'l74 Chap. 1 j.Sea. ' 0 · ---.--loveand-ciierini..thcSpirit of Chrill ; if it entertain with dearell embracements, as worthy of all acccptation, the motions and ditlates, and fecret illapfes of the ' pirit into the foul; if it be careful to hear his voice behinde, proml'ting, and diretling the foul in the way wherein it /hould walk; if it endeavour with all readinc!fc and pliablene!fe of heart to receive the impreffion of his feal, and the tellimony which the Spirit gives in the inner man unto all Gods prornifes; if it fear and fufpctl nothing more than the frowardnetle offinfulnatme, which daily endeavours to quench, grieve, refill, and to rebel agaiull this holy Spirit.·:--- 2. If it love the Ordinances of Chrill, in which by (lis Spirit he is llill walking in the midll: of the Churches: if it receive the word in the Power , Mojdrie and Authority ofit, fuffering it like thunder fo difcover the forrell, and to drive out all thofe f~crct corruptions which fheltered themfdves in the corners, or deceits of the heart..-·---- <. If it love every member of Chrill; the lov< of Chrijl, 1 ]elm 4 , 3 and /eve of the members of Chrill do infallibly accompany one another; he that loverb • not his brotlm· whom he hath [em, horv can he love G'od IVhom he hath notfcen ? He that · loves not a member of Chrill, he loves not Chrift : but on the contrary, he that grows in his love to the brethren, he grows lrkewife in his love to Jrfm L'hrifl. Look how the motion of the fhadow !!pan the dyall anfwers exatlly to that proportion of motion and cli.tance \\'hich the fun hath in the firmament, though the fun goeth many millions of miles, whc!l the fhado w, it may be, moveth not the breadth of an hand: fo though our love to <,brifl ought to be a far more abundant love than to an)"ofhis members, yet certain it is, that the meafnre of our progre!fe in brotherly love is puntlually anfwer– able to the growth of our !uve to Jo(w Chriji. 6. If it long after Chrijfs pref•nct and appearinc~; if it dcfre to be >Pith Chnfln·hich is be f. ofet!I; if it feek after him, and grieve for him , when for any while he departs from the foul : if it rvait for, his f . lvatiOn; if it delight in his communion and fpiri- / t ual refrcfhmcnts. Oh how fwect is that communion which the fpoufc hath with him in his fecret chambers, in his houfes of wine , and in his galleries of love.! this is th;t abiding artd{~tpping rvith Chrift, this is that fealling of the foul with the manifellations of Chrill , and of his graces ; and hence the love-lick fpoufe cryes out, mak.!; hafle my Can: . B. 14 beloved~ and be thott life to a Roc,or tot! y01mg Hart Npon the 1hountaines offptccs: make all hal1e upon the h.eavcnly monntaines, to come and fetch me home to thy felf, that I may ever be with the Lord. To this pnrpofe the fpirit and the bride fay, come: the Jtev .,,..,, 0 fpirit in the bride, and the bride by the fpirit: Chrill: faith, Jurely I come quickly, and every true Chril1ian anfwers in the defires of his foul,Amen: Evmfo come Lord Jef~ts. 1 Pet. 2, J7 ,R.om.12. xo l'bil.f" s P[•l.r6-3 !'fat. 119.63 G•l· J. 13,14 Pfal. IS · 4 Yjal. 16. J S E C T. I o. Examination of love t• the Brethren, A Fifth grace which every worthy Receiver mull: finde in hirnfclf, is foveto tbc , Brethron.: and by fuch marks as thefe,he may try whether his love be a true love. 1. If it be to the Saints as Saints ; not becaufe they are rich, learned, wife, but meerly becaufe they have Gods image upon them : Love one another with a pun /mm; love mull be pure, no't mixt, and then it is pure, when it fprings from no other fountain "bur grace, and holinefs , and love ofGod in Chrill:. 2. I fit be to the Saints above others : Others may have love and honour, according to their relations, qualitie!, worths, but true love bellows its Benjamins portion (th~ fpecialty and choyce of its affctlions) u~n the Saints. 3 • If it be to all the Saints : if it lov -grace in rags, as well as in Robes; if it love the abfent, as well as prefent; if it love · r the truths fake thofe he never faw, yet this hinders not the difference of degrees of love, which by the fpecial providence of God fame Chri!tians may have to others, in fome fpeeial eminency of refpetls. 4 . If it extends as toall Saints, fo to all times, as well in adverfity , difgrace, tem– _ptation, ficknefs, &c. as in profperity, health, good ellimation, &c. 5. If it delight in the f <llowjhip ofSaints; Suchas finde no need of, nor delight in the fociety of Saints, may doubt their condition, and be humbled for it. 6. If it caufc forbearance ofone another, Fcrgivcnefs of one another: if in cafe the perfon injuring dcfires no reconciliation,' yet the perfon injured is willing to let fall all tvrath, malice, or dclire of revenge_ 7· If it make a foul to honoJtr them that fear the Lord: This hDifoJtr bath in it.--- I . An ellimation of them, as the onely el!iccllent people in the world. z. A