Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Chav. 14 .. ~eS: q. ~raver. ~--~----~--------~ --~----------- and the foundation of all other promifes, that the feed of the. woman fl10uld bruife the feqo~uts head; that Chrifl: flhould break the power and domtnton of Satan. --- 0 that Heb. to. 38, having thefe promifcs we could live by faith, that we could re!lupon God,and beltcvc, that God of his free grace m Chnft wtll purge us from the filthy remamdcrs of fin, and renew us more and more, after his own image in rightcoufncfs and holmcfs : furcly Epbef. 4 _ 24 Lord thou hail: faid it, and therefore it is no prefumption, but true obedtcncc to affure our fdves of whatfoever thou ha!l: promifecl, and cntrcd into bond and covenant freely to' give. He that believeth on thee, as the Scripture faith, out of hts belly fl1all Job. 7• 1 ~ flow rivers of living watcr.-·-Chnft ts a fountam ofgrace, ever flowmg, and ever full; Job. :. 16 and of his fulnefs we receive grace, for grace ; there is no grace but from Chrift, and no communion with Chriil: but by faith;O therefore that we could imbrace him by faith for ourSanCl:ifieation,that fo we might be filled with the gifts of his grace in our meafure. ·--It is Chrift is our wifdom, & fand:ification, as well as righteoufnefs & redemption;--- 1 Cor. J, 30, It isChrill: who took upun him our nature,& oanCl:ified it by his holy fpirit,that we~being made one with him might receive the felf-fame fpirit ( though in mcafurc) to fanc'tify us.--0 that our Jefus would jullify our perfons,& fand:ify your natures,&knable us to thofe duties ofholinefs that he requires, that he would make us unto him a kingdom of Exod. 19. 6 Ptieits, an holy nation.- -- Io. .Againjl all evil of fin, the world, jlejl>, and devil. 0 Lord, we have many potent,enemies that daily war againil: us,the world,fleflh and devil· and our ftrength is too weak to vanquifh the allurcments of this world,to reprefs the !~1ls of our rebellious hearts,to defeat the pollicies of Satan,--much more to change and cleanfe our own hearts,but Lord thou hail: promifcd,O help us to believe,that God will ayd, affilt, and bleffe us in our endeavours, yea and do the whole work for us.--. Grant (Lord) that we may not love the world, nor the things of the world,----that our 1 J ohn,,. IS hearts may not be over-charged with furfetting and drunkennefs, and the cares of this Lu!-e 21 , 34 life.---Grant (Lord) that we may not fuffer fin to reign in our mortal bodies, that we flhould obey it in the lufl:s thereof; neither fuffer us to yield our members as inil:rum~nts of unrighteoufnefs unto fin, but unto God, as thofe that are alive from the dead,- --- Rom.6, •, 13 that being now made free from fin, and become the fervants of God, we may have our fruit unto holinefs,anJ the end ev.erlall:ing life----Grant Lord, that we may be fober 22 and vigilant, becaufe our adverfary the devil as a ruaring Lyon walketh about feeking P 8 whom he may· devour.----0 make us il:rong in the Lord, and in the power of his might, ~pb,'6 s; that we may be able to ll:and againil: art the wiles ofSathan.----VVhy Lord, we wreil:le · 0 not againfl: fleflh and blood, but againll: Principalities and Powers, againfl: the rulers of Erh-6. ; 2 the darknefs of this world, againil: fpiritual wickedneffes in high places.---0 therefore - -~ ftrengtlten us that we may !land; having the girdle of truth,the brcfl-platc of righteouf ::· nefs, the flhield offaith, wherewith we may be able to quench all the fiery-darts of the 16: wicked. --- .A · .n. If . 1 ,+ j1 {National. I 1. 'g4tn;• a CV> •; pum nnent p .r. 1 er 1 ona . Thou hail: plagued our Nation ; the flout-hearted are fpoyled, they have flept their fleep, and none of the men of might have found their hands.----0 heal the land.---– Let no evil befall us, neither let any plague come nigh our dwellings.---Our fouls are among Lyons, our foul alfo is fore vexed, but thou 0 Lord, how long?---- Pf.1l.76.). 2 Chron.?.I4 P[al,9'·'o f/<11. 6. 3 12. For the CAtholick,.militant Church ofChrijl. , And as we pray for our felves, fo for the Catholick Church of Chrifl. Let thy deI[ai.49·•6, i7 i ltght be to mount Zion, ~rave !)er on the palms of thy hands,let her walls be continually before thee; let her butlders make hall:e, and caufe her defl:royers, and fuch as would lay ?crwail:e, to depart from her.---Thou hail: faid, I the Lord do keep it, I will water lt c;cry moment, leil: any hurt it, I will keep it night and day.--- And we have a I[ait~h 1 7 J promt,o, that the Lord will create upon every dwelling place of Mount Zion, and upon the affembltcs, a cloud and fmoak by day, and the flhining of a flamin~ fire by night; Jf.•it~b 4· S for upon all the glory fhall be a defence.--Now Lord, make good thy word and tookupon ~"n the Ctty of our folemnities, let thine eyes fee Jerufalem a quiet hal[aiall. 3!·~'0 ttatton, a 1abernacle that flhall not be taken dpwn, let not one of the ll:akcs thereof be removed, nor any of the cords be broken. r 3· For all that belong to Gods Elel1ion, tho~~gh uncalled'" yet. Call home the Jews, thou hall revealed that they flhall be graffcd1n·again, and thO'II R<m.u. B