Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

10mrcr. 1.-.~d, God hath forfaken his houfe, he hath left his heritage, he hath given the dearly . bclov~d of his foul into rhe hands of her enemies, --- Look down trom heaven,and q;,,', 6!-' 5,16 behold from the hab1rat10n of thy hohnefs, and of thy glory, where 1S thy zeal, and thy llrength, the founding of rhy bowels, and of thy mercies towards us? Are they rcllrained? Doubtlefs thou att om Father, though .Abraham be tgnorant of us, and Jfrael acknowledge us nor, thou Lord art our Father, and our Re.:!eemer, thy name is trom cvcrla(bng, --- 16, For Magiftra,y, Minijlrry, People, Blcf> the Magilhacy, and provide for us our of all rhc people, able men, fuch as fear God, men of truth, hating covetoufnefs ----And that _Judgement may not be turned Exoil. 18. 21 into gaU, nor the fruit ot rtghreoufnefs mto hemlock , gtve courage ro_our Rulers that Amos 6 - 12 they may execute jullice truly m the gates.--------' Bh fs the Mmtllery, let rhetr words be upright, words of truth,- As goads , and as nayis faflned by rhe Maflers Eccle[.r>.to,n ·of the Alfemblies, which arc given from one fhepherd, --- Set watchmen upon Tf<•i. 6 2 , 6 1 our walls that fhaU never hold their peace day nor night, thofe that make mention of ' the Lord: let them not keep filence, nor give him reil: till he elhblifh, and make Jcrufalcm a praife in the earth.--- And 0 let their doctrine drop as the rain, ~et D<ur. 3 ,, 2 their fpccch defl,fl as the dew , as the fmall ram upon the tender herb, and as tee fhewers upon the gratfe, - to open rhe blind eyes, and to bring our rhe prifoners l[•i. ~'. 7 from the prifon, and them that fit in darkncfs out of the prifon-houk --- Bkfs I[ai• 6>, u all from lJan to Bcerjhcba, call them rhy holy people, rhc redeemed of the _ Lord,--- I 7, For all afflicted in foul, or body. Behold the rears of fuch as are opprelfed, and have no comforter.---- 0 Lord, thou Feele{ 4 1 halt at this time efpecially laid affliction on rhe loyns of many of thy fervants, and hall: P[af. 66. 11 made them drink ofthe wine of allonifhmenr, ----thou hall: fed them with the bread of I f.•l. 6o. 3 tears, and given them rears to drink in great meafure. --- And yer thou hall faid, t,hat Pfa!. So. s -howfocver rwo parts in rhe land fhall be cut off and dye, yet a third part fhall be-!eft therein , and thou wilt bring the third part through the fire, and wilt refine rhem as filz ,pb, !· 8 ver is refined, and wilt rry rhem as gold is rryed; they fhall call on thy name, and thou wilt hear them; thou fhalt fay, it is my people; and they fhall fay, the Lord is my God.--- Lord, fo it is, that a third part of the Land is now in the fire, and thou art refining them as filver is refined, and thou art trying th~m as goldis rryed; Ask now, and fee whether a man doth travel with child? Wherefore rhen (may we ask with Jcrcm,l ) do I fee every man with his hands on his loyns as a woman in travel·, and all ]<r, 3>. 6, 1' faces are turned into palcnefs? Alas, for rhe day is great, fo that none is like it, it is even the time of Jacobs trouble, bitt he fhall be faved our ofir, ---- Bletfed be God for this promife; rh0u maill iode~d fift the houfe of I(rael among all Nations, like as· Am 11 9 . 9 • Corn is lifted with a five,but rhe !call grain fhall nor fall upon the earth.---- Dear Father look to thy afflicted ones, and fpeak_to them as once to Ephraim ; Is Ephraim my Jer. 3 r. 20 dear fv11, is he a pleafant child? for fince I fpakc againll him, I do earnefHy remember z ,pb. ;. 1 5 • 17, Job 18.14 hun llrll, therefore my bowels are troubled for him; I will {urcly have·mercy upon hnn fatth the Lord.---- Come Lord, and rake away thy wrath., make good thy promife that the Lord our God in the midll of us is mighty , he will fave, he will rejoyce over us wtth joy, he wi ll reil in his love, he will joy over us with linging. ---0Lord,prepue us for the woril of evils, for death the King.of terrours, that it may nor come upon us as a fnarc, 0 rnake us know our end, and the meafurc of our cloys, that we may know Pfal. 39- 1 how fr"'l we ore.---:- So reach us to number our days, that we may apply our heart> unwwtfdom, ----Come Lord Jefu, and be as rhe Roe on the tops of the Mountains, our ltfe rs htd with thee , 0 appear quickly, rhat we may quickly appear with thee in Pf.•l. 90 12 !ilory; thou hafl: given us fome earnells of rhy love,and rhe very voyce of thefe carnell:s IS :ome • 1 Come Lord Jefu, comequickly. And is it not thy promife, furcly I come qutckly - 0 hony, and fweernefs tt felf,ro the foul that loves and longs for the coming R,v, 22 20 of Chrtlt, for her pcrfetl: happinefs, confummarc marriage. A·,:a. Even fo Come Lord Jcfus. Amen, and Amen,-- ' R r Sec1. J.