Ch 1p. '3 Sc5.. : .t. --------------------~~------------------- CN~t· 2. 14 Rom. J· 2S i and s. 9 Col, J, 20 Epht[.t. 7 Heb.13. I:o •nd9. 1.1 I 1olm r.7 Gal6. t4 Zfc!J. 9· 11 R.ev. I· s, 6 Z ech.l2o10'· H(bolj.20,2I l'[al. 24.7 !lf!fl. j, may fee the tender bowels of his mercy , and fo as through them, mercy flows from thofe bowels unto us:-~ 0 my dove, art m the clcjts <iY hulfs t-f tht ndz_! ~Ol11t:! of the Ancients underflood by thefe cleft> vfthr r,rk_, the wotmds of Chrit1 in whic. 1 the dove, the Church, lies and fhelters her fe!f: This is one work of Fa1111 in the Sa– crament? when it fees thrf< rlijts of the ror/z.opcned, like" do'Ve to berake her ftlf there. unto for fhclter,fecurity againlt all fears that wrath r.nd guilt may put their Conf,i-:nce to; Do any fears of wrath trouble thee? cloth any guilt of Confcience diiqui' t thee? why, now for thy comfort, behold the holes'" th<ror/z., where thou mai ,[ fhcltc-r: Dwell now in rhc rock , and beltk! the dove that mak.,:s her ncft in the fides cfthe /;o/es mGJUh· fee, and fully believe thy peace to be with God through Chritt, and look upon hin; broken and wounded for thy tranfgrcffions : Fauh thus actuated, cannot but fend the foul from the Sacrament with much comfort. 2. Of the blood poured and lhed: and what is to be dpnc now when I fee this blood in the Sacrament, but to actuate my faith, and apply this bloud to my felf? Chnfts blood is a reconciling blood, Rom. 3. 2) . .11 jufi"ljjmg blood, Rom. 5. 9· A parif;wg blood, Colof. 1. 20. .lipardomng blood, Ephef. r. 7· Ajanch!Jmlb!ood, Heb. 13. ro. A purging bloodfrom dead IVorkJ, Heb. 9· 14. A domjmg b/,od, 1 John 1. 7. A mc;·– tifying , mJCifying blood, Gal. 6. I+ .dblood that jCu prtfoum free, .Zech. 9· r r . A blood that mak_gs men Kings and Priejls, Rev. 1. ), 6. A jcjini•lg, m?!l.jj•>~g blood tiut mak_gs the heart tmder, ajlefhiy heart, Z ech. 12. ro. Goats blood ( fome fay) breaks the Adama)lt, which neither iron nor fire can do ; but furely the b:ood of this Lamb breaks the Adamant heart of a man , which nothing clfe can ,breol< :. It is a quickning blood, fhat brings life and f!rength with it ; it is life-blood ' blood full of fpirit', that fills the foul with excellent vigor to holy performances, H •b. r 1. 20, 21. --··-·- Now what a deal of comfort rmy faith draw from all this? Tme, my perfon is unrighteous, but, 0 Chrijl, thy blcod ts jlljitfymgblood; my hrart is undrarJ,bltt thy blood is JanC!ifying blood; my litjls are many and mighty, bm thy blood is momfyiug blood; my heart is wondrowhard, but thy blood IS Jofmmg blood•; m)' heart is excccdint dead, but thy blood IS qmck..nmg blood: In thts blood ofthtne 1 beluve,tbiJ bloodcf thii1e I thirjlily drink_down,this blood ofthine I heartily apply, with a cowfortnblc expcrtamn ofall thefe blejfed benefits : Be ofgood chear, 0 my j oul, here is pardoning blood againfl cby guilt, fanEtifying blood againfl the pollmwns of thy nawre , cmcifying blcod agai11jltby llf.Jfs, Jofming blood againjl thy hardnefs,qtticf.,ning blood to help thee againflthy deadnrffr. 2. For Sacramental offers,in the words,Tt~~,rttt,drink!,]Chrilt himfclfis offered witb all his benefits: Here then mufl faith aCtuate it felf and fet ir fclf on work,ll:t iving witli all its'might to take Chrif!,to eat & drink Chrift offered: When Chrill: is offered tu us, the aCt offaith then is that of the Pfalmill:, L,iftitP)'Oifr heads, 0 yegates, end be l.Jt ilf, yaverlafling doors; and why mufl thefe gates and doors be lift up? that the Kmg of' glory"'"} come in: Chrill: makes offer to come into our hearts, and therefore we mul~ open the gates, we mufl lift them up, even from off the hooks ,tbat fair and foul way be made for ready entrance. Ifa great man, cfpecially a King, comes to a mans houfe, he will not onely open the fmall wicket, nis little door, but he fcts open his great gates,he throws them wide open, to make fpacious way for his entrance; fo if thus it be, that Chrill: in the Sacrament offers himfelf to come to us , let our fai:h bufily bell:ir it fclf in widening the paff'age , and opening our hearts to make Chrift way, let ug flrive with might and rnain to f!retch open our hearts to fuch a breadth and lar~enefs, as a fit way be made for the King o~glory to come m, let us ha/len, open, clafp, nnbrace, welcome, and receive Chrill: offered to us. 3 . For Sacramental promifes: This is my body which is gi'!Jen for )'?11 ; This ismy blood which is jhedfor you, f or remijfion offins:] Here's a precious promife of Chrifts body and blood, which may abundantly fet faith on work: Fur underll:andmg where-. of, I fhall propound fame queflions? As , I . What is meant by body and blood ?- By the body ofChrijl, and by theblood ofChrifl:, we mean whole Chrill: , God and Man, as he is Mediator Chrifl: hunfclfcrtlCified,with all the benefits and graces flowing from him : In all which'obfcrve thefc four things; . r. The perfonofCI;rifl, God and Man, in which perfon are two natures,---- { The Godhead, which m;>kes his .!VIanhood meritorious.. The Manhood aff'un)ed into the Godhead, and Hy– . poftatically united tHereto. . ='· His