Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Chap.l4· Se& r. l0raper. 283 --~----------------- the baclcof his dear Son, a11d]hall I ;.gain lay more load on him? Hath hefpoksn peace to me in his 0 1 ·dmance;, and ftud! (again return tofolly l No3far be it from me: I ha'!Je wafbed my feet, how]ball I again drfile them? I have put off my coat, how Jba!l I again put it on L Get we our hearts further lhengthened to fervice : In this Ordinance is a mutual fealing of Covmants between God and us; he feals to the firft part of the Covenant, Fardon, Mmy, Grace, and we mull: feal to the fec?nd part of it, Service., SubjeCiion, Obedience. God gives Chnll: to us, and we 'are to g1ve our fdvcs back agam to Chnft . As there is matter ofBounty from God to us,fo there IS matter of Duty from us to God: There was never any fou l, to w\lom God faith in this Ordinance, I r.m thine, whofe heart did not eccho again to the fame God, Lord, I am thiru. Let us then labour tq, oet our hearts further ftrengthened to fervice. And thus much concerning our duties b efore, in, and after the Sacniment of the Lords Supper. CHAP. XIV. SECT. 1. Of Preparatives to Prayer. Hltherto ofall the dmies in reference onely t~ Jeerer, private or p11bliks Ordinances?. now follow fuch d1mes, as have reference Jvyntly to all three, and they are i Praying. r ordinary, as Reading the Word. either~ Suffering. • 1 Fall:in · extraordmary,as F a· g. ea mg. The firll: of thefe duties is prayer, in which (as in the fvrmcr) there is required fome things ' { 1. Antecedent. 2. Concomitant. 3. ~ ubfequent. I • . There is fomething required before, ' v,z.. Prepanmon; fiftspattly . S Removingimpedimcnts. 111 2 Ufing the means. now this Preparation conr. The impedimeirts to be removed are thefe ! --- I. We mull: lay afidc all carnal thoughts, and w6rldly cares, which might diflra{l: our mincls: Keep thy foot when th>ugoeft to Gods ho11(e, faith Solomon; q. d, look with what affection and difpofition thou comell: to God in prayer. . 2. We mull: pm off ourjhoes (i,c.) remove our.pollutions and corruptalfe{l:ions, as carnallull:s, anger, and doubting : I will that nicn pray e"Jery lVhere,lifring up holy hands, · withollt lVrath and donbting. 3: We mult avoid furfetting and drunkennefs, which makes the heart duli and hea. vy: Ta~ heed to y01erJelves,left at any rime your hearts be overcharged with fwfeting rmd d~unk.fnefs, ~nd the cares of this world; with ordinary prayer we mull: joyn a moderate diet, and With extraordinary fall:ing. .+ \Ve mull: cait offour fins: I willwajh my hands in innocciicy, ttnd fo will! compafs thme Altar, 0 Lord. 5·. We mull: draw ~If from prayer, from i~ it, or tru.fling upon it; a man may pra1 much, a~a Ill ll:ead of drawing nigh to God, ot enjoymg fweet communion wtth Chrtfl, he may draw nigh tp prayer, his thoughts may be more upon his prayer, then uppn God to whom he praycs, a·nd he nwj live more up'on his cufhion, then upon 0 o :1. Chrifl:: Eccle[ S·' , r:... •.a