l!lcantng t{lc wortt. fi ---f-tlleir writinos or fentenccs, or in the end of their prayers, Amm, Sclah or Salem, wno o A d . . d b d f: ffi . . . . which flgnifics peace: n 1t 3 nqte to c a wor to cxpres an~ rm~t10n, or g1vmg affcnt tO that which is prayed Or fa1d, as-Amm IS, or cJfe ~t IIll pOrtS a wlfh, VOW or de– {i h t the thing fpoken be certam or nmy be for ever,(u.)that lt may be performed r ~~~;1t i:is to be noted,_ that it is ufually placed, when f9me fpecial thing, worthy atten– tion or obfervation, IS fpoken or del1vered, or fame defire to be performed, whether it be in the end, or in any fentence of the Pfalm, Prayer, &c.. that by a bttle fiop or lc' of the breath the matter, worth or excellency of the thmg may better be confi– ~~~~ed. And you fuall not find it in any part ofthe Scripture, faving in the Pfalms, and · the prayer of the Prophet Habak..k;.<k, Hab. 3· 3· whereupon it'sobferved by Dmji 111 d 0 'thers to be a word of note, ufed in thofe ditties and mufick, to make a /lop mu ' . {! y that the matter uttered may be better mmded of the hearers, either to affirm ftr ba their affent, or to dcfire the performance ofwhat is fung by that intcrmiffion, h·\ fecms to be moll probable, becaufc the Greek Trannators of the Hebrew B1ble, ~: :~efs the word Selah, by the Greek word J'uln't"«, .which fignifies, a flop, or intmmf– Jio~, a~d fo comes to be ufed m the Pfalmodze, and IS rtclnn:Commtttatw, a change of the note, or viciffimdo camnd•, or as fome fay, alumtsfenfus exordtum. p SAL. 4· T o tbechief Mujitian on Neginoth, a P{alm of David. The meaning is this, The ~{ingly Prophet David compofectthis Pfalm,, and delive– red it to be fung and played m the CongregatiOn, to hnn that was the chtef Overfeer, Mafler and fet over the refl of that mufiek or confort, upon the imhument called Ne– ginoth 'which founded by playing on with the hand: To underlhnd this the better, we may ;bferve,that fome in!l:ruments ufed inth~ Jewifh Temple, were """P."'TIKd windy, fuch as founded by breath, and motion of the fingers; as Organs, that are blown with bellows and all hollow inftruments, as Trumpets, Rams-horns, Cornets, &c. fuclt as the p;iefls and Levites ufcd in the holy Ordinances, from the Hebrew word Nrchi– leth which fignifieth bored through or hollow. Others were pulfatilia, fuch as were _Played upon with the fingers onely, either by a quill or otherwife ; as the Harp, Dulc!mer, &c. and had finngs; and of this fort was the inlb:ument in the Title of this Pfalm, called Neginoth; now to every one of thefc feveral kinds of infrruments, there was one who cxcel\ed therein, appointed overfeer, or chie! of the confort, and to d1reCt thofe under hun m the fong, as there was offuch as were the fmgers.alfo for the fong : Hence it is, that the Pfalm being committed t() be fung to the ma!l:er of that Order, it's faid, To thechief Mt<Jitian, or to him that e.r:– ce//eth: A Pfalm of David. ~ PS AL. 5· To the chiefMltjitian ~epon Nehiloth, aPfalm ofDavid. The Title of this Pfalm may be under!l:ood by that which is faid in the Title of the Fourth Pfalm, differing in nothing but -in the name of the in!l:rument, which was one of thofe that were hollow, and founded by breath, as the Hebrew word !hews, as a– fore, &c. Some of'the Hebrew writers fay, it was a Mufical infirumcnt, whofe found was like the buzzing of Bees, or in regard of the multitude of them, which are like an army for number, and for that the mafier of that Q!!ire was appointed to pray for all Ifrael, as for all the Armies of the Ifraelites, againfi the Armies of the enemies, that c~me againfl them in multitude and noife like a[warm Bees; thereupon he gives the T1tle~ Super exercitus Pfalmus Davidis, &c. ?ut unproperly, the Title having nocon– fonmty Wtth the fubfiance of the Pfalm, nor ts 1t approved by our interpreters, &c. but the fir{! followed. · PS AL. ~· To the chiefMl<jitilln on Neginoth upon Sheminith, a PfalmofDavit!.' The meanmg of this Title may be underfiood by that which is faid afore in the fourth Pfa1rri, faving that here is added [upon Sheminith] that is, it was played with the e1ghth tune,notc or firain,and fung with a very clear and high voycc; we may better underll:and 1t by what is faid, I Chron. I 5. 21. Mattithiah Eliphaleh, and other,s we;e Jet ov:r the bafe an1 tenori which is the Sheminith.or the Eight,or Diapafan,as Mu– fitlans calls 1t; the meanmg is; this Pfalm was to be ordered by the ch.iefMufitian. of that confort, t~ be fung and played upon the infirument Neginoth, with ~he· highelt: · and utmollfiram of found and voyce, or inftrument of ten ftrings. \