Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

~raper. A.!/J ~~ •• a tribulation.-And through moch tribulation we rimf'c enter into the Kingdom of God ----Make us therefore run with pattence the race that is fer before us, looking unt~ Heb.u. 1 ' 2 + Jefusthe authour and finifher .of our Fatth, who for the joy that was yet before him endured the Crofs, dcfp1fing the fhame,and IS fer down at the risht hand of the throne of God. 0 help us to confide~ hnn, that h~th endured ftlch contrad iction of finnersaII'er.p,,13. gainll himfelf,lefl: we be weaned and famt m o~r minds.- Let us not think it !hangc concerning the fiery tryai.--But rather reJoycc m afmr1ch as we arc partakers of Chrilts · ~ufferings, that when h1s glory fhall be revealed, we may be ~lad alfo _with exceeding JOY.---0 teach us to reckon With our fclves that the fuffcnngs of th1s prcfent time arc not worthy to be compared with the glory which fhall be revealed in us-Hall: thou not fa id, that if we be reproached for the name of Chrifl:, happy are we? -0 1 P"·4 14. therefore that it may be given to us in the behalf of Chrift, not onely to believe on him but alfo to fuffcr for his fake. - Help us to deny our fclves,and to take up our crotfe daily, and follow our Saviour.---- Pbilt. •9· Lui:J9.2J. Pfal>?·•3,,4. Give us perfeverance; and to this end make us to build on thy promifcs -· thou hall: .faid, the fl:eps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. - Though he fall, he fhall not utterly be call down, for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand.- Thou hart faid to your old age I am he, and even to hoary hairs will I carry you ; I have made, a~d I will bear, even I will carry, and I will deliver you.---For thts God is our God for eve>, P{al. 48. 14 he will be our guide unto death.-0 gtve us one heart, and one way, that we may Jer-32·39>1° fear thee for ever,& make thou an everlalling Covenant with us,that thou wilt net rain away from us to do us good: and put thy fear in our hearts that we may not depart JldJ. ' 0 • 2l from thee.-Help us (Lord) to hold fall: the profeflion of our faith without waverin«. 1\ctn.ll. 29 .Rom. 8, 24 Jlom. 4· 18 Pf•l97· u l'fa£.147·" ---Confirm ·us unto the end, that we may be blamclcfs in the day of rl-.c Lord Jef~s Chrill,--- .Give us all other faving graces: ---A lively hope that may favc us. _ Yea in thcfe times let us with .Abrahmn againft hope beleeve in hopc.-A joy in the Holy Ghoft, thou haft faid, light is fown for the righteo~s, and gladnefs for the upright in heart. ---A filial fear, bccaufe thou takcft pleafure m thofc that fear thee---In that day when thou makell: up thy jewels, they fhall be thmc, and thou Wilt fpare them as a man 2 cor. 10 , 4 fpareth his fon that fcrveth him.--- Humility, and lowlifiCfs in fpirir ; calling down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth it (elf againft the knowledge of God. I[a.11.6,1 Pbil4·7 ---Meeknefs of mind, that the wolf may dwell With the lamb, and the Jeopard ma,y Iy down with the kid, the calf, and the y~ung lyon, and the fading together, whilll a little child may lead them.---Peace of confc~ence, and peace of God, that may keep OlJZ hearts and minds, that mayg~ard or garnfon our whole fouls.---- 8. For gro1vth ingrace. And for our further affurancc, 0 give an increafe and growth to all thcfe graces; 0 do thou guide us continually,& fatisfie our fouls in drought. 0 make fat our bones, that we may be like a watered garden,and like a fpring ofwate(,whofe waters fail not.----0 let the fun ofrighteoufnefs arife with healing in his wings,rhat we may go forth,& grow up as the calves of the ftall.---0 that thou wouldll make our path as the path ofthe jull:, even as the fhining light, that fhineth more and more unto the perfect day.--- 0 thjlt thou wouldll be to u~ as dew untolfrael,thatwe might grow as the lilly,& call: forth ot6 roots as Lebanon, that our branches-might fpread, and our beauty be as the olive-tret;, and.our fmell as Lebanon.----Hall thou not faid, I will pour water upon him that is thirfty, and floods upon the dry ground, I will pour my fpirit upon the feed, and my bleffing upon thy off-fpring, and they fhall fpring up as among the graffe as the willows by the water-courfes? ---0 put into our. hea_rrs their ways, who go from llrength t~ · firength, every one of them inZion appeanng before God. 9 . For purifying, and poweragainjl fin. Nor pray we' only for remiffion,but cleanfing_:not only for pardon,& fenfe of pardon, butfo~ purifying,and power againft fin,and deltvcranc_e fr01~ fin.---HolyGod,thou hall: j promtfed,that he that is left ili Zion, and he that remameth mJmifalem, fhall be called ·holy,even every one that is written among the living in Jerufalem, whev the Lord fhall have wafhed away the filth of the daughters ofZion,and fhafl have purged the blood of Jerufalem from the middeft thereof by the fpirit of judgement and by thefpi rit of burn– ing. ---Holy God, thou h:ill: promifcd, that thou w1lt put thy law m our mw~rd parts, and write it in our hearts. --- Holy God, it is thy promife, the firll prom•fe, ' · ~nd