Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

\ohich lhivcth to make his pm llrong againll: the other, and fcimetimd Amaleck_ pre– voils and fometimcs Ifrael prevails; foinetimcs his heart falls a lullmg, h1s eyes a wan– dring, his ears a tickling, his_ tong;te a (peaking idly; fometimes h1s underf!anding err~, his ,.dt rebels, his memory falls, hts confc":'"' llceps, and h1s ajfeEfeons turn the ttream after fenfual obje<1s; but (that wh1ch differs him from the unregenerateman)tfhe lid, it is with a gracious relu<1ation,. he refill:s it to the uttermofl: of Ius ab1h~les,_ and tf at .)all: he commit fin through the vwlcnce of tentation, fubduing the mfinmty of the ll.elli, he is prefcntly abalhed, and then begins he to fer repentance a work in all the parts & po– wers of his body and foul;then begins his c•nfi"ience to trouble him within,and will never be at quiet untill the cill:ern ofhis heart (being over-charged) hath caufed his eyes, the flood-gates, with moill: finful humours, to overflow the cheeks with tears of contriti– on. and thus he is wajhed, jttjlified, (anllifi•d, and rell:ored to his former integrity a– gai~. Examine then your felves, you that defire heaven at your ends, would you in– herit the Kingdom? Would you hve w1th Angels? would you fave your fouls? Examine and try whether your bodies and (o•el~ be fanllified throughout; and if you have no fcnfe or feeling of the new birth, (for ·us a myll:ery ro the unregenerate) then never look to fee (in that flare) the Kingdom of God; but if you perceive the wor– king of faving grace effe<:tually in you, (and you cannot but pers:eive it if you have it) if you feel the power of godlineffe firfl fcizing the heart, and after difpearling it felf over all the parts and powers of body andfoul (or yet more in particular) if your heart> be foftened by the Spirit, ifyour eyes wait upon G"od, if your ears lill:en to his Word, ifyour tongues j/Je!V forth his praifc, if y~ur underjl~tnding attain to faving knowledge, if your wills conform to the wz/1 of God, 1fyour memorzes be ll:ored wtth heavenly da·– <:trine, if your confciences be tender and fenfible of the leall fin whatfoever, if you love that which is good, if youhate that which is evil, if you hopeforthebleffings above, if you fear him that can dejl"roy both body andfoul; in a word, If you joy in goodhelfe, if youforroJV for fin, then are you born again. Happy man in this cafe that ever he was born, and thus every man mufl be, or he cannot be happy, Except a man] (every man every part of man) be born again, he cannotfee the Kingdom ofGod. ' Thus far of the fubjc<:t, man.] \Ve come now to the act,or deed to be done,he mu.Q be born agam.] [l!e born agqin.] THe children are brought to the birth, and !ell: the faying be true of us, there is nJ . f!rength to brmgforth: I lhall now (by Gods affifhnce) proceed to the birth lt felf. Here we have then~anner of it, and we may obferve a double manner. F1rll: ofthe words contammg the new birth. Secondly, ofthe new birth cdntained in the words. The mann~r of_the words _appears In the original ~·"~\l "'~~" J two words, and either ofthem hath 1ts d1verfe readmg. "Y"""~~, Valia would rather have to begenitlls,be otten– .Excep:a m~nbebegottm.] Other ufually faynaws, born; Ex,·ept a man be born.] ~nd J ,.§;Fil..S.. 1, fo ce,r ...}er, fome would have to-be t£v(¥Bev ~f&l 0J-£v, above,orfrom heaven· Exce t 4 man be born from above.] Others ufually ,;:,,.a, 70' '"i.'" again. Except a man'b b p - gam.] C~ryfcjlome cites both there, and of each· reading we fuall gather fomethinogrnf~rour own mttrucbon. . f·~cept afnum be regenerated, or begotten ( faithValla.) As man ~/,at is born 4' a woma ~ egottcno_ amau'thethatisbornagain, muj! have a begetting too: and therefor: e~ll~ttmes It IS ea C . renafcentt-a~ a new birth;, and fon1etimes regeneratio, it neiV be– g 0~mg, or regeneratton. Ifyou askof whom is the new man be~:orreri? ]ames tells ~ot > ~a~es I. 18. Ofhesown wilt begat he us with the wprd of mtth: The former word the (:,J :7~~1;oer~~ufe, thefe latter the inll:rument; it was God that begat tls,and with 9f~:~.JhGod begfathus, a2d fo are we called GodsfonJ, IJorn not ofblood, nor of. the will J~. ' nor 0 t e "'"'ofman but of God John R · · . God; and becaufe · · k, . ' . 1 · 1 3· egenerat1on 1s the work of fc.n in the Trinity: ~:~~e[::Eiifo!e(~~:h ~~~sAthefr~fr czn~unic:.ble to each PcrandbytheSpiritofourGod, 1 Cor 6 11 TheF~~he: s:~ e ameofv theLordJefus, flifie, all w9rk the fame work : b~t ;sin. the Godhe~d th~r:~: ~~ ~n~~~t'tc~:l ~~d C 1. yet ' ' 2 Kiogs, 19. ~ .. Erafdt ~nOt~ in l~c DoEl. ]ohn. 1, tlo t Cot. 8 n,