Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Chap.14. sea 13 · ~raper. -.-------- -~------------- ;ither will ;ve fay any more_ to the works of our hands, ye ate our gods. ----It is true Lord we have many a ttme tdoltzed the creature, and abufed the Creatour; we have many a time crucified Chnll:.and trod under foot the blood of the Lamb? but tf Chrtll: Id but look on us as he dtd on Petc-, then ihould we look upon Chnft whom we ~ou carced and mourn for him as one that ntourneth for his only fun, and be m '·"h· z 2. w; ba~c ~cfs for'him as one that is in bitternefs for his firft-born: then ihould we make tt ~: t mourning'as the mourning ofHadadnmmOil, m the valley of Mc;(ddw. ..... ~Jh aLord,help us to mourn for o_ur fins, and when thou hall: call: us dowh,and bumbled Pf•l. !4• t e. t ypurpofe then lift us up agam.---Surcly thou art ntgh unto them that arc ofabro- ~s ~cart and favell fuch as be of a contrite fpirit.--\Vhen men arc call: down, then ~nlt tho~ fay, there is lifting up, and thou _!halt fwe the humble perfon. ---To this ].b. 22. 29. a ofe thou hall promifed, they that fow m tears {hall reap in joy, he that goeth P{a/.z >6. s,IT. f'"~ and weepeth, bearing precious feed, ihall doubtlcfs come again with rejoycing, bo·r ing his fheaves with him. ----And to this purpofc was Chrift anointed to preach g~'~S tidingsunto the meek, to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the I fa. 6t. t ,2, 3; Ca tives, and the opening of the prifon to them that arc bound; ---to comfort all that !urn to appoint unto them that mourn m Z10n, to gtveunto them beauty for aihes, cl:c oy{of joy for mouming,and th~ garment of;Praife;for the fpirit ofheavinefs.-:-And If•-' 57 , tSi is it not thine own faymg, I dwell m the htgh and holy place, Wtth htm alfo that ts ofa contrite and humble fpirit, to revtve the fptrtt of the hum blc, and to rcvtve the heart ofthe contrite ones.<-0 for a dram of this reviving to our poor drooping fouls! .n ""' (P · p . . +. ( Our[elves, Se-.. 2. snC2, parto rayeru rtwonJor~Othc.-s. I. w· Epetitionforpardonofjinforhis Cphri~1"f~· . . ~NamesfakJ. , , ro1!Jt:J~;a~. Mercies f ak}. 0 that we might have our requefl:, and that God would grant us the thing that we 'fob 6 , B. Jongfor.----Even that it wou!d pleafc him to cover our iniquities, and caufe our fins to />/eh. 4 . 5 ,. be blotted out from before htm.-. Dear Father,we are furc nothtng can hinder '!lercy from us but fin, 0 pardon our fins for thy names fake, Oh pardon our iniquity for it 'fal.l.). u: is great.--And to this end ; 0 loo_k _on. ~hrtll: that Lamb that takes away the fins ],•hn '·'9· of the world. It is he that bears our tntqutttes.--- It ts he that once ~ppcared to put a– way fin by the facrificc ofhimfelf.----It ts he that by htmfelf purged our fins.---It is he that bare our fins on the tree in his own body.--.It is he that loved us, and waihec' us from our fins in his own blood.--lt is he that is the propitiation for our fins, and not for ours onely, but alfo for the fins of the whole world.-- It is he that was wounded for our tranfgreffions, that was bruifed for our iniquities, the chaltifcment of our peace was upon him, and with his frripcs arc we healed.--" 0 then· for bo fake, and in his blood waih us throughly from our iniquities; atid cleanfe us feom cur fin.--And to this end remember thy promifes.--Thoti hall: faid, I will cleanfe you 1(•. ~~. "· H<b.i;.o6. ff..b l, J• 1 Pt1.1.. ::q~ Rewl. J, s. I1ohH. 2. Iif'aJ. SI· 7• P{ol.S'·'• from all your iniquity whereby ye have finned againlt me, I will pardon all your ini- ]tr. H 8 _. quities whereby ye have finned, and whereby ye have tJ'anfgrdfed again:'l: me.-- lf"'·H· •s; Thou halt faid, I, even I am he that blotteth out thy tranfgreffions for my O\l'll fake,and will not remember thy fins.----Thou hall faid, I have blotted out as a thick cloud thy tranfgreffions, and as a cloud thy fins.--Thou hall: faid, I will forgive their iniquity, I I{ai. 44· 22. a,.d I will remember their fin no more.-· --Thou hall faid, Come now, and let us Ifai.I.IB, reafvn together, though your fire; be as fcarlet, they ihall beas white as fnow; though ~hey be red like crimfon, they ihall be as wool.-- And thy Prophets haveJaid, who .tticb, 7 • 181 IS a God ltke unto thee, that pardoneft iniquity, and palfe{l by the tranfgreffion of the '"·3L·H• ~emnant of thy heritage, thou reteineft not thy anger for ever, bceaufe thou ddighte!f mmercy.--We prefs thee (Lord) with thy own precious promifes: have we nothtng of our own to bring thee but fin? Why thou hall a fon that thou lookell: upon, . whom thou haft fet forth for our propitiation : would we have a pledge . o( thy u 11 de- Rom, ~· >s; ferve_d favour? Why thou hall: given thy only begotten Son, thot whofoever believeth John 3 , 16• on htm, ihould not periih, but have everlall:ing life : do we require futther affurance _of thy unfpeakab!e kindncfs? Why thou h;lll made large promifcs , and entred m to Covenant with us, that !hall pever fail on thy part. Dear Fa- ~q z ther