Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

3, 2 l!leantng tl:)e·D9ottJ. Chap. f 5. sea. 9 . ....:._____ 6-.-P-Ia-c-cs_t_h-at--:h-o--:ld--:--:fo-r--:th--:h--:i'-s-p--:ri-vi::-lc-d:-g-e-s:-in-C=--hr-ift:-,-a-b_o_v_e-al-1-th_e_:w_i_ck·cain the world. , Gen. 3· 15.--7. 1, 23---12. 3.--15. 6.-- 26. 4---- 28. 14. -- p. 28. Exod. rg. 4, 5, 6, Numb. 23.21--24-5,6. Dcut.26. 18, Jg.·-33· 29. I Sam. I2. 22. 2Chron. 15·+·- 16.g. jobs.Ig,t027· PJAI. 32·7···J3.I8,I9.--34·4>5,6,7,8, &c. Jfa. 40 . 31 .. _ <;.1. 10, 14, J5> 16 1 17, 18, 19, 20-"53· llo.-- 54· II, 12, J3, q, 15, I6, I7. Jer. 33 . 8. Lam. l· J2· E:..c~ I J • 19. Dan. 6. 2J. Zech, 2, 8. M«l. 3· I7···+ z, Mat, I. 21.--Io. JO.--II. 28.--28.20. LH/zg II. 13.--19. 1o.--21. I8. John 1. 12, I6,2g.– IO. 28.·"3· 16, 17.-- I4.I6,I7--17. 17,19 1 24 . .A{fJ I 3-39· Rom. 4·5.--8.30, 33··-I0-41Ccr. 1. 30. 2Cor. 5·19, 21. Gal. 3· 13.··4· 4, 5, 6. Eph. r, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7··'z.q,r6.--. Phtl.3,2r. Coi.J.2I,22.-·3·4· ITheJ-5.23,24. ITim,I.I5. Tit.2.I+, Hcb.1, 3--·9· I2, zo.. I John I. 7.--2. 2.--J.I,2, 5· Rev. 1. 5, 6. 7· Places containing fwcet palfagcs, which melted his heart. Gen. 22.v. 1, to 20.---24. thro.ughout---33-', to 12.--43. I, to 31.-- 44 . throughour.-- 45· throughout. --48. I, to I2. --5o. r, to 12. Deut. 5. 22, to 30. Judg. 7 . 9 , to 23 . Rmh. 2. I, to I+·-·3· throughout. 1Sam. I7. 22. to the end.-- 18. ,, 2, 3 , 4 , 5 , 6, 7 ..-– zo, throughout.--2-f. ·I,to 20.--25. I4,to 36. 2SAm, 15. Io,to the end. /fa. 5 7,1 5, to 20. Jcr, 31. 18, 19, 20. Jonah 2. I, to 8. M~<rk..9. 14, to ~5. John 1x. r, to 4.6. 8. Places that in reading the Scriptures he found fenfible comfort in. Exod. 14. 1J.·-I9.4>J,6. --24.10, II,17.·- 34· 6,7, 8. Numb.'+ I8. De~a. }· zg.--IO. I5· I S~<m. 30. 6. 2Sam. I2. I3. zKing. 20. 5· 2Chron, I2.!2.--15·+···- 20.2I,22,27,28. Job5. 1I,I7,I8,r9. ·-33·25,26. Prov.3.12. Pfal. 27.1J, I4---31. 7.--37. r, 2, 3, ~' 5, 6, 7, S, 32, 33, l+· --57. throughout.-- I 19· I OJ.-- 1 3 g, 7, 8.---I 39• I7• /fa; 29. 19. -- JO. 8, I9.--40.' 1, 2.--42. 3.--48. 18.--49• 2, I h I4, 15, I6.--sz. 9.--- 54-7> 8, 9, I0.---55· 7·-·57· I5> I6, IS. Jer. r. g.--J I. 3, 9, 20. Hofia 6. 1, 2.-•II. 8. Mteh. 7· I8, I9, 20. Mat. 5· II, 12.-Io. 26, 28, 29, 30,3 r, 32 . MArk_z. I7. L~tke. 6.2Z,23. Rom. 8.r8,JI,p, zCor. 7.6. Eph.5.8. Col. 1 • I J.-- 2 Tim. 3• IJ. Heb. IO. 35, 36, 37> j8.-I2. 5, 6, 7> 8. 'fame;, 5· 20. I 'John 3• 12, Ij, 149· Places hard to be underftood, of which he dcfired and endeavour after refolution, as (amongft the reft) all the Titles of the Pfalms, efpecially of thefe Pfalms, --- J, 4> S> 6, 7> 1, 9, 6, 22, 30, 34> 38, 39> 42, 45> 46, 50, 53> 56, 57> 6o, 72, 88, 90, 92, 1I9, 120, &c. I o. Other (everal heads hath he noted in his private little Book, which onely I fhall . fet down for others imitation: As--- I, Places that held forth ExperienceJ (or the word written in our hearts) as the bd! Commentary. 2. Places that hold forth divers points of Religion, that a Chrill:iaa may infallibly reil: on, and live and dye in the alfurance ofthem. 3. Places that juftifie a precife refpetl: of the leaft fin. . , 4· Places that fhew the godly have fuffercd all forts of crolfes, reproaches and llanders. 5. Choice Sentences, or memorable fayings. . o. Promifes of the Churches flourifhing in the !aft times. But above all, thofe which concern our own particutar, I eftcem moll: precious, and of fmgular ufe. SE C T. 9· Of the Vfe of thefe Co!leS/iom, T He.firll: head was; Plaw that in reading, he found rebuke •fcorntption in hiinatur< _. or praffzce: The ufe hereof, is to open his eyes, and to let him fee the anotomy of his corruptions, and plainly to ~erceive what things arc in his na~urc, that God hat~ a quarrel agamfl:; fo that now it 1 s time, that as fuch a one IS gUided by the lin&er 0 God to know his corruptions, fo, he lhoul\1 go to the Spirit of God for moruficr.non. The