Chap.14.Se&.I 3· have added fins actual: who can fay I have made my heart clean? I am pure from my fin? {inners we arc by imputation'. having the fm of our lirll: parents charged upon us; !inners by real communicatiOn, bemg he1rs to our forefathers corrupt1on, and /inners by acrualcommiffion. ····••· \Vc have finned m.thought: our fouls whiCh fhould have been fcafoncd with fweet med1tat1ons on thy goodndfe, ancl mercy, and grace, and heavenly things, they arc and have been Fcftred'and affai!cd with the black and hcllifh thoughts of athciGn, defpa1r, _cllf-content, blafphemy, and foul-vexmg fears. 0 what a world of ignorance,_ vamty ofmmdy; d1f-ell:eem of thy mercy, mneroufneffe, clifcontcnt , unbelief, m1f-mtcrpretmg the Lords domgs, felf-confidence, and fohtary mufings on the temptati?ns ofSatan have ncll:led mto our h~arts? thou Lord feell: that . the wickcdneffe ofman IS great upon earth, and that every nnag111at10n of the thoughts o,n. 6. s of his heart is onely evil continually.····· \Ve confcll: Lord,we have finned in word; our tongues which lhould have been as truml'ets toha~c founded thy praife, they h~ve been deeply guilty of li>lafphemy, murmurmg_, fweanng, forfwearmg, lymg, Oandenng, rayling, revilwg, brawlmg, fcoffing, boalhng, d1fcovenng of fccrets, defenfe of fin, flattery, giving ill councel, fowing feeds of d1fcords amongll: neighbours, foolilh jelling, idle words, finful fllence, rafh cenfurmg~, behold how great a matter a little lire kindlcth, the tongue IS a fire, a world of m1qmty, --····· 1t hath defiled our whole Jr.m. 3· S, 6' bodies, and hath fet on fire the courfe of nature, and it is fet on fire of hell , 0 Lord, if !Jar. "· 3 , of every finful word, and of every idle word we mull: one day give acount, v;hat a fearful account have we to make? If we ju~ilie our felves, our own mouths will con- Job 9 . , 3 demn U$ •••••• the heaven fhall reveal our 1mqu1ty , and the earth !hall nfe up agamtl: J 0 us. ___:__ \Ve confefs Lord, we have finned in deed: witnefs our worldlinefs, and ' zo. •7 covetoufncfs, and pride, and malice, and lull:s,and lukewarmnefs, and impatiency, and difcontcntednefs, anil vain-glory, and felf-lovc: 0 the wrongs we have done, 0 the goods we have ill gottcn, and the time we have mirpcnt, and the Sabbaths we have prophaned ! 0 the pollutions~ dill:empers, ell:rangcdnefs from God in our fouls ! 0 the villanics, vanities, and rebellions of our whole hfe! 0 Lord, we may as well number Pfal. S•· 8 the Stars as our fins , but thou knowell: them all, thou hall: fct our iniquities before thee, our fecret fins in the light of thy countenance. ). A confcjfion offins before andfincc converfioJ1. Ancl however thou hall: been pleafcd of thy rich mercy in Chrill:, to tranOate fome of us from darkncfs w light, yet Lord how infinitely did we fin before our converfion? 0 our omiffions of good duties in that gracclefs time, which were as large as the duties e"joyned in all thy Commandements! 0 the acrual fins, and grofs iniquities, and heynous crying crimes we then committed with all manner of grecdinefs! 0 we can- J'b 1 s. 16 not but ray out of our own experiences, abominable and filthy is man, which drinketh iniquity like water.--- For our iniquities arc grown over our head, and as an Pfa/. 38. 4 heavy burthen they are too heavy for us to bear.-- But that which infinitely addes to our fins, how have we finneci fince converfion by our many relapfes, and frailties and falls? _Alas Lord!our profitable and pleafing finnes in former times have broken in dpon us agam and agam; and notwlthll:andmg we have confeffcd, and prayed, and promifcd yet ll:ill we have relapfcd and backOiden; in our holy things we have been pell:red with wandrings ~nddill:racrions of heart, with coldnefs, and dulnefs, and unprofitablenefs, toth1s day mnumerable fins pafs by us that we take no notice of, fo that we cannot but With ho!y David complain, who can underf!and his crrours? Lord c!eanfc us from our Pfal. I 9· rz fecret faults. ' 6. A confcffion offins agai::fllight ofkziowlcdgc, check,} ofconfi:icncc, vows, promifos, . law, Gojpel, &c. But 0 the aggravation, that we fhould fin againll: knowlcdg; that we fhould abuf~ the good g1fts of God, a~d !!Urn his grace into wantonnefs, that we fhould finne againll: Jude 4 ; our Covenant many a time renewed; that we fhould grieve that good fpirit of God Eph. 4· 30 whereby we arc fealcd unto the day of Redemption : that we lhould wrong the blcffed ?ame of God, h1s Word, Religion, and profcffion of godlincfs; that in the land of upnghtnefs we fhould deal unjull:ly, and not behold the Majclly of the Lord: this' 1[ 1 • 2 6. 10 makes our fins become exceeding linful. ....• We confefs Lord, we have finned againll: the Law, we have broke all the Commandements, from.the firll: to the !all: ; and now .0 our God' what !hall we fay after this? ---We confefs Lord, we have finned li<_ra 9. to ~q • ~~~