ChaP.'<:; .Scft 7 8. ltteaning tf)e ooorn - -- "11 --. ·l~lt '65-· Chapters·, \Vht"cha.l~oisthem,tmbcrofthedayes and they w1 amount m a o , of the year. SECT. 7• Ofheads or common places ofObfcr"Jationsfor Profitable things. I Declared before (Sect+.) that in Reading of the Scripture,. it were good for ou'i profiting to obferve fome fpec~al paffagcs, where we Jind thmgs reprefented unto us, either more weighty in themfclvcs, or more proper to our [elves, for our partteular ufe and occu!ions; and to that purpofe I fhall now compofe fome heads or common places for obfervation of fuch profitable things : Some I know herein advife thefe four points; 1, That every Chnlhan following thts d1rechon, fhould make a httle paper-Book of a fhcct or two, and write on the top of•every leaf, the title that he would obfcrve in his reading. 2. That he would obferve fuch plates as {tare hint in the face, that arc fo evident, that the heart cannot look offthem. 3. That he fet down under each tide only the Book, Chapter and Verfe, ana not the words, for that would tire him in the end; oncly when he hath done his quarter-task, or years-task, then ho may write out the choicdl: things, as he thinks good. 4- That he look not at the profit ofthiscourfe the firll: week or moneth,butlet him confider how rich it will make him at the years end; furcly after he hath gathered them, he would not fell his colleflions for a great price, if it were but for the gobd they may do him in the evil day. , when it fhall come upon him : Of thefe I fhall give you the experience of a weak Chrillian, the unworthiell: feivant of Chrill, in the following Seflion and Paragraph~. SECT. 8. Common places obfcrved by one inhisp~ivttte Reading of the Scriptures. ·I. pLaces th~t in reading he found rebuke of corruption in his nature or practice. Ni<mb. I4. I I. 2Chron. p. 26. Ifa . 56· II. ·--57· I7. Jer. 6. 13· Ez:.ek. 3'4· ·2, 3> 4· H ofea 7· 10. .Mar. 7· 2 r, 22, 23. Lu~ I2. 15. Rom. 7· 23, 24. Ephef. 5· 4• I l'et.2. 1. Rev. 2. 5·- ).15, 16, I7. 2. Places that hold £orth comforts againll the burrhcn of his daily infirmities, inward temptations and afflictions of Spirit. Gen. 15. I. Exod. 34· 6,7. Pfal. I8.6.- 23.4, j,6.-3f.I8. -42. 5, n . Hof. 6. 1, 2. .lvfic. 7• 18, 19. Luk57. 4· Joh. I7. 19. Rom. 6, ' 4· ··· 16. 20. 1 Cor. 10. IJ. 2 'Thcf{. 3· J. I Tim. I. 15. Heb. 4• I5, 16. I Pet. 5· 10. I John I. 9·-- 2. I,2, 12. ---s. I8. 3· Places th~t ellablifh his heart againll: the fear of f,llling away. I Kings 6. '3· Job 8. 20. Pfal. '5· 5· -- 16. l!. --.-c.- 37· 2.j., 2/7, 28", 31.-..- 89. 33> H> 35· --- 94· I+ If"· 54- 10. Jer. 31. 3· -- 33· 20,21, 251 26.-.J. 32. 39,4-0. Hofea 2, 19,20. L11k_r 22. p. John6. 39·--1,. 1.--q,. 16: -·-– ' 7· 22,2 3, 26. Rom. 8. 35, 39·- I I. 29. I Cor. I. ll, 9· Eph. I. I 3, I4•· ---4. JO· Phtl.r.6, 1 .ThrJ.5.23,1J~.• 2Thef.3·3· Heb. IJ.)· rPet.2.6. 1.1'!fobn3. 9·-5·+· 4 • Places that dire~ed him in his particular calling. ' l • Job l3· 23, 1+" l{t<. 49· 4, 5.-)0. 4- ---52>. 1 r. ---J8. I. 62. I. 6, 7· *Jer. 15. I9, zo, 21.---23.22.--- 48. 10. Ez.ek:., 3·. r, "J8, I9 1 ZOJ'i zr. ..;-133· 2 >3, 4, 5,6,7, 8,9, ---·Mal. 2. 7· Mat. 10. I6, , 7 , I8, I9, 20.. .A£11 2o,io, 21,23. I Cor. I. 5----,4-.1. I2. 2Co•··+5,6,7.---6. 3>4>5,6>7> 8,9, IO.~I2. I5. l'hil.2. 3· I Thef. J.. 3 ,.4> 5 ,6, 7 ,8, 9 , 10, "' 12, 13, 17. 1 Tim. I; 4- +· 12. . S· Promifesthatcomfort himagainll:outwardo~otih, '• ,; P· Exod. 4· 31.--23. 25. J~tdg.q. ZJ. 2 Chr.2}·9· Pfai. z..J• r, z.--3·7· Zj.--119.165.· r;;v. I. 33·-·J. 8, 10. Ifa. 58. 8. Dan. 6. 16. Luks 21. 1S. Jdhn r6. 33.,Rtim.'1. ij. 2 or.4. 17, 18. 2Tim. 2. J.I, I2. Heb. 13 . 5, 6. r)'tt, ~· 14, ~'}, 16, 17, I8>-+ lii. '3, 14, r 5, I(), 19, Rev, z; 1o. ' ,, 1 6. PlaceS'