Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

'Pfalm compofed by Chrill: himfclf, containing the myfkry of his Paffion: howfo,ev,er, learn we our duty, as at other ttmes, fo at th1s efpwally: to ling unto God a'f~t11t Allehtjah. , . . . . 4 • Byour obedima, by devotmg, and g1vmg up our fclves to Chnfl?to be at the w1ll of him, who is our fovera1gn Lord. The proof and life ofThankfg1vmg, IS Tl?ar. kJ– doinq · the life of thankfulnefs, 1s the good life of the thankful: Do we pra1fe God for hi; excellency? that lhiC1ly , is the object of praife: or do we thank God for his goodneffe? thatHnCtly IS the object of thankfgivtn~: 0 then let 1t appear, that we acknowledge GodmChnft to be fuch a one as we fay mour praifes ; and that we ftand bound,and beholding to him indeed, as we fay in our tban/zi. Let uscarry our felves in our life towards him, as to God, who onely is excellent, who only is God, our· God, the God of our life and f~lvation. SECT, . 17. Of the cxcrcifc of Mercy '"'d Love. J. oUr mercy mufl: be exercifed tO the poor aCCOrding to their neccflities and Ollf abilities; onely with this caveat, that we give in faith, and chearfulnefs, and fpiritual difcrLtion in preferring the Saints. 2. Our love mufl be actuated--···- !. In rcfpcCt of ail mm, not onely by doing them good, as we have opportunity, but ifthey be wicked, by pitying their fouls, and by unfeignedly defiring (even at this Sacrament) the converfion of them. , , . . , . . Col• . 1 - z. In refpect of o1t-rcnemies; by forgwmg, andforgettmg ail mymes, by praymg for Mat.\.:~· them, as Chrifl: hath commanded. J. In refpect of the Saints, by delighting in them, M the mofl excellent ofthe earth,the omly nue worthies ofthe world, worthy for ever ofthe flower, and fervency,and dearnefs of our muft melting affeCtions and intimate love, by fympathizing with them in their felicities and miferies -, Rejoyce with them that rejoyce, and mourn !Pith them that It,m. •· S mo11rn. 4· In refpeCt of Chri!t, by having a communion with him, and a fuller injoyment of him, to this purpofe confider the greatnefs of the benefit we have by his death, the fmallnefs·of our dcfert of fo great a benefit, and the glorioufnefs of the perfon of Jefus Chrifl: for all are here in this Sacrament iR a fingular degree , and for them Chrifl de– firves our love in the higheft degree that we can !hew it in: hence the Church in Canticles can find no names fo fit whereby to call Chrifl: as thefe; him whJm her (oulloveth, her Cll/lt. J 2,. beloved, and her wcibeloved, it is admirable what pleafure !he takes in defcribing, and talking ofhis rare excellencies: here is her full contentment,and the height of her joy, :md peace, that !he is able to fay, my weI beloved is mine, and I am his. Certainly were Canr:•· rf our hearts truly fpiritual, did our fouls but tall how good the Lord is, were our eyes , opened to fee him at the right hand of God, cloathed with all beauties of holinefs, ~lory; and majefiy, it could not be but that our fins would be moll vile, and defpicable m o~r efteeme, and nothing but Chrill: would appear worthy of our love, delight, and admiratiOn. · ' SECT. 18. Of Examination after Sacrament, and the refulr,ifnot a good day. ·THus far of the Duties both before, and at the time of the Lords Supper : .Now . follows the Dmies after Sacrament, and they are thefe, -···· { Ex11mination. Thankjulnefs• .Obedience. hz. Aman is ferioufly and faithfully to confider,after he hath bin at the Lords Supper, W at entertat~ment and welcome God hath given him? what comfort? what en– '!eafing_ of F~tth and· Grace? what quickning? what refrelhmcnt? what affurance? what fncndfhtp, and what communion with Chrift? what vertue he bath found tG flow out of Chnfl: tnto his foul ? - Now iful'on f~ch Examination,aman have fourid no joy,no co.hfort,no enlargement! nocomm'unionwlth, noranfwcr fromChrift; butonthccontrary 1 hisheart full ot 0 o deadncfs,