Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

P[a!. 28. 6. P[al.n6.1,2· P[al. 6. a. P[al. 66, 13, •4• 19• prayers, what caufe lr'all: thou but to think it was granted for thy own prayers, arid not for thcirs only? It may be indeed that God heard thee the fooner through the help of theirs prayers: I lz_now thu jl!a/1 turn to myfalvat<on, throughyour prayers, faid Paul : but if Gofl fiirs up thy heart to pray for thy fdf, as well as others pra)l for thee, then God that gave thee an heorr to pray, ha~h heard thy P.rayers alfo, and hath had a re– fpect to thee as well(1f not more then)to others,becaufe 1t concerneth thy fclf efpecially. as being a more fpcc,al mercy to thee then to others. SECT. I r. The fb:th Cafe: Suppofe I am a/Jured 11pon former obfervlltirm, that God bath heard and anfwered my prayers in their particulars, what mnft I do then? WE may refolve this C.•fe, by laying open the duties appertaining to fuch a foul: Art thou now alfured of anfwer and return of thy prayers, it is thyduty then---– r. To be thankful to God for hisgoodnefs: Ble!fed be the Lord(faith David) becau(e he heard the voiceoflny S~<pplicatiom. 2. To love God the more, and to refolve with confidence to call upon him fo mnch the more: I love the Lord, becaufe he bath heard the voyce ofmy fn!'Piication ; becaufe he bath melined his ear to ""• therefore will I call upon him as long as I live. 3· To have fueh a deportment and demeanour ever after, as is fuitable to fuch who have commerce and enterourfe with God; ~s, To departfrom fin, to apply our beam to obedience, and to pay nil ourvuws: Awayfrom meye work_ers of i~Jiquity, God ('ath heard the voice of my weeping: -------.Ami /will pay thee my vows which my lips have Httered;-----– For God hiuh heard me. SECT. 12. )l DireEfory for Prayer.: I Promifed in conclufion ofthis Chapter, to lay down a Directory, and a brokenot interrupted Scripture-form of prayer : For the former, I ihalt i;lraw this following Schcarnc,_ · ,., ·)