Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

P{•i."119. 63 & ,,6.9!, 99 m!i 19· 7 11\eantng tl)e naotn. Chap.•r;.Sea.6. 3· To fingle out and apl'ly what is of more fpccial ufe to o.ur felvcs in fuch fort, if we were fpec1ally named m any Precept, Reprovf, Prom1fc , Commination, Con– folation, or the like, which is the moll: effectual means to awaken and ll:ir up affeCtions and to fer on our endeavours, as manifellly appears in good Jofah his example: 2 Chrort. 34· 20, 2I, +· To work rhofc things upon our hearts, till they warm our affeCtions : This is bell: done .... , . By appropriating them unto'our felves; for that which affects us, is that which mo!l: nearly concerns·us. 2. By believing what we read as undoubtedly true; thus D"vid believed, Pfoi. 11 9 , IJg, ... Ip, ..·I60. · 3. By loving thofc counfcls of God which wc embrace by faith , for their purity perfection, righreoufi1cfs,and efpecially for the ufcfuinefs and wonderful benefit ofthCI~ to our felves , in quicksning thefpmt, m giving wifdom, in converting thefoul. thefe eminent excellencies of the \"'ord , cannot choofc but make thefe heavenly ~ounfels precious in our eyes, and bring the foul to delight in them exceedingly. 5. To advife about , and to iefolvc upon the means to bring all into praCtice c– fpeci;IIly for thofc duties which are laid before us in reading the WG>rd, or fomc pa;t of the word, at fuch a particular time. 6. To examine our ways, how near they come up to the rule, or come lhort of it . that on the one fide wc may be encouraged in conforming our practice to the Law and withal rejoycc in the Grace of God, working in us with thankfulnefs; and on the o– ther fide, that we may be humbled and grieved for our failings, and driven to feck unto Chrill:, to make up our peace, and the_n look better to our ways for time to come, as .Daviddoth,P[al; 119·'3'• 132, 13J,I76· SECT. 6. A Calender p~trpo[ed to Jhew how we might read over the Scripwrc (everaliVays once in ayear, I N reading the Scripture, we fpake of a proportion oftime to be._allotted for this Ex-· ercifc; and that we may fo proportion our reading with the time, that we read all the Bible or Scriptures over ina year, I hadcompofed a Calender, !hewing how we might read it over fcveral wayes. · 1. By reading every day three Chapters or more in the Old Te!l:ament, and rwoor more in the New. 2. By reading three Chapters a day, and fome more of the Pfalms. 3- By rcadinglhi[Uy three Chapters a dayofthofethat cdilie molt + By reading two Chapters a day, moll: of the Old Tcll:ament, and all of the New. 5. By re~ding oncly one Chapter a day out of fuch Books as arc principal, and a Rule for the re!l:: But every private Chrill:ian may witli a little indulhy find out this, or fome other Calendcr more beneficial to him; onely with this note, that after all thefe forms, it were-not unprofitable, if he read at !call every morning a Pfalm, and every evening a Chapter of thofe that edifie mo!l: in their order,wryich is now the con!l:ant.ufe ofa w~k Chrill:ian in his family duties. . " · , Oflatcl am dcfired to fetdown thcfe Calenders before mentioned, efpecially in refe– rence to the fourth and fifth way.Jndeed for the firll: three wayes they are common,and Chri!l:ians I fuppofe will need no inll:ru{lions,oncly for the two la!l:. I !hall direct; as thus. forthc fourth way, read all Genefts,excepting the tenth and thirtylixth Chap~ers: and ~f Exodu•, read the firft twenty Chapters; read alfo all the Pfalm.r, dividing the 11 9 th. Pfalm into three parts; andallt\le Prophets; and all theChaptersofthe New Tell:amentand they will in all amount to feavcn hundred and thirty, which is two Chapters a clay for the whole year round. And for the fifth way, read all Genejis, exceptiBg the tenth, and thirty lixth Chapters; and all Ifaiah, 'excepting the 15, 16, r7, 18, , 9 , 20, 21, 22, and 23. Chapters; and adding thereto all the Chapters of the New Tell:amcnt (which are two hundred·and lixty) the whole fumme w1ll amount to three hundred lixty five, which is the number ofthe days ofthe year: or rather thus, read all Genejis,excepting the tenth,and rhmy lixth Chapters; and all!fatah, exceptmg .the 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 , 20, 21, 22, 23. Chapters; and all the Pjalms, dividing the hundred and nineteenth Ffalm into fo,ur parts; and all Matth<w, .Aas, Romans , Hebrews, Rc11el;uionr, (all which I look uy<m as principal Books, and rules for the reft) ,, and