Chap ·~~--------_l0 __ r_a_p_c_r_.__________________3_o __ • thee our God we !mow thee. Hall: thou not promlfcd,. faying, after thofe dayes I , . will 'ut my Law in their inward parts; and wnte 1t m thc1r hearts, and will be the~r ]cr. ~~ 3), ~'; G l and they !hall be my people: and they fhall teach no mere every man h1s ne1ghb 0 .' and e~cry man his brother, faying, know the Lord, for they fhall all know me f,c;;::/ the leafl: of them unto the grcatcfl of thcm?---Oh that thou wouldefl: give u_s this H.••·•· '4· knowlcdge,that thou wouldll fill us w1th th1s knowledge as the waters cover the Sea.--- , Tha• thou wouldit dive unto us the fpmt of w1fdom and revelatiOn m the knowledge of EprJ.I. 17, 18, Chrirt, that the ey"csof ourunderllanding being enlightncd, we may_know what is the hope of his calling,and what the ~1ches of the glory ot h1s mhentancc ~s m the Samts. Dear Father, is not thy fecret With the rJghteous? 1s not the fecrct ot the Lord rev.eal– Jed to them that fear him ?---0 then g1vc us th1s Unchon from the holy one, that we may know all things. . . . 6. For Lr-ve to God, Chrijl, Sat•us, Enenu:s, Prov. ~3· 2. J'[.,t. l i. 14 .. J] olm2. 20 • Give us a love of God, and of Chrifl:, and of all things that belong to him, thou haft faid thou wilt circumcife our hearts, and the hearts ot our feed, to love the Lord our Deut. 1 o. 6. God with all our heart, ahd with all our foul, that we may livc.---Sct us on fire, burn us. nllke us new and transform us, that nothing belides thee n11y live in us : 0 wound vc;y deeply our hearts with the dart of thy lovc,--and that (becaufe our fins, which arc many are forgiven us) we may love thee not a hulc, but much.--W,It thou (Lord) Lul:_ 7 • , 7 • love the image, and fhall not the imag~ much more love the r attcrn? 0 that we were c.wr. 5· 8 . fick of love-- Tha.t our underfl:andmgs, w1lls, and alfccbons were all overflo\1n, overcome 'and amazed, that our faintings were inflamed towards thee, and even melted in(o thee! 0 fweet Jefu, touch our fouls with thy fpirit, that vcrtue may go Lu~'· 8· 46. out of thee into us, and draw us unto thee: Let the favour of thy oyntments (whofe very breath is love) be ever in our noftrils; --give us the flagons ofthe new wine of Cant. 1• ~ , the Kingdom, which may lift up ou_r fouls above our felves Ill our loves, that we may H.'): ~. 1. forget the low and bafe loves of th1s world, ~nd by an heavenly excefs may be tranfported into an heavenly love, that we may 1mbracc Chnft, who 1s the Lord from heaven, with a love like himfelf. --·--Nor do we ddire. onely the pleafures of love, John 6 • ;8. and joyes of thy union,but that we may becom~generative and fruitful; far be it from us to love thee like an harlot, and not like a w1fe: 0 let us defire umon wnh thee, and to bring forth fruit unto thee; we will not ceafe to cry_unto thee, give us children or c.n 30 • 1 • elfe we dye: -·---give us even frmts of thy fpmt wh1ch may refemble thee, and be pledges to us of thy union with us.--- And that we may bring forth fruits wholly thine, and not anothers Lelides thee, 0 burn and confume whatfoevcr would grow one with our fo uls bcfides thee ; 0 let the fire of thy fpirit fo wholly turn our fouls into a fpiritu,d fire, that the drofs of the flcfh and the world being wholly confumed, we may be fpiritual, and fo bring forth fruits onely to the.fpirit. ---But alas, fometimes it is, R""· 7· •· tha the oyntmcnts oflove are not feen or felt, and then our love cools; and if fo, 0 Ld: .. "· 0 . , 5, thon fweet Saviour look upon us in !liCrcy; one look of thine will awaken our loves and make us weep bitterly, that we 1 0 ved thee fo little, whom to love fuflicicntly, ou; bell and mightieft loves are moll infuflicicnt.-----Prevent our fecking with thy feeking, If.; 6 , be thou prefent with us in thy providence and power, when thou [cemell to be far off '' · S·' ' ' us in the taftc of thy fweetnefs,& fruition of thy loves:and then when we have regained Canr.•. ~thee; we will hold more hardly, and keep more fallly, and love thee more vehement- Cant·>· 4• ly, and provide n fl:ock of loves in the fummer againfl: the winter,ifit return aoy more. ----And give us alfo to love one another, as Chrifl: hath loved us, ---Make our love to aboffu~d yet more and more towards all men, efpcci~lly them that are of the houfhold thtl: :!~l4· Q 31th.---Yea Lord, caufe us to love our very enemies, to blefs them that curfe us, to do good unto them that hate us, and to pray for them that dcfpightfully ufc us, and Gal 6 • 10 ' perfecute us---- ' 11 ·"'"· S· H· . 7· For ardent Zeal, Patience:~ Perfe·uerance, artd all other Graces. G1ve us a zeal after God, and his truth, goodcaufes, and good men---- Let us not R<vel. ~. 16• · refl: contented With a luke-warm profcffion, being neither cold, nor hot :-----but make P{al. 119. oc; our foulcs to break for the longing that they have to thy judgment at all times----0 that Rom 12 11 we were fervent in fpirit, zealoufly alfeC1:ed alwaycs in every good thing.---0 that John. 2, ~ ·• • the zeal of thy houfe might even eat us up-And that our 'Lea! might .provoke very m.any. --0 that thy word were in our hearts as a burning fire, ---that we were wenry 1 c,. 9. 2. Wlth_forbearing, and that we could not ftay ___ . . J"-20 P· G1ve us the grace ofpatience; thou haft foretold us, th~t in the world.we-fhall have Y,m. 16 ~r trlbulation.