o6 ArMI 9· 11 AmM.5.J5 E<.<~· 34· ''• '3· Ifa ~9. 22 J[fli. 2, 2 lfa. 6o. 3, S, '· lfa. H· r, 1 If.<.oo. rS, 19 >11u[. o.8,9 R.•vel.r7. 16 Revel. 21!1. a. 9 Chap·'4· SeCt.r3. art able to graffthem in again,-- as it is written, there !hall come out of Zion the deliverer, and !halt turn away ungodlrnefs from Jacob.-- 0 that thou wouldfl taife up the Tabernacle of David that is fallen, and clofe up the breaches thereof and b gracious to the remnant of Jofeph.-- 0 that as a lhepherd fecketh out hi; flock i~ the day that he is among hts lheep that are fcattered,fo thou wouldll: feek our thy fhee and deliver them out of all place.s where they have been fcattered in the cloudy & dark day,--and brmg the.m to thetr ow~ land, and feed them upcn the Mountains oflf– rael by the nvers, and m all th~ mhabtted places of the countrcy.-Bring in the Gen– tt!es; thou ho!l: promtfed, I wtllltftup my hand toth~ Gentiles, and fet up my tlan. dard to the people, and they !hall brmg thetr fons m thetr arms, and their daughters !hall be carxicd upon their lhoulders. :--It is prophcfied that the dayes !hall come (even the !all: dayes) when the Mountain of the Lords houfe !hall be e!l:ablifhed in th~ top of the Mountains, and fhall be exalted above the hills, and all Nations fhall flo 1 v unto it. Yea Lord, the Gentiles !hall come to thy light, and Kings to the brightnefs ofthy riling,-- the abundance of the ' ea !hall be converted unto thee; the forces of the Gentiles !hall come unto thee.-Nayis it not at hand? WhoarethefcLord that fly as a cloud,and as the doves to their windows ?--0 the matter of rejoycingl 0 t,he bleffcd dayes at hand ! Sing 0 barren, thou that didll: not bear, break forth into finging, and cry aloud thou that did!l: not travel with child, for more are the children of the dcfolate,thcn the children of the married wife. Enlarge the place of thy tent,and let them !l:retch forth the curtains of thy habitations, fpare not,lengthen thy curtaincs, and !l:rengthcn thy ll:akes.- Bleffed God, ha!l:en thefc ttmes, accompltlh the prophecies bring on the dayes,when violence !hall be no more heard in our land,nor wall:ing,nor de~ ftruCl:ion in our borders,when thou fhalt call our walls fa!vation, and our gates praife; when ·the Sun !hall be no more our !tght by day, netther for brightnefs fhall thy Moon give light unto us, but the Lord fhall be unto us an ever!a!l:ing light, and our God our glory.- - 14. .Againft the Churches incurable enemies. Confume Antichrill: with the fpirit of thy mouth, and de!lroy him with the bright· nefs of thy coming, even him whofccoming is after the working of Satan with all pow– er, and figns, and lying wonders.----YVc blcfs thee Lord, for that thou halt begun his downhll, we befecch thee at !all: bring in thofe ten horns of the beall that they may hate the whore,and make her defolate and naked,that they may eat her flelh,and burn her with fire.- Ha!l:cn the ruine of all other the Churches enemies, now it is that Gog ancl M agog are gathered to the battel, and the number of them is as the fand of the Sea; Lord; they are gone up on the breadth of the earth, and they have co!llpalfed the Camp of the Saints about, and the beloved City, 0 let fire come down from God out of heaven and devour them.-- I 5. For the reformed Churches abroad, and at home. Jer•. >. 9, Look tenderly on thefe VVe!l:ern Churches, Germa·ny, the Pal"tinate, Bohemia, &c. Io,II Thine heritage 0 Lord, is unto thee as a fpeckled Bird, the Birds round about her are againft her.---Many Pall:ors have devoured thy vineyard, they have troden thy portion under foot,they have made thy pleafant portion a dcfolate wildernefs, they have made it defolate, and being defolate, it mourns unto thee.---Awake, awake, put on !l:rength l[a. Sr.-9, 10 0 arm ofthe Lord, awake as in the ancient dayes, in the generations of old, art not thou it that hall: cut Rahab, and wounded the Dragon? art not thou it that haft dryed the Sea, the waters of the great deep, that haft made the depth ofthe Sea a way for the ranfomed to pafs over? ---Take pitty on Ireland, Scotland, &c. Shew thy marvellous P{al. 17· 7, 8 loving kindnefs. 0 thou that faveil: by thy right hand to them which put their troll: in thee, from thofe that rife up againll: them; keep them as the apple of thine eye, hide them under the lhadow of thy wings. - Preferve that little flock, to whom thou Lu~e 12.p nail: promifed, and refcrved the Kingdom.--Have lllercy on miferable, finful England; Jc.. 14-19•2o dear Father, hall: thou utterly rejeC1:edJ~<dah? Hath thy foul loathed Z 1on ?VVhyha!l: 'thou fmitten us, and there is no healing for us? we looked for peace, and there ts no good, and for the time of healing and behold trouble; we acknowledge (0 Lord) our wickcdnefs, and the iniquity of our fathers, for we have finned agamll: thee, do not "· abhorre us for thy names fake,do not difgrace the throne of thy glory,remember,break Van. 9 ; , 9 , not thy Covenant with us.-0 Lord hear, 0 Lord forgive, ~ Lord hearken and do, defer not for thine own fake, 0 our God. --0 that ever tt fhollid be fatd of Engd1er. u.... . fan ,