Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

··'/ Chap. q. SeCl-.5 ,6. Enthufiafms , or cxtraordinory revelations: viz.. by.the help of his_former /h)dies· and Meditations: and that I may afford fomc help,that way, I /hall m conclufion_of this Chapter, lay down a Directory for prayer, together with a form of prayet (though broken) in Scripture-phrafes. SECT. )· Dmies after Prayer. 3 . 1 He Duties fubfequent, which follow after prayer;are thefe : --,-· ., . 1 • ~\ietly to reil m the good Will and pleafure ofGod, not doubtmg but th<:. Lord hath heard our Prayers, and m good t1mc fhallgrant that which fhall be mofl: for his glory nnd our good ; and this is the meaning of the word .Amen, \!,herewithwe fcal up our prayers. . . . .. . _ . 2 . D•ligenrly to ufe all good means for the obtammg ofour fu1ts; as 1f I pray for faith, or, any other fpiritual Grace, I mufl: befides prayer, ufe all good means carefully, which the Lord hath ordained for the begetting and encreafing of thofe graces iri us, os hearing the Word preached, receiving the Sacrament, reading the Word, and meditating on it, otherwife, our prayers arc a tempting of God, as if he mull: gr;mt, not by means, but by miracles. 3 • Carefully to look after our prayers, and to call: up our coming~ in, and gainings by prayers, othcrwifc we arc like foolilh VenttJrers, who have a great ll:ock a going, but look not after their returns: In the mormng I will direft my praprs, and look._up :] Pfal. S· ~· There are two military words in the vcrfc, David would not onely pray, but marjhal up his p>·ayerJ, put them in array, and when he had done fo, he would be as a jpy upon a tower, to fee whether he prevailed, whether he got the day: For the better unfolding this myltery ofgrace, I /hall propound and give.Anfwcr to fomc Qgcry's or cafes of Confcience, as:-- .. I. Suppofe I have prayed, how fhall I alfurcdly know that God hears, and will an– fwcr in his own time? 2. Suppofc the thing I defired !hall not be anfwcred, how may I alturedly know that qod notwithfl:anding doth hear my prayers? . 3.. Suppofe after prayer I obferve all I can, and I can by no means difcern, that ei– ther God will anfwer,or doth hear my prayers,what fhall I do then? 4· Suppofe the thing I defire is anfwered, how may I affuredly know it was at my prayers, or out of common providence? , 5; Suppofe that others joyned with me in thofe prayers now anfwered, how /hall I know that my prayers had an hand in obtaining thofeanfwers, as well a3 any others? , 6. Suppofe I am alfured upon former obfervations, that God hath heard·aiid an– fwered my prayers in their particulars, what mufl: I do then? SECT. 6. The firfl Cafe: Suppofe I have prayed, how may I af{uredly that God hears, and will anfwer in his own time? V. v· ~ may reroive this cafe, by fome obfervations before prayer ' in prayer, llnil . r after prayer. . . . I; Bifore prayer: When God prepares the heart to pray, when he poursilpon :t mat} a Spmt of.Gr.dce and Supplication, a praying di(pofition; when he puts in motives, fuggells .2;rgu~ents a?d pleas unto God, as materials (or prayer ; all which you Jhall find t~c~~e. m read1ly, and ofthemfelvcs; and that likewife with a quickning heat, and enlarge{Tlcnt of alfedions, with a lingring, and longing, and rcftlefnefs of Spirit, to pour outthe foul unto God: this is a fign that God lends his ear,and will return arrffwc~s ', Tko" .wilt _prepare their heart ; thou wilt cm<Je thine ear to hear; q. d: Thou P[al. io. i1; ,halhwhnefl: th,e heart,, .and compofeft it into a praying frame, and that is a fign, Lord, t att .ou meanefl: to hear. . . 2 ·.Jnpr~yer:: . As .1 •• when God drarl>S nigh,.dnd reveals him\elfto tlly foul, in and upon fuch or fuch ,a p~rpcular petition , _whe)l God fmiles upon t 1 hec, welcomes thee, falls ~bout t~y neck an_d.. kiffeth thee; when no fooner thou corn fl into !its prefence to enbqmre ofhtm, b~t he .tays, Here I am, as the promife is, l(a. 58. 9· thjs thou art to 1 r 4 : st.l' c fcrve as a fign that he hears thy prayer, and acceptS both'thee and' it:· Huzr me PP jpeedilj