l'{al.lop,• Chap. Ij.Secr., 'i: 3. Faith looks upon this Ordinance ; as ~n inll:rument, a m'eans, which God hath fct up for the conveying of Chnfl:, and noun fhmcnt from Chrifr: in Zechary we finde mention of two olive branchis,which through ;wo golden pipes, emptied the golden oyl om •frhcmfrlves: \Ne may thus mterpret, Chrdl: IS the ohve-branch, and the olive-tree, and from whom comes all the golden oyl of Grace and fpmtual comfort. and he it is that empties it out of himfe~f, tnt? our hearts;. but hew? it is by his Ordinances, they be the golden pipes, by whtch tins golden oylts conveyed unto us: Chritl doth.not 'immediately empty the oyl mto our hearts, butfir(l into the golden pipes of his Ordinances, and fo through them mto us. ' . +· Faith being tt~elcd by fuch confiderations as thefe, it goes over to Chrill:, ~nd by vertue of the promtfc, draws down hts body and blood mto the foul; this therefore is the main work, to awaken, and to aCtuate our faith, to fet it on work upon Chrift and fo to draw forth the efficacy of Chrill: in the Sacrament: Lord, I believe that thy bodj wasgwenfor me, thy bloodjhedj'or me,andfor the rcmiJ!ion ofmyfins: Lord, I chM;fuily andgladly _believe, that I am not~ parta_kJr ofthy body .md biO()d,_, and that my fins are par– doned >n thy blood: . I bel,eve that Chrijfts mme, hu death >S nnne, hu rejierreEfion is mine, remijfion offin; u mme> p~trdon and heaven are mme: Lord :1 J ttecept, I believe tht: foaled pardon ofmyfin : . Lord, I believe that all Chrift, _whole Chrift is mine, from tcp to toe: Lotd, I be!tevehu perfon u mt~c, hu Godheadu mme, hu .Manhood is mme. Lord ·I believe hi; merit is mine> hi; verflte is mine> his benefits both of Grace and Glory a:e mint.~ L ord, I believe that in Ch;·ijl allfulnefs dwels, and that ofhisfulnefs I jha/1 receiw ernee for grace: L•rd, I believe that throttgh thisgolden pipe ofthe Lords-Supper, I jha/1 r;ce.ve the oo/den oyleojGrace j rom Chrift, now·be# tomeaccordmgto myfaith: Lord I beli;ve, help rbou my nnbelief: 0 come_ down mto my foul, tt~d fill it f11ll of the Lord Ch;ijf, of ihe body and blood ofChrifl. In thts manner, as one fatd of the tree of Chrill:s afcen– fion, though the fruit were high, and apove our reach, yet if we touch him by the hand offaith , and tongue ofprayer, all will fall down upon .us ·: So here, if we can but touch him with the hand of_faith·, though a. pallie hand , _though~weak and trembling hand, if we can but go to huu Wlth a praymg heart, Cl)nil: can Withhold nothing from us. . . By the way, this may difcover to us where the fault is; whcn•we return home, our faith never the more 1l:rengthned,our hearts never the more warmed, our Graces never the more nouriili~d., our corruptions_ never the moreweakned, our atfuranee never th• more hetghtned, tt tS a fhrewd fign,fatth dtd.not play Jts part m the Mo.mt: Faith was cotruil:ed in this imployment, to go over to Chrill: for thefe and the like benefits; but thy faith did fail in the undertaking: therefore God fufpends the bell:owing ofthefc benefits, becaufe thou fufpendell: the faith; --Well then, if thou fee not the fruit and. benefit thou cxpectcdll: to come into thy fohl, ill the ufe of rhis Ordinance, charge thy faith wi.th·it, a~d bewail the weaknetfe of it; and for .rhefuture, put it to its burthen, let 1t have tts full and perfect work, and then wtlt thou finde the.comfort and fruit of it: Never did faith touch Chrill: in any Oordinanac', but vertue came from him. SECT. 15. Of the e.~e-"ife ofThank..Jgiving. THe heart being warmed, and growing hot with the fenfe of Gaels goodnefs, a m:m fhould then break out, and ~ve vent to his heart, i.n magnifying the mercy of God for the death of Chrill:, and the fruit thereof commnieatcd to us. Now this duty of Praife and Than"-.fgivinjf is actuated-····· r. By our private ejaculations:· 011rfouls jh~uldprai(c him , 1nd all that is within"' jhould praife his holy na1ne; cfpecrally our affeCIJOns of JOY and love fhould tall:e largely of God. We iliould to this purpofe now and then cafi up fuch a dart as this to heaven, We praifc thee, 0 God, tve r<c/zyewledge thee to be the Lord, & c. 2. By our publicland joynt praifes: Minifrer and people fhould both lift up their voyces, withglory to God ort high, on earth peace, good>rill toward men. 3. By our finging ofP{alms: Thus Chrill:, and his Apoll:les after the celebration of the Lords Supper, theyJimg an Hymn or Pfalm; and fome fay, it \vas one of. Davids Pfalms, which was to prcfent purpofe; (the Jews at their Palfeover ufed there Pfalms, Pf'Ji;tJ. II3. to 119. which theycalled th~grearA!Ielujah) but,othersfay, it~t:,a: