P[al. 38. 9 rj'.•• 38 14 Rom. 8. 16 Chap. 14.Se&.4. { The geO:ure of the body. The fpcech of the mouth. Concerning the lirli; in publick prayer we are to follow the cullom of the Church wherein we live, if it be w•thout fcondal and fuperfbtton: In pnvate prayer we may take our liberty, fo that our geflurc be correfpondent to the affeC1wns and difpofitions ofthe foul. ..•. In Scripture we read of thefe fcveral gcftures: r. Stm,ding, which is a tokenof reverence andfervice, 2Kings 5· 25. 1 Sam. 16. 21. 1 Kings 1o. 8. Job 29.7,8. Cm. 18. 22. 2Chron. 20.5. Pfal, 134·1· Lt,k§ 18. 13. Mark§ 11. 2 6. 2. ](neel<ng, which is a .token of our humility and carneftnefs in prayer, Pfal, 95 . 6 • 2 Chron. 6. q. Dan. 6. 10. AEfs 7· 6o. and 9. 40. and 20. 36. Luk§ 22. 41 . 3 . Projlration, or fallmg on the ground, or fallmg on the face, a geflure of the greatelt humiliation, though not ufed among us in thefe parts of the world, Numb. 16. 2 2. Jojh. 5· q .. Ez.<l9. 8. and 11, I 3· Mat. 26. 39· +· Stttmg, lyml[, lMik!ng, riding journ<)'i"~ , in fome cafes, 2 Sam. 7· I8. 1Kings 19. _4· lfa, 38. 2. FfaL. 6. (j. G'en: 24. 26. 2 Chron. 18. 31. 5. Vnco~ermg of the head 111111m, covering of th: head in women, whiCh Is a token of fubJCC1JOn, 1 Cor. 11.7, 10. .Rev.4. 10. 6. Liftingup r.71d t·aj/ing down ofthe eyes, the former being a token of faith, the latter ofdejedio~ andhumiliation, Pfa1.I2J. 1. .#at. I4. I9. J•hnri.fl .. and 17.1. L 11k_, I8. 1 3 • 7· Liftmg ,p,or ftrctchmg f orth ofrhe h11nds; exprdTing humdny and carnefl affeC1ion : and k__nocki~g them on the breaft, which betokens guilt, and carncli defire of pardon E xod, 9· 33· Pfal. 143· 6. I Kings 8. 22. Pfa!m I43· 2. Lam. 3· 4I, Luk; 1 8. 13 '. L~tk§23. 48. . Concerning the fecond; viz.. Thevoyce orJleech ofthe month; it is necelfary in Church or family, and mofl: convenient in private: Now the voyce ufed in prayer, is either .) Inarticulate. ? .Articxl~ete. I. The in~rtiwlate is that which is uttered in fighing~ groaning and weeping: Lo-td, all my defi,·e is before thee;· 11nd my groamng " not htd from thee, faith D 11 vid; and Heukjah profeffeth, That he did chatter Lik§ a t·r~ne or a (wallow, and did mot&rn likJ" dow; A nd the Spirit himfelf mak.;th inttrceffion for'" with groanings, which cannot be mtered. 2. The articulate voyce,is the external fpeech it fclf,whereby the prayer is expre!fed, wherein three things are confiderable: { £2.!!antity.. J0!.ality. Forme. I. For f:0.antity, we mufl: net affect prolixity, as iffor multitude of words we looked to be heard. -WhenY' pray, ufe not vain repetition, as the heathen do : The Heathen thought, that their gods did not always hear, as being otherwifc imployed, ( fo Elias told Baals Priefls) and therefore they ufed to repeat the fame, things often, that if they did not hear them at one time, they might hear them at another time ; thus Chriltians mufl not pray,thcy mufr not lengthen their prayers, as conceiving that either God hears not , or that he will hear for the lengths fake; but on the other fide, where is variety of good matter, uttered with the attention of minde, and vigor of affe{lion, there the longer we continue in prayer, the better it is. 2. For f:0.ality, we need not be curious in refpe{l of the flile, God looking to the heart, rather then the fpeech : As it is not the loudnefs of a Preachers voyce , but the weight and holincfs of the matter, and fpirit of the Preacher, that moves a wife and intelligent hearer ; fo not gifts, but graces in prayers, are they that move the Lord: The reafon, prayer moves not God as an Oratour , but as a childe moves his Father: two words of achilde humbled, and crying at his fathers feet, will prevail more then penn'd orations : it is the meaning of the Jpirit that God looks unto, more then the expreffions, for the groans are faid to be unutterable, Rom. 8. 26: yet mufr we not be more carelefs and negligent for the manner of fpecch, then we would be, if we were t() fpeak to a mortal man : ifye offer the blindefor Jarrifice, is it not evil .' and if ye offer th< lame andfick.., is it not evil .'offer it now unto thy Governour, will he be pleafed with thee, or accept thy perfon ? J~ith the Lord ofhofts, Mal. I. 8. . , 3· For the Form: We are not tyed to any [et-form, nor are we fo tyed to conce1ved prayer, as that it mufl be without all ftudy or mesitation, either againfl the inflant, or i n former ti1~es: A man many conceive a prayer ex tempore, and yet Without Enthufiafin~