Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Col. 1. 3• Rorn.Il· 2e. Epb. r. S• and J, 6, 7• Epbe[. '· r, '· 4• 5, 6, 7· Sc<'l:. 3· Chap. 1 4-Setl:. r3. The third part of Prayer, is Thank.Jgivillg for blef!ings S Spmtual, "2 Temporal. ·,. w E biefs Godfor our EleClion, with all the golden chain ofGraces hanging on ir, We giverhank.J to God, and the Father of our Lord JeJus Chri.ft, wheuby 1 ve are belovedfor the FathersJak§, andfor that golden chain of Graces hanging thereon,having predeftmated us ro the adoption ofChildren, by JeJus Chrijt to himJelf, nccording to thegood pleaJure ofhuwrU; --·-··· H~tvmg accepted u; m the beloved, m whom we have redemption thrMgh hu blood;·-.--· Having given 111 the forgivenefsoffins, aco·ording to the riches of hisgrar:e; ~--- Havm_g qmck?;~ed Jts who were dead r.n treJPaffes andfins:--- Walk_:ng in time paf! according to the courfe of this world~ according to the Princ:e ofthe power of the air, the JPirit that now work!th in the children of difobediertce: ··-· Bm God who is rich in mercy,for hisgretet love whereJVith he loved us, even when we were dead in fins, bath quick.!d -;u together with Chrift: .... And hath rai{ed u; up together, and made"' fii together in heavenly places itz Chrift Jefiu, ·---that in a$es to come he might jhew the exceeding riches of his g;race umo tu.---"" 2, For his Word, Sacraments, Sabbaths, labours ofthe lt~~rned, &c. P[•/·,~~7· 19, Thou haft}hewed thy Word unto 'jilcob, thy ftattrtes and thy judgements unto lfrael: Thox 1 Cor. 1 , 21 , ·haft not dealt fa with all >Iations , and asfor thy judgemcms they have not k_nown them . ..___ if.p/i.6. 10, Gen. t. 21. Ffnl. 4>· u.– ,.ndtoJ• 4· Jer. ;o.17. Ff .. t. I:a.,. Prov. ;o. 8. If.•·H·?· E.xod. q.2. Judges s. "· 2 CIJron. J6, 8, 9' 10, 3f ~ ~4, :,6. Thou haft been plcafed by the foolifhncfs ofpreachrng, to Jave them that believe, by prttt<hing at the firjZ. orfecond rebound, by lively voyce, or printed SermOlfiS, ·--- 3. For any power over fin, Satan, or our own corruptions. We ack_nowledge Lord, to thy glory, that all ourj/rength is in thee, and in the power ofthy might. 4· For (llfr creation, prefervation, life, heAlth, peace, de!iverance, v1Bories. JVe blefs thee for our creation after thine own image,----- for o~tr prefervation , by tlry loving kjndncfs and truth;----- for our life once a 11d again redeemed from deflru£lion; ----– fr,r our health once and again reflored; ----for oJtr liberty, proJPerity, peace in (JU.r walls and pnllaccs: ---for onr food and raiment convenientfor u& ; ---for deliverance from judgements national and perfonat, for a little momertt.didft thou forfak.g UJ:. bttt withgreat haft tholl gathered m : -·-For all the viEforics over thine and thy Churches enemies'. wdl may we jing, The .Lord is our jhength andourfong, and he is become o~tr fa/vatton_; he is our God) and !VC will prepare him an habitation, our fathers God, and we will exalt hzm: _.,_ .Awak.;, "wak}, 0 wy foul, mvak;, awakf, Jttter- aJong: ..._Give thank.J trnto the Lord, call upon his name, mak! k_.nown his deeds among the,peopLe; fing unto him:. Jing Pfa~ms unto hifll: llnd talk_of aUhu wundrom work.J ; glory in his name, let the heart •f them rtjoyce that Jeek_ the Lord: ·-·--.Letthe heavens begl><rl, .and let.the earth rtjoyce, arAd let men Jay among the nations, The Lordrcigncth: 0 gi'!le thank! 11nto the Lord, for he ts good, for his mercy _ endl!reth for ever: ..__ Blejfcd be the Lord God of Jfrael for ever and ever, and let all the • peopleJ.ty .Amen, pr~ifedbe .God, CHAP. XV.