::;oo Nehem. S. 9· Ffal. s•. •4· F[al, S.o. •3· 2 Cor. t. 22. ft,.om. 8. 16. I Cor. 2 l 2· Jtom. 8-. 1 s! J{.l)(1f.l-4.· 11· 1 fet. 3· 21. Eph. 2. 8, Mat.6. 39• M,.r. 7· 20. ]4111 2· 20· f{<b,U.I4· Fhil J• 9· Alis 3 ;6. Jer.9.1. P{•l. 6.6. Mat. ]o2lo 2 fim. 2. 26,; Jtr. 8. 6. Jer.31.18,t9. 'Johu6. 13. Rr1111. ••· ,: S• ther, thou wall: plcafed to wait long for our converfion when we went all:ray, and wilt thou not much more have mercy upon us now we pray unto thee: Thou halt comman. ded us to forgive our brethren ttll feventy tunes feven times, if they fin and repent. and lhall our God require fo much of us ( whofe compaffions are not as the drop of~ bucket to the Ocer.n, if compared With thy mercies) and wilt thou not much more deal tenderly with us, who have finned indeed often, and many a time, but now defire to repent us? When we excufed our difobedience,and charged our faults upon thee, thou fetll: thy )ovc on us, but how much more now Lord, when we accufc our felves and. pray for thy mercy? Good Lord, mifery is the obje{t of mercy; the greater o~r di– llre!s, the more glonous wdl be the grace of God in our deliverance; if thou wilt be merciful to our fins, then lhall thy glory appear, and our hearts lhall be enflamed with thy love, we lhall walk in thy fear, and our ton~ues !hall fing of thy gooclnefs.- - Ye• our tongues !hall fing aloud of thy righteoufnefs. 2. For fealing ofthis pardon,in onr Conflimces. And for alfuranceher~of to our poor fouls, 0 lhew us the falvation of God .---Seal up the alfurance of pardonmour hearts and confcJences by the graciOUS tell:imony of thy holy fpirit; 0 let thy fpirit tell:ify it to us, and perfwade us hereo~ and confirm it unto us by his feal and earnell:.--It is thy fpirit that bears witnefs with ou'r fpirits that we are the children of God .--We defire thy fpirit both to tell:ify it to us, and with us ; 0 give us the tell:imony ofa renewed confcience enlightned by thy fpirit, and directed by thy Word,whereby we may come to know what God hath wrought in us.--– Give unto us the fpirit of Adoption, whereby we may with confidence and comfurt cry .Abba Father, Give us joy in the holy Ghull:,--.·and the anfwer of a good confci– cnce towards God.,--- 3. For juftifying and livelv Faith. · Give us even that gift ofGod, a foul-faving, and jull:ifying Faith. 0 that we could roll our felves upon the Lord, and ftick faft unto his mercy! we have found a rich treafure of promifes in thy word for the pardon of our fin, onely create in us the hand of Faith, that we may effectually receive what in mercy thou reachelt forth: 0 we are oflittle faith.--Encreafe it Lord,though it be but as a grain of mulhrd-feed. Work in us nota dead faith, but that which may be rich in good works,--following after peace with all men, and holinefs, without which none lhall fee God ----And becaufe our righteoufnefs is fo impure, even as menll:rous rags. 0 cloath us with the robes of Chrill:s righteoufnefs, that we may be found in him, not having our own righteoufnefs, whi£h is of the law, but that which is through the faith of_Chrilt, the •rightcoufnefs which is of God by Faith.-- 4• For Repentance unto Life, Give us RepentaAce ; it is thine own word, that unto us hath God raifed up his Son Jcfus, and fent him to blefs us in turning away every one of us from our iniquities– a that we could draw this vertue from Chrift ! Oh that our heads were waters, and our eys fountains of tears, that we might weep day and night for our fins! Oh that all the night we could make our beds to fwim, that we could water our couches with our tears.-- That we, could repent in fack-cloth and alhes.---Oh that there were fuch hearts in us that we might repent, and recover our felves out of the fnare of the De– viL---Oh that we could lay our fin to our hearts, that we could rep~nt•US ofour wicked– nefs, faying, whathavewedone? Oh that wecouldas Lphraim bemoan our felves thus, thou hall chall:ifed us, and we were chafiifed, as a bullock unaccull:omed to the yoak, turn thou us, and we lhall be turned, thou art the Lord our God. Surely after we arc turned we lhall repent, and after we are inll:ructed we lhall fmite upon our thigh, we lhall be alhamed, yea even confounded, becaufc ~e bear the reproach of ,our yourh.----Oh that remembring our waycs, and all our domgs wherem we have been de· filed, we could loath our felvcs in our own fight for our iniquities, and for our abo· . . ) mmatiOns.- 5· For Saving Knowledg. Give us faving knowledg; give us thy Spirit of truth, who_ will guide us into all trurh.---Incline our cars to wifdom, and our hearts to underll:andmg,..that we may c\y after knowlcdg, and lift up our voyce for underll:anding, that we may undcrltand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God, that we may be enabled to cry unto thee,