Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

3t!le JL.orn.s %i>upper. . 'l77 - 2 . In the meiritng caufe of all our good, the procurers of all our peace, falvation, He D.•n 9· 16 wanvounded, that we might be healed; fcoHrged, tbat we nught beJolarcr!; He was jlmn, If•· 53 s,8 but net for himfclf: ----He was wo~ndcdfor o#r tr~nfgr_ejfions~ brok.!11[er our iniqtisties, the chajli.foment fJf our peace )Vas tepon hun, nnd lVtth hr.s jfrrpcs we arc heated. 3 . As the effeCts of o~r f~n,as thofe things our fins brooght upon him,and needs muJ: this melt and thaw our 1cy, !lony hearts: it IVdJ I ( fhould the foul fay) wbo !Va; rhe Traytor, Mnrthtrer, Judas, Herod, Pi/ate, they were my (imwhi<h l!'crc th~b!oody mftm~ ments, to flay the Lord ofglory :Lord, 1have finned, a;1d thw haft ji•!faed, twas 11h.!t Me the fowrc graps and thy teeth were fa on edge: TillS confiderat10n mull needs fill the heart with forr~w: They fhalllook upon hun whoni they h,•ve piened, and how then? z.-,1!. "· 10 They j1Ja/l mourn, arJd be t-n bitte:nc(s of fOul, ~u one in btttcrncJ! fot.thczr jirjt'-&ou1: 0 how fhould we look upon Chnll as wounded, fcourgcd, ptcrcea for us , and not be affeCted with, afllieted for our fins, the caufc of it ? Ifthou w.•!t bt t·o• to Chrtft (faith Btrnard) as thou beholdeft here a brokJn bleeding Chrift,fv labour to behold him JVIth a brckfn bleeding heart: 0 who can With the eye of faith look upon a broken Chnll, but with a broken heart? a wounded Chnft, but With a wounded fpuit r a bleeding Chriil:, but with a bleeding foul? God hat~ made in nature the fame organ for feeing and weeping, and in grace he who fees clearly, weeps thoroughly; Tne eye v.-ill ajfq;t Lam l· 5 the heart: 0 Chrift, tbat my eye would "-ffeil my heart; that n·htles 1behold Chrift )bedding his bloodformyfins, my heart would me/tom at my eyes, ~nd jh!d tears for thofe Jim for JVhich 1 fee Chrift Jbed hu blood: That 1could turn the Sawament cfthe Supptr mto a Baptifm of tears, that 1co,.ld JVajh and baprz;ce myfcifJl'lth ttars ofRefentancc! Of all motives to repentancc,none fo powerful ~s contmuallw all places and Imployments, to bear about with us in our heartS and mcdJtat!Ons, the dymg of the Lord J efus. SECT. .I 5. Of the cxercife ·of Faith. · THe fecond Grace which in tim: of Sacrament Juufl: be aCtuated and cxeraifed, is– Faith; then fhould a commumcant fpeak to !us Fatth, as Dcborah to her foul, '.AJVak.;, a1vak.;, Dcborah, aJvak.;, awak.;, utter a fong: Jo awak.;, awak$,-0 my Faith, beftir and rowu up thyJelf, to rereive Chrift in this Sacrament. But how, or in what manner is Faith to be aCtuated, and fet on work in the ufe of the ~acrament ? ]udg. s. u ' In the Sacrament we mull confider three things : I. Sacumental reprefentations. 2. Sacramental offers. 3. Sacramental promifes; all which are in the words of inll:itution : In the night that he was betrayed, he took. brCild and brak} it :· --He took, M.r. , 6 _ 2 S. , thccup, alidgave it,Jaying,--Take, eat, this is my body which isgiven for J•" :--- Marl '4· ,. And drink,ye all of thtJ , for this is my blood of the New Teftammt, w/,ch is jhedfor y011, Lu~e "· 1~. and for many, for rho remijfion offins I. He took,the bread, and brakJ it, and cup, and 1 Cor. 11. •·3·, gave it.] there is the Reprefen.ation. 2. He bade, Taks, and eat, drink,of'this.] there •• is the offer. 3. He faid, Thi< is my body, which isgiven for ;•ou : Thit is my blood, which is ]hodfor manyfor the remijfion offins.] there is the promifes: Now upon every ofthefe mull our Faith be bufied and fet on work: as thus in order;--··-- For Sacramental Reprefentations: . 1: In the breaking of bread, and pouring out of the wine there is a re,prefentation of ChnO:s death and paflion, both, ofhis body broken and wounded, and his blood poured and fhed. r. Of his body broken and wounded: He was wounded for om• mwfgrcjfions: -·---·– ~ndwuh hts ftripe.< we arc heAled: What fweet comfort may faith fetch hence? Look now upon the wounds of Chrifl:, as healing wounds, as a City of refuge, whither thy l'u.rfued foul by the avenger of blood, may fly for fafety and fanCluary : Indeed i am a gnevous finner, 1 have wounded my confcicnce with my tranfgrejfions, but behold my Sa– vzvur here Wounded for my tranfgrcjfions: 1may well have a troubled confcience for the wounds my tr~n[grejfi~ns have made therein: yet my confciem:e needs mt fnk.. in a de. fpondmcyof JPmt, whdes Ilook, at the wounds of Chrift: ltcre are wotmds for nwmds, · healmg wounds for fl:abbing wounds, curing wounds for killing wounds: 0 what comfort IS here for faith in the wounds of Chrift crucified, the nails, the fpear, the wounds, all preach unto faith a reconciled God, that God in Chrift, reconciling the world t• hunfelf: The Lords boweh are laid open by thefe wound~ , fo as throbgh them we may ..