chap.•3 Se8:.14. 2. His merit which i> A:rpo:·, the price, and worthinef> ,and excellency of his perfon and fufferi~gs: Chri.l:s deathWJl~ it that merited mans falvation , fhat. there might be an infinite fatisfacrion for an mfin1te debt. 3 . Hisvertue, which is the power and efficacy of his Godhead, by which he freed both himfelf and all 13elievcrs (rom death and imputations of fin. 4· His benefits both of Grace a11d G'lory. All thefe are inclofcd in the body of Chrift, and in the blood of Chrift; viz... The whole I\ pcr(utt of ChrifL God and M'an, wuh his merits and vertuc, and benefits, into which we are incorporated, and made conforts,and joynt-fellows with him in his Dwinc nature; yet mention is made, efpecially of the Manho•d and body ofChrrjf. • Pet. I : j 1. Bccaufc we could not be partakers of his Divine Nature but by means of his Manh•od; for the Jlefb of Chri£1: is the conduit that conveys the Graces ofthe Gl)d– head, and the Graces of the Spirit of Chrifl: into our fouls; they were given by the .Spi– rit of Chriil:s }Wtmhood, without meafure,<hat fo they might be derived to us in meafure by the fame Spirit, which otherwife then by this body we could not receive. • '2. Becaufc Chriil: performed thofe parts of the work of mans Redemption in his body, or Humane Nature, which were not compatible to the Deity,or Divine Nature; ond therefore mention is made more efpccially of Chrifis body, which is fyrr.bolically in the Sacrament, andnan.y in the foul. 2. And this bcgets another QEeltion, How fhould the body or blood ofChrift (thm ttn· derftood) be in thefoul ofaman? 0feft. 2 . We anfwcr, In the foul there is a double nature : I. A n humane natJire, as it is na– tural, &:filed with fin. 2. A Cbriftian,inward nature, animatecLby the Spirit of Chrift, ,.which we call the inwardman, the new man, which is fancrified by Regeneration. For the firfi, the fiHmarre nfltttrc, ~sit is natural, it is not in Ghrifr, nor is Chri£1: i~ it; it hath no being nor exifience in Gr.ace, or in Chrill, but is altogether void and dj:il:itute cf fpiritual life; and he~cc it is called the nawral man, the old ·man, th'e jlcjiJiy carnal man: For the fecond, the Chrijlian,imrard nature, it is upholden in the children of God, by things anfwerable to its nature; and to this inner fpiritual nature, indeed the Lord offers in his Sacrament, Chrift! body and blood, as its own proper food; Chnfl: therefore is in the foul * JPiritJrally, in the fpzritua/ part of it; it is the inn-er man, • Hit bcJJ a,d the fpiritunl natwc, thatreceivcs Chrifts body and blood. blond"'' n•r · dTcnci•lly •:td fubfianiull)' in us: Ghrijl c~r~r"UJ is o.1eiy in heaven; hRt be is really ancl'fpir~[Uatly in rhe fpir;tual p.1rt ofus. 3· Our next ~efl:ion follows, Holv is faith here to be exercifed)for the drawing down •JChri{h body and blood into oHr fouls? For anfwer of which, ·--··- . I. Faith looks upon Chrifi, as the treafury ant! common frock of Grace, in whorr dwells all fulncfs, all our fulnefs: Faith looks on him as the univerfal principle oflife, and rootofh<:Jlinefs : God gave not him the Spirit in meafure; no, It ple;:rfed the Father, ~hat m hwz all fu/nc(s jhou/d dwell: There is in him fulnefs, and all fulnefs ; wh~tfqever IS to be required in aMediator, is fully in him, yea, in hin;1 allf~tlnefs doth dwe/1: He ~s nothke a full veffcl , that now is·fu ll, and anon is emptied, it dwc//s in him, it is an mhabltant, a .reGdent, and a p~rmanent fr,/nefs: {v that Chrifi isf11ll, ~nd ever lhall be f•!l to the brm;; there is in him a[i<incfs of merit, for our jufiification, and a fu/nefs of fpmt, and hab1tual Graces, for our fanctification: Inhim are hid a// the trcf'Ji<res ofw•f– dom and /•viedge ( i. c.) v~fi heaps, for fome pieces of filver and gold, are not ma– Ji•res; ~1/ tbe treafi.rn, all the heaps of k_nowledge and wifdom that arc in the world, all arc mhun; he is a// in nil. • 2. Fait~ calls its eye on the promife , for the conveyance of Chrifi, and of Grace from Chnll.: Fa1th works by venue of the promifc; where there is no promife,thcre can be no fa1th; and therefore faith difcovers the promifc , Thttt ofhis J~tlnefs we flialt ;·ewvegracefor grace; That his body isgiven for'"' ; That his blood is fhed for m, 1mdfor "tny' for the remi!fion of fins: Hence the fchool~ admit of a double fulnefs (i.e.) Of ~ undance and red~endance: The promifc fpeaks not oncly of the fulncfs offib~tndance bn Ch~~\'hwhereby he is fuflicicntly'full in himfclf, but alfo of a [ulncfs of red1mdancc, . Yw IC e overflows and fills all his Saints : He is the well-head or fountain which l 's no.t onely full it felf, but fprings and flows ovor to the filling of the fire;ms be· 0\V Jt. . ;. faith' Colo[. r.16' Col. 2. 5 Jol!u i 2G