Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

~raper. Chap. 14.Se& + --~-------------------------------------- and our brethren; an1 we are t'o believe that he will fo far forth gram them ; Thus our Saviour prayed in the hkc cafe, 0 my Father, iftt be pojfible , l<t th11 Ci<f p~fsfr•m me, Mat. t6. 39 neverrhclcfl' nut t'A I wt/1? bs~t as t~Jon wtlt . . . . , In Humility· whtch ts denved "b humo, from the ground; tnttmatmg, that when G,n. 18. 17 t1ni J ~. 10 2 s.,m o. :;.1 If>• 6. s·· Ez·" p.o weJpray we fhould humble our fclvcs, as it were to the ground: Thus the Chriftians ·n the e;ftern Churches were wont to cafl: themfclves dowh to the ground, when they ~alled upon God: !hus r. brah.un acknowledged himfelf but duj/ and nfLes; Thus 'Jacab confeffea himfclf lt{s tl•cn the le11jl ofall Gods mercm; thus Davtd profcffcd, that he tvOI!id bc vile bcforethe Lord; thus IfaMh crycd out, I am a man ofunclum ltps, tmd I dwel in the midfl of a people of unclean hps: Thus Ez..ra prayed, 0 my God, I am a~luuned , ~nd blJiflJto bft up myf~u to thee, my God, for our imquities are i~creafed over our head and our trefpa[s IS grown "P tmto the Heavens: Thus the Centunon, Lord I Mar. s. 8 '""not w:rthy that thot<jho~tldj/ come under my roof:. Thus the woman of Syrophemci", confcffcth her felf a dog mcompanfon of the Ifraelttcs; and thus the pordtgal recetvcd 10 favour , confcffcth himfdf unworthy to becalkd a [on: Here's a cloud of witnelles, concluding that H mmlit)' in the heart IS reqmfitc mprayer. . 4 . In Revermcc of the majcfl:y of God : . Servethe Lord wtth reverenre_, ~<nd rejoyce P{al. 2 .u with trembling: The bleffed Angels bcmg mGods prefcnce, and foundtag forth hts praifc, arc defcribed, as having fix wings, whereeftwo p~ir ferve tocover thnrf~ccs and Ifa. 6. , rheirfeet, hereby bwl:pting thm· wondcrful.reverencc ofGod: How much more fhould we, who inhabit thcfc houfcs ofclay, ( fubJcCt to mfin~uttes, and corrupted wnh fin) be ftrickcn with an awful rcvcre~cc of Ahmghty God? dtd we confider our felves to be in the midll: ,f Angels, before the Glld of Angels, performing .the like exercife as the Angels, how would this fl:rike us with a rc"!er~ncc ofthis great King of heaven? 5 . In Ardency, orf crvemy of Spirit; thts gtves wmgs to our prayers, and caufeth them toafcend before God; this fets on work all the graces of Gods Spirit, and the more fervent the rrayer is, the more they arc intended, aCtuated, incrcafed : I mean not thus of every fervency ; there is a fervency of faith, and a fervency of mecr natural defircs: In this latter , there is no holinefs, no fire of the Spirit, but in the former there is: When Chri!l: lived upon earth, many came to him, and fame were ex– ceedinglyimpor~na~ to be healed, or to have Devils call: out, &c. .now ifhean– fwered their requefis , hts ufual phrafc was, Be •t umo thee (not accordmg to the im– portunity and fervency , but) according to thy faith; IJ· d. I heed not, I regard not this clamor and earncfl:ncfs, if it be onely out of meer natural dclires, but if it be out of Fat:h; ifbelidcs !enfe of need , you have in you a true hope of mercy, thcu be it tmto thee accordmg to that: This fervency is fet out in the Word by divers lignificant phrafcs; fometimcs it is called a t·rying <mto the Lord, thus Mofes cryedunto the Lord, and Sanmel cryed llnto the Lord, and Eliah ·cryed unto the Lord, and lfaiah nyed unto the Exo:i. 8 -, z Lord, fomctimes" crvin~ m<g·hti!JI: Let man and beajJ be covered with rac~doth, and 1 Sam. 7· 9 / 6 f J• 1Kin'5 17. er)' mightily unto God: fometimesa Lifting up o. our prayers;, l~herefore lift up thy prayer 20 , . ,,. for the remnant that ts left, fatd He:r..ekJah to lfa•~h: fometJmes apourir.gforth our f ouiJ 2 /Onts , before the Lord liks Water; 0 wall of the daughter ofZiort,---- pollr orst thy heart liks IV1ttcr Jonah >• 8 before the f~<cc of the Lord: Th11s the Ijraelites drew water, mtdpo~<red it out bef orethe Ifa . 37•4 Lord, andfafled 011 that day, andJaid there.' We have finned againff the Lord: fometimcs 7";.:~~;: 9 6 a groamng m fpmt, or groans of the fpmt; The Spmt Jt jelfmalt.;th interccjfion f or us, Jt""· 8. z5 ~ithgr.anings which cam10t be rmered: fometimes a prt•ying e>:cecdingly · fomtimes a 1 'flu/.;. 10 prayingfervemly; fometimes ajlriving with God: Now I befeechyou brethren: f or the Col. •· 12 Lord 'JejitrChrij/sfaks, and f or the love oftht Spirit, that you ftrive together with me in gom. rs. ;o your pr•yersto God forme: fomctimes a wrej/lingwith God: Thus Jacob wrcjlled l~ith en. p . 2 ~ a man (i.e.) with God in from ofa man, until/ the breAking of the dt~.y : ------All thefe phra:es do fer forth the excellency, the ncceffity of this arde~tcy , fervency of prayer, reqmred mthe D~~ty. SE CT. 4· The duties of the Body in Pra)'er. 'lfHusfar oft~ dHties of the foul in prayer; as for bodily cxercife (of it fclf) it .ll. profitcth ltttle: but if joyned with the foul, it is of great illlporrancc; Therefore glorifie Go4 m your body, and inyour Spirit, for both are Gods. The Duties ofthe bodY. may be reduce~ N thefc two heads : The 1Tim: 4. 8 r Cor.6. 20· '