Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

l\cantng tbet0otn. SECT. 3· Ofthe manner ofprepauui•n befo-re the Reading ofthe Scripru;·es. ·-r Here is a double preparation needful , as firll: to the undertaking , fecondly to the performance of the duty: 1. For theundertaking of the work, we had need to be prepared with a firm and COf!ll:ant refolutton before we go about it, partly becaufe of the iluggifh~efs of ~ur carnal. natures to h~ly ditties, and of'our unconfl:ancy and unll:edfallncfs mperfilbng.and gomg through w1th them to the end; and partly becaufe we know how dangerous 1t IS to put ones hand to the plor<gha"d look,. ba</z, N'ow the grounds upon which our hearts muit be fetlcd in the finnnefs of fuch refolution, mull: be drawn,-- '. From the fenfe of our own blindnefs and ignorance, who of our fclves h~PJe 11ot the Prcv' ~o. J k,.nowledge nor i<ltderj/anding of a man, as .Ag~tr acknowledgeth. 2. From alfurance that this is the means ordained by God to help us out of ignorance: We have a mo1·eJure word of prophecy, whereuntoye do well that yetakJ·had, anmto a light • Pet.l· 19 that jhmeth m a dark,.place, umtll the daydavm, and the day-fiar anfezn our hearts. 3.. From the delight which we may find in the ufc of it: This delight drew holy Pfal. t 19· 96, Davtd to the co.nrmual medtta,on of tt ; the fweetncfs of the word arifing out of its 91· fu1tab!eoefs to h1s fanC:.hfi,ed nature, overcame David. 4· A 1~1ans heart (bei11g thus confirmed, with a full purpofe and fetlcd refolution to undertake and continue conll:antly in the fiudy of the holy Scriptures) mull: be more part(cularly prepared to the work it felf. 1ames 1. 21 r. By cleanfing the heart of all fuperjluity and nar<ghtiruf'; of 311 worldly thoughts and qre~, ofall unquiet paffions of anger, fear, joy, forrow, &c. P[a/. 139 >, .,, ., 9· 168 l[a. 66. • 2. By awing the heart with due reverence of God before whom we Hand, becaufe he ean find us out in all our foilings, as /0owing our very thoughts afar off, much more having all our wttyes, before him, and beingone who will not forgive our wilful tranf– greffions: Such confiderations will caufe us to receive the Word w;rh that trembling of heart which God fo much refpecrs. 3 . Dy ftirring up in our felves a Spiritual appetite to the Word, fuch as Job found in himfelf, who ejleemed the words ofhis mouth more then hismcef!ary food; and David in P{al.n 9 . 13 , himfelf, who opened his mouth, and panted, an~ longedf or his Commandmems; which a _ J'rov. 27. 7 petite arifeth both from the fenfe ofour emptmefs(for the f ullfoul /oaths the honey·comC) and fror:n the fitnefs of the word to fupply unto us whatfoever we want.and hungc( af– ter, as being thefood of our fouls. 4- BY awaking our faith; and to this purpofe we mull: confider, that it is the word lf•· 4S. 19 ofhim that fjmtk§th Righreoufnef', whofe faithfulne(s is to allgemrations; and that God l'fal, ''9· 9° hath made it his power to falvation, mighty thro11gh him to cajf downjfrong holds, and Rom. I. 16 hath promifed that it jhall11ot return empty, but Jhilll furely execute that for which it was 2 Cor· 10. S Ifa ss 10 11 [ent. ' • ' 5· By foftning the heart, and making it plyabJe; and to this purpofe we mull: call: afide our own wills and wifdoms, which !l:iffens our hearts again([ Gods councels, and feek after the Spirit of tendernefs, -which is call~d, The opening of the heart, Acts r6. 14. <i. BY lifting up the heart unto God in prayer, to open our eyes, to enlarge our hearts, ~[:'; 119~i; ~ to incli?fe OJ<rheart to his ujfimo11ies/o keep them to the end,and(according to his promife) 119 , 3 6.& 119 to fen4 his,Spirit, and to lead us into allrmth: . Soroefhort effectual prayer to this pur· tn. pofe, toclofc up our meditations in this preparation of our felves to the reading of the J ob. l4· 16,~o Wor<~,reprefenting unto God our dcp_endance on h.'m alone, to profper us in the ufe of his o,wn Ordinance, feldom returns without a gracwus anfwer. S.E CT. 4· Ofthe nece!fary Duties in Reading ofthe Scripwres. THe duty n.ow fallen upon; . it ii good for our profiting to obferve thefe par; tic11lars : --- I. That (in the beginning of our reading in the Bible, or of each book in the _Bible) we view and read over fome Analytical Table, that fo we better mark the dnft and fcope of the holy Ghofl, and that we may with fingular cafe and delight remember :he fame: ·To that purpofe I h:ive added fuch a Table in the end of this Chapter, whiCh may well fervc for the propofcd ends, ;z. That