Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

'I rrcv. 4· 1 Jcb >Q. 21 l{a. 63. 4 1'[•1.100. ' -;::-That we 3\(Cnd diligently to what we read : No\~ there is good reafon for this attention, 1 . B"ccaufc of the authonty and w1fdom ofh1m that fpeaks; A ch;/dc mufl hear ""farher , Prov. 4· 1. and a SubjeCt mufl: attend reverently to the words of a Ruler , )ob 29 • 2r. yet none of them 1s our Potter as God IS, lfa. 6 3. 4· nor made ru M · he drd Pfal. 1 oo. 3. nor confequently can challenge fuch refpcCl: from us as he may. 2 • 1 Becnufe of the matter or fnbjcCl: which the Smpwres h~ndlc, not oncly for the weight and importance of thofe h1gh myftenes wh1ch arc thcrem revealed, but for Jolm 5 • J 9 ,·' the great interell which we our fclves have m thoft thmgs, as contammg our cvzdences D<•""- 29. 26 and direCtions, which we rmd 01~1 c.hrl~ren mufi obJ:rve, that we may do them_. 3 . That we keep !till Jr["'-' Chrifl Ill our eye, •r the perufal of the Scnp!Hre , as the end, fcope and fuo!lance thereof: What :re the whole Scnp;ures, but as 1t were the fpiri tual fwadling-cloths of the holy duldc:;c{;ts? 1. Chnfl: 1s the truth and fubfl:ance of all the types and lhadows. 2. Chrift is the fubftance and matter of the Covenant of Grace under all admini!lrations thereof; under the Old Tefl:ament Chrifl: is vailed, under th~New Covenant, revealed. 3. Chrill: is the centre and meeting-place of all the promifes, for in him all the yromifes of God arc Yea and Amen. 4· Chrill: is the 2 Cor. 1 . 20 thing !ignified, fcaled and cxh1b1tCd m the ~acraments ot the Old an~ New Tdbment. 5 . Scripture-Gcncalog•cs ufe to lead us on to the true Ime of Chnlt. 6: ScnptureChronoiogics are to difcover to us the tunes and fc~fons ofChnfl:.. 7· Scnpture-La':"s 3 re our Schoolmafl:cr to bnng us unto Chnlt, th~ Moral by corrcClmg, the Ccrcmomal bydircCl:ing. 8. Seripturc-Gofpel 1S Chnfl:s light, whereby we know hnH; Chrilts G;l. 3· 20 voice, where?y we hear & follow him;. Chrifts cords of love, wher~by we arc drawn into fwectunwn and communton With hun; yea, .r u the power ofGod umo falvatwn, It<m. I. lt umo all zhcm that believe in Chrifl Jefus; and therefore think of Chrill: f!ill as the very (ubltance marrow, foul and fcope of the whole Scriptures. 4 . Th;t we obfervefomc fpecial palfagcs, where we find things reprcfented unto us either more weighty in themfelves, or more proper to our felves, for our particular ufe and occafions. I deny not but all Gods teftimonies are IVO>!dcrful in thcmfclves, Pfal. Pfai.Ilt.n~;· 119 . 2 9 . All ofthem pure, vcr. 140. .1111 profitable to givezmderftanding,vcr. 130. .And l ~o, 130,9 to cleanre our ways , ver. g. · And to mahf the man ofGod perfefl to eveq good work_, 1' h r h. . Se. . h h zTim,'l, J'6. 2 Tim. 3 . !6. Yet t ere arc ,ome t mgs m nptn,re more Important t an ot ers, and , fome more ufeful tben others, for fome perfons, t1mcs and·occafious: and to this purp~f~, I have towards the end of thiS. Chapter, compofcd fome heads,or common places, for obfervarion of fueh profitable thmgs. 5 . That we approveand alfent to tha~ we read, both bccau~c it is the truth of God, ~nd becaufc till our judgement approve 1t, wc cannot behevc 1t, nor poff.ibly bring our hearts to yield to it true and fincere obedience: It is true, that every godly man at all times gives his alfent, to every truth of God revealed unto him, yet that alfent is not alike firm at all times, becal!fe the evidence by which he aeknowledgeth it, is not alike clear at all times; but when it fhines to us clearly, when men clearly difcern the glory and qeauty of thofe heavenly myfl:eries, and tafl:e of the goodncfs of them, they~annot ravifh readers with admiration, yea tranfport them with ftrong and heavenly affections of lovc,joy and dcjire, Pfal.x 19.V·97,1 r 1,' JI,I62.-·-obferve,that it happens fometimes · fuch fpiritual raptures may feizc on a man, even while he is reading the Scriptures; as .the Difciples beamburned IVithin<hem, IVhilfl our Savioltr talhfdwith them, going to Lu~ 24 3 • Emmam; and if fo, then the heartopens it felf to clofe with and draw in that ravifhing objeCt, which will necclfarily jnfo&ce the foul to make a paufe: --·--And thefe paufes rather further then hinder us in our work, for a godly fpirit quickncd by fuch fweet refrefhirigs, receives iRereafc o~alacrity, 11nd is thereby ttrcngthned to go on with much greater life, to the end of this hoJy excrcife. ' SECT. 5. Of D~ties aft~~. Rrading the Scriptum. 'THe end of ltudying the Sc;ift,;r;;, is not'onciy kno~lcdge, but praClice; wherefore after we have read any part of the Soriplltr~s; our fpecial care mult be-·-. . r.. To recount and revolve in ollr minds thofe things we have read, and feriouffy to med1tate <m them. . 2. T~ fearch out the tr'!e l'l!l)fe·lJnc\ meaning of the words,. together with the fcqpe Unto wh1ch they are direCled, and.ifour own underfl:anding be ~QQ weak we may do ~ell to moke ufe of other mens Writi.rigs or Conference~. ' 3. To