Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Numb. 16.22 l[a. 42, s A""' 4· I~ Amos 9· 6 Vcut o6. rs I King.- 9. 29 P{Af, J4fo1 J. 2 3 Numb.1' >4 R.,m. 7• r9 Rom. P3,21 t9rapet. Chap.14.Sea.• 3. · r . . . ~ Redemption, I EleCtion, with alt the Voc11tion: golden chain of Graces Juftificarion. ·1 hanging thereon; as, (. Smtflijication. · rSpirituaf ·· Hope ofglory. I <I Word, Sacraments, Sabbaths, Ordinances, li. Thankfgibours of the learned. S ving for] Power over fin, Satan, ollr own felves. l blcffings ~ I Creation. 1 Continual prefervation~ c Temporal Life, health,.peace, pr!)fpeiify, plen.ty, &c. 1Deliverance from Judgements, Natr<>nal and· j Perfonal. . cVictory over the Churches enemies. Sect. r. .Af orm ofPrayrr ihSmjfllrt·phr~fe.J N this form obferve ..... r, A dcfcription of God, . 0 God the God ofthe fpirits of all flefh....... Who hall: created the heavens, and flretched them out, who hall: fpread forth the earth and that which cometh out ofit, who givefi: breath unto the people upon it, and fpirit to them that walk therein.~ \Vi<o haft formed the mountains , and created the wind, and deciarefi: unto man what is his thoughts, who makefi: the morning_ darknelfe , and treadefi: upon the highelt places of the earth. ..... Who art clothed wrth honour nnd Majelly ...... Who covercfr thy felf with a light as with a garmeAt, who Iayefi: the beams of thy chambers in the waters, who makefi: the clouds thy char.ets; who walkell: upon the wirgsof the wind...... \Vho hall meafured the waters rn the hollow of thy hand, and meeted out heaven with thy fpan, who comprehendel! the dull: of the earth in a meafure, and weighell: the mountains in fcales, and the hills in a balance, ----Who givefi: the fun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the fiar$ for a light by night, who dividefl: the fea when the waves thereofroar. ----·-· Who madell: the feven-Jl:ars and Orion, and turnefi the ihadow ofdeath into the morning; and makeft the day dark with night. ___:. Who hal! built thy llories in the heaven, and hall: founded thy troop in the earth, who callell for the waters of the fea , and pourell: them out upon the face of' the earth.... . 2. A begging of mtdicnce, Look down from heaven thy holy habitation ..... Have thou refpect unto the prayer of thy fervants ; to hearken to the cry, aad to the prayer which thy fervants pray be– fore thee this day. -·- Let our prayer be fet forth before thee as incenfe, and the lifting up of our hands as a morning facrifice..... · ; , A confrffion ofthe.fimofOl<rjirft parents, and of o11r originalpoiiHtion, \Ve confelfe 0 Lord thou createdll: our firlt parents in thine own image, and breathcdll: into their noflriis the breath oflife, but the ferpent lieguilcd them, and they did eat of the forbidden fruit: whereby all mankigd (being then in their Ioyns) aifo finned, and now come fhort of the glory of God.--·--- And befides that fin which is im– puted to us, we find in us inherent a proclive difpolition to all manner of evil ; we are rifen up in our fathers ftead an increafe.of finful men, to augment yet the fierce anger of the Lord towards us. ····- We know Lord, that in us, that is in our l!eih , dwellcth no good thing, forthough to will be prefen't with us, yet perform that which is good we find not....... We fee another law in our member~ warring againll:thebw of our minds, and bringing us into captivity to the law offin which is in our members. 0. wretched men that we arc, who fhall deliver u~ from 'the body of this death?~ 4.. A t'otifrffion •f a[fJud tranfgreJJiom in thoHghr, word, and deed, And yet 0 Lord, to fill up the Jlleafure ofour condemnation, to this fin orgi11al we havo