Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Chap.13. Sect 7· 3tbe lLotM~upper. ·un: indignation and vengeance againll: finne; if the fenfe of his owne blindnefs,. vanity, lnward filthine!I'e, and natural corruptton, makes htm Wtllmgly entertatne hunul!ty; and a lowly conceit of his owne fclf. 2 . If it be drawn into practi.ce, and joynedwith converfion of the heart from finne unto God, and with reformatto!l of ltfe fro~ evtl to good,otherwtfc knowledge wtth– out practice will cncreafe the gut!t of Confctencc, and the damnation 111 hell. 3 . If it be edged and eneagred with a lon~ing defire and infatiable thir([ after more of thofe rich and faving ueafures: There tffucs from out of the fanctuary JV,tcrs vf Life, (fee their increafe) firll: to the ancles, then to the knees, then to th~ loyncs, after– wards a river that no man wtldpaji: If we haye once tafled how frvect the f.;ord u, there will be a dcfire to im:reafe mfire !lnd more. . 4 . !fit bedefufive and communicative of it felf, if it lhinc round ab?ut, and work all the good it can in all places: The hps of the nghtcoJt4 feed many: --The /Jps of the wi(e difpcrfe k_;Jowledge,but the heart of thefoolijh doth 11otfo : It is as new wine in vetfels, dcfirous to vent; not to purchafc a little vain-glory, or prophone proifes, but to work ' fpiritual good,and for the converfion ofothers. 5 . If it beget a reverence of that great majefly, and l&ve to that holy truth it knows and apprehends in the Word, and an holy efluuation of it above all po!I'elTions, Co~tnting ()//things b#t lojfe, for the excellency. ofthe .k..nowledge of Chrifl _Jefeu 011~ Lord. . 6. If by it the foul knows Godm Chrifl, and knows Chnll: as hts own Sav10ur,and knows the power of his rejierrelli011, and the fellowfhip of his Jitjferings, being made conformable m1to his death. . . . . . . . 7 . If by it the foul knows the thmgs gwen •t ofGod, and efilectally the mhabttatwn of the Spirit of Chri/f. 8. If it extingulh or greatly dull the favour of earthly things , and makes the foul heavenly-minded, favouring •ffpiritual thmgs. SECT. 7· Examination of Faith. A Second.Grace which every worthy receiver mull: finde in himfelf, is Faith.; and . by fuch marks as thefe, he may try whether his faith be a true and jull:ifying faith. Deut. 4· 6 P[14f. I IJ, JC J <lm 8. 55 Prov.zo,t2.& ll. 7 Jer. 9. 'I l'[•l. 119 $7 93 Phi/.~· 8 JobJJ 17,8 Pbi/, 3• IO J ohn I4· 17 >COr. tJ. S 2 Cor· 2. 24r. If it fprung in \he heart by the * Min:ll:ry of 0ods holy Word; if the heart was Rem 10 , q broken, and bruifed, and brought to an holy defperatJOn, whereby tt wholly reno1mced, • Either ar the difclaimed, and difavowed it[elf, as unworthy of life 7 of breath, or being: if then it Ml, or {mnrl began to lift up its eyes upon the precious promifes of Salvation, revealed in the rebcund. Gofpel, and lhining glorioufly in the face of Chrlll:: And if lall:ly it perceived fome Gall· •4 glimpfes of comfort hopes ofPardonin the Blood of Chrill:,whence arofe an hungring defire, and longing thirll: after the mercies of God and merits ot Chrill: Jefus; and fo it call it felf with ll:rong cryes and prayers into the armes of Chrill his ble!I'ed Redeemer. 2. If it grow , and daily fpring up towards height of a!I'urance, and fitlneffe ofper– fwafion. Ordinarily faith is weak at firll:, full of many doubts and dill:,actions, fears and tremblings, but after long experience of our own fincerity, godly life, and good confcience, it growes up in time, and by leafure to be a flrongfaith. J. If tt purifiethe heart: Formalill:s may watcll over their open outward actions,but tr~e believers fet themfelv~s with fpecial care , and all good confcience, to bridle and hrmg under all wtckedll:trrrngs ofthe heart. The defire of the rightmu i; oruty good(i.e.) the mame lheams of hts defires, the courfe and current ofhis heart, is to godlinc!I'e and goodnefs, though fomctimes his corrupt Nature, and Satans boyll:crous tcmptations,do unawares and vtolcntly carry his thoughts another way, for which he fends out many a prayer f?r p~rdon and purging. , 4· If tt brtng f~rth a true and-thorough Evangelical Repentance: Where Gods com– ~ortab\e favour lhmes, and is !hed into the heart, it immediately t)lelts and refolves mto tears of forrow and grief for former rebellions, and makes unfeigned and refolute vows, for ever after, by Gods grace to throw outof his heart and life thofe linnes which, have grieved fv good a God. ' · ' '5· lf it beget in him whom it poffc!I'eth, a fantfijication of all parts, both in foul and .body,though not ur perfection;if theunderll:anding be enlightncd with knowledge in the ' great Rotn. 8. 18 Row 4-20 1 tt Ails rs. 9 Prov. 11.23: 2 C1Jr.1. 1i