Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

;. chap.r 3. Sett'', '2 · , A free acknowledgement of their jurl: praifes in all places, for their grace. ; : Awilling propofing of thctll asexamples to imitate.. . . . , " . An holy endeavour to cdvcr thc~r mfirmltJcs,takmg th1ngs m the bc1 part and fcrr.e . 4 An apolooy for them, agamlt the reproaches and fcorns of the world. ~: If it be aprevalent love, (i.c) if it comero_fuch a degree: as a nun.werc called to it , he wou!J part wrth hrs profits or pleafures for therr ver~ faKes : " rs m this prevalent dcgr~c that true lo~c confilts , not that every man that loves the Sarnts is'bound to give them all he hath t!l therr neceflity : for· God hathdrreCled us rn what order to betl:ow and !Jy out our cltatcs, and we mull begin at our felves, and fo to our famili es. but he that cloth not fo love the Saiirts,as that he can find in his heart to betl:ow nil his ,Jor!dly fub'bncc for their rcliefe, if God did require him, this man hath no raving lo~c to the s.,ints. ' SECT. 1 1. Examinntion of Obedimce. A Sixth grace which every worthy mufl finde in himfclf, is Obedi:ncc: and by fuch marks as thcfe he may try whether hrs Obcdunce be tru~: 1. If it arife out of love to God in Chnft Jcjiu; if it be voluntary and not confl:rained; if the heart be enflamcd with the fenfe of Gods love in Chrifl; and if it be humbled when it hath done its bell: , that it can bring no more glory to God. 2. If it be in all things, with all refpe({ to all Gods Commandcmcnts; if as Noah, we walk.,with God ( i. c,) if in a fetlcd even courfe of obedience, we keep clofe to him all the days of our life. 3 . If it fubmit againfl: profit, pleafurc, credit, liberty, cafe, &c. if it prefer Gods Commandcments t~booJe all things, yea above life zt fclfe. 4· If it obey the Commandements offaith, as well as life, fubmitting to the Lord by believing, as by doing, yielding to the Gofpel a. to the law. SECT. 12. Examination of 011r dejircs after this Ordinance. 'A Seventh grJce which every worthy receiver mull: finde in himfelf, is H oly dejim after thzs H oly Ordmano·e ; and by fuch marks as thefc he may try whether his dejires be holy. , r. If they carry the foul after Chrill:, fellowfhip with Chrill:, communion with Chrifl, a fruition of Chrill: and his benefits. · 2 . If the fpring from any fenfe of the want of Chrifl, or from fenfe offormer fweet· ncfs or goodnefs in Chrifl, found in the ufe of the Ordinances. .3· If there ~ccompany them an holy kinde of impatience in the want of the Ordmance: When jhall I come and appear before God? · 4· If nothing but Chrill: wilt content the foul : If Chrifl be deored for himfelf, and no.t for any baf~ ends : if the foul be content with Chrill:, though he be cart into ' pnfon and bantlhment. 5·. If there follow a gre~t and fweet contentment in the ufe of the Ordinances; if ~~ .tt was wrt~ ~ampfon drt?klng of t~e water that God fent him out of the hollow of . Jaw) our fptrtt~ come:rgam and rev1ve upoq it; fo that fometimes the heart is filled wr:h flr~nge extaoes, Wtth excefs of fpmtuafpleafures , with an heavenly kinde of fattsfachort, contentation and delight, h6.1. ~there follow after the Ordinance holy wow> and wijhCJ of infinite and eternal than'! nlnefs; as alfo agrowth and fpringing up as among the grafs, or a. willows b'J t e 'WIIter..courfes, N n z SECT. J 7 ,, 6. t T·~;f 1 ;,9 r r". 4·~ ]oh. 22- s l'{,tf I r 9· Il ]obn rs. 14 G<ll 6 V H ·b. 11. 8 Afir s· 29 ~~ar. 1~. 2S Rom. 16 26 R.,m, 10. 16 P[•l 4'·'•' John 7•37>3i Pfal. 4'· • 7•«e. rs. 19 , P[al. 61- S ]er, ;r. •s·l P{al. e3,4,S If•. •4· 3 J Per. 2· t.