R~m. r. 16 l)[a'. p. 1 lipb. 6. •• Phi/. 3.8 Chap. •4-Sect.. ;r againfl the Go'fpel; we are afhallled of th~ Gofpcl of Chrill, though it be the power of God unto falvation to every one that belteveth, --We have not thirlled after Chrilt , our fouls have not panted after him, as the Hart that pants after the water brooks. --We have not loved the Lord Jefus in fincerity, we have not confidered him as the fwectnefs of our hearts, and life. of our fouls.- We have not counted all things lofs and dung for the excellency of the knowledge of Chrill Jefus our Lord.---- . \Vctake nopains to know him, and the power of his refurrection, and the fellowlhip qf h1s fuffcnngs , or to be made conformable to th1s death.-- We h1dc as it were 10 our faces from him, and will not have him reign over us. - - - \Ve have not believed If.• H· 3 'the promifcs offalvation, nor relyed upon Chrift for juflification, fanClification, and If• 14. 7 falvation : 0 Chnll, there is none of us that ftirreth up himfelfto take hold of thee.--– R ev, l.'l 21 P[•l. p. S J.r. S·3 Ez·a9 •> L~nt. 'to2:2 lf•· >8. 17 l),'UI 29, ~0 Dtut. :P·42 P{al, ~-'7 >Jdu••·9 Prw. 28. IJ Jer, 3· n Jfo{. I· •s Jo 3J->?,28 1er. 14.20 Jcr. so. 4, s E~cf<.. 7· 17 Iize~. ;6. 26 P{al. 102. 9 Nab••·? Ro[eo 14.2,! And howfoevcr Lord , thou haft given us fpace to repent of all our abominations that we have committed, yet we have not repented.-- \Vc confefs not our tranfgreffions tmto the Lord , that thou mightdl: forgive the iniquity ofour fin. --· Thou hafl in– deed flricken us, but we have not grieved; thou hall confumed us, but we have refufcd to receive correction; we have made our faces harder then a rock, and have refufed to return. - - But above all, 0 the infolencies, and outrages and cxcclfes, and tyrannies of our bofomc-fins, ofour darling-delights ! thcfe are they that rage, and tyrannize it over us more then any of the rell.- Thcfe are as our right hands, and right eyes, and we are loath to cut them off, or pluck them out. --- 7· An acutjing, jttdging, and condemning our[elves. And for all thcfc fins, thou our God haft punifbcd us lcfs then our iniquities de– ferve.------- It is of the Lords mercy that we are not confumed, and becaufe hi> com– paflions fail not.------ If thou fhouldeftlay judgement to the line, and righteoufncfs to the plummet,----- thou mightcft make thy anger and jealoufic to fmoak againtt us, and all the curfes that arc written in thy book thou mightcftlay upon us, and blot out our name from under heaven.--· 'Thou mightefl make thy arrows drunk w ithblood, and thy fword might devour flefh from the beginning of revenges;----- thou mighteft give usour porrion with the wicked that are turned into hell, and all the nations thatforget God.-- 8. H~tmiliation, or monrning f ar (i11. But Lord, thou haft faid, if we confe'fs our fins, thou art faithful and juft to forgive us our fins , and to clcanfe us from all our unrightcoufncfs. ---Thou haft promifed, he that tovereth his fins !hall not profpcr, but he that confelfcth and forfaketh his fins fhall have mercy.---- Thou hafl proclaimed, Return thou backOiding lfrael, faith the Lord. and I will not caufe mine anger to fall upon you,for I am merciful, faith the Lord, and I will not keep anger for ever ; onely acknowledge thy iniquity that thou ha!! tranf– grelfcd againll the Lord thy God.---- Thou hafl thrcamed, I will go and return to my place till they acknowledge their offence; in their affiiClion they will fcek me early. ---– Thou hall: fweetly encouraged, he looketh'upon men, and if any fay I have fiMed, and pet•vcrtcd that which was right, and it profited me not, he will deliver his foul from going into the pit, & his life !hall fee the light. ----And 0 Lord , in reference to thefe thy fayings, and Promifcs, and Proclamations, and threats, and incouragements, we embolden our felvcs to acknowledge our wickcdncfs , and the iniquities of our Fathers.---- Lord, we lye down in our fhame, and om confufion covercth us, we can– not but fay , we have finned againll the Lord our God, we and our Fathers from our youth even unto this day, and we have not obeyed the voycc ofthe Lord our God.--– And 0 that now we could go and feek the Lord, as the children of Ifrael, and Judah to– gether, going and weeping, ---- asking the way to Zion with our faces thitherward --– This is a time of morning, and our·fins have given us occafion of forrow. 0 that wo were on the mountains like doves of the valleys, all of us mourning, every one for QUr iniquity.--- Why Lord, it is thy promife, a new heart will I give you, and a new fpirit will I put within you, and I will take away the fiony heart out ofyour flefh, and I will give you an heart of flcfh. ------ 0 make all our men like David~ this day, let them cat afhes like bread, and mingle their drink with very weeping.---- 0 makc_all our women like Maries and Marahs this day, and let their maids lead them as With the voyce of doves, tabring upon their brealls. ---- 0 let us take to us words, and turn to the tord, and fay to him, takeaway all iniquity, and receive _us graciouOy, fo w'll we renderthe calves of ourlips: .Ajl;Hr !hall not fave us, we w1ll not rtde upon horfes, ne1ther