinefs and fincenty gets the upper hand, and when any one is converted. 12. Ifto the power of his gifts at all occafions, he,be llill plotting, working aRd la– bouring the converjion of.others with z.eal and fincerity, cfpccially thofc that are nearejl about him, any W"Y" depmd upon him, and belong to his charge. r 3. If he believe in God, and in Chrill:; and if helove God and Chrill above all: this indeed is the very grace, riz.e, point or marks to which aft the njl are r<dJteible: faith 11nd love (faith Dr. Prefl•n) are the ~reat radicalgracu, all e!Je '"' bm branchesJPringing •ttt ofthem. Sec thefe in the duty of Self-try.. t. S E C T. 6. Examinati•n of Knowledge. NOw for the individ~~al companions of found convrrjio11: We muft enquire within our felves, for thefc Graces of Knowledge, F-zith, Repentance, &c. The fir£1: of thefe Graces, which every worthy and fit receiver mull necel!'arily fi.nd in himfelfe, is Knowledge; ond by fuch ma<ks as thcfe, he may try ancl confidcr,whether his knowledge be a favi~g and fanctifying knowledge or no. 1. Ifit beg,t humility and lowlinel!'e ofmindc; if the fight of Gods purity. Maje~y, . I jUfl: