2 Cor. 8. 12. ]cb ~·· S• what dotb the Lord require ofthee, but to fearthe Lord thy God, and to love himdndJn-ve him tvith all thy heart, and to k!ep hu Commandments? Oh (faith the foul) how Jhould 1 now think_mnch of Chrift ? andJpeak_much ofChrift? and converfo much tVith Chrijl? and · do much for Ch>-.jf? andJPjfer muchfor the Lord 'Jefus Chrift? and if I c.nnot do muc·h, how foou/d I defire andwc/1 to do much, whtch u accepted as tf I did it? how jhould I con. til.lllli/ygo to him,to enable me to do mwe then of my [elfI can do? nay, how jhould I mourn ~ndTamem for wh11t I ha'Ve not done, either through want cf ability or wilt: This is the ufc offuch glorious priviledges, to bclie'Ve in Chrift, lnd to live unto Chrift. The fevcnth head was, Naces containing pajfagesthat even melted his heart: The ufe hereof, is to call fuch palfages to remembrance in times of mourning, oncly be fure that our affettions prove fpiritual, and not meerly natural: I make no que/lion but Drwids longmgafter God, Pfalm. 42. I, 2. his panting after the Word, Pfa!m. r 9 r. I.\O· his delight in the fweetnefs of it, Pfal. I19. 103. his trembling at Gods pre>– fence, Pfal. 119,120. hisgriefforthebreachofhisLaw, Pfal. 119. q6. werefpi– nrual affections; for they were raifed by fpiritual objects, fo it is good for us to ~e to our aifcebons, thlt they be raifed by fpiritull objects, and then they will prove fingu– hrly ufcful ; it may be indeed that when a Chrill:ian perufcth over again the fame Texts, he fhall not have the like operation as before: all the godly find by their own experience, that thofe infhucrions, reproofs and confolations, which at fometimes awaken, wound and revive their fpirits, at another time move them nothing at all; fometimes the fpiritual fenfe is benum'd, and they hear only by the heari;g of the ear; but at other times, when thofe fenfes are awakened, they tafl:e and fee, and feel the fame, and confcquently are affected, as 'Job was in that place, 'Job 42. 5. fo if at iny time we find thefe melting·s fl:irred in us by a fpiritual objec't, and that they are anfwer– able to Gods dealings with us, and that we can,rejoyce or mourn feafonably, when Godcallsustoeither, Err/cf. 7· '4· I take this to bean holy and happy ufemadeof thofe places. The eighth head was, Pltt<es that in reading, hefo~tndfenfib le ronifort and r«vifoing 'f he~~rt ,in: The ufe hereof is not onely for prefent, but whiles he lives in any difl:refs,klr th~n he may have recourfe to thefe places,as to fo many wells of joy ; and if in his grief, one, or two, or ten will not comfort him, yet it may pleafe God that fome of them will have fpirit and life in them ; befides, it cannot but marvelloufly efl:ablifh his faith, when he remembers in how many difl:inct places of Scripture the Lord was pleafcd ta comfort his foul. The nineth head is, Places hardto be unilcrftood, of which he defired and ende4vonred after re(olmion: The ufe hereof, is fpccified in the very Title it felf; and the refolu– tion o(the hard Texts cited (viz.. thofe Titles of feveral Pfalms) was by indullry found out thus PSAL. ; . The Title is, A Pfalm ofDavid, when hefledfrom Abfolom hiJfon. In which three things are contained, I The Author thereof, DavidKing of lfr•el who compofed it. 2 The kind of the Pfalm; which word [Pfalm] is a word generally applyable to all thofe fpiritual Hymns, without particular application to the Ceremo– nies of perfons, time or manner of finging, as many others are ; It was ufually deltve· · red to the \yhole Q!Jire, on the Sabbaths and_Felhval d~ys, to be fung by voyce, and to be fitted to the' inll:ruments, ufed to be played upon m the Ten,ple. 3. The exprcf– fion of the time,and occafion of the compofing thereof; (i.e.) when he fled from Abfo– iom: the ll:ory is fet down, 2 Sam. r5. Many were the troubles wherewith this good King was afflicted, efpecially after his fin in the matter ofVriah, but never any fo grievous, as to be driven out of his own Kingdom by his own Son, and his fubje<'ls to fall away from him, and to follow his enemy, that fought his life and Throne. . . Hereupon he makes his forrowfuf complaint unto God in this Pf~lm, and ~ppomts tt to be fung in the Church for his own comfort, and inllrucrion to himfelf and the whole Church in fuch times of calamities. And to this his pathetical moan, he joynsthis word [Scl11h] as a note <lfthe attention' of the mind, and ll:op or paufe in the fong. , . . for underll:anding the nieaning and ufe of the word [Selah] note) that Setah rs~n Hebrew word, and lignilies as much as Amen, for everfomper, m [omp11mmm, tnJec.t– lo, &c. ,_·~7~ ~ .... ,a, in ttternum. Hierome obferves, that the Jews ufed one of there three words in the end or conrlu- ~ fion