ll\eatJtng t\)e oooto. PS AL. 7• Shiggaion of D avtd, l>hich be fang umo the Lord, e<i.ccrning , rhcwords.fCujlnhc lfOIJam:te. This was a Pfalm of Davi1, fung according to an ordinary fong, the beginning whereof was Shiggaion, for 1t s ufual With us al:o to make fongs to be fung, according to the tune of fome others that were made before. Tremeli.-.; and fome others, from the Hebrew word, which fignifies errare, c>'c. titles it Ode erratica, a Ivandringfonnct, becaufe it is mixt, and confllls ,,r divers forms and dillin{tions of voyce and found in playing artificially, joyned to compleat the muflck as we fee rcfembled in Prick-fong. · ' And where it is faid,Conctrning the JVords of c,.jh, it !hews the occafion of the Pfal% namely, That when Davidwas moll unjulHy lbndered by his enemies, and efpecially by C.jh, &c. he makes his complaint unto God in this Pfalm, deflring him to revenge his innocency, &c. and to be delivered from the perfccution of Saul and his flatterers, fuch as this Cuf• was ; [words] (i.e.) .Am•Jatio;>s, de. who this C1tjh was is . doubtful: Hurom affirms it to be Saul, and gives his reafons for it: Others (which I think is more probable) think it to be fome Courtier of Ethwpia, whom Said enter– tained in his Court, and was his fpeeial favorite, as if he had been of his family or llock (for Cujh is the name of,and taken for Ethiopia,) &c. this man for hatred ag1inft Dav,d, and flattery towards Saul, falfly accufed him to Sa~tl, and praCl'ifed all the I1Iifchicfhe could again!l him. P SAL. 8. To the chief Mufirian upon Gittith, a Pfalmof David. The Title ~f this Pfalm is diverfly given, fome thus, 7 othe thi11V!ufitit!n, pro· torcularibtu, for wine-prejfes; as if it was. a prayer for fruitfulnefs o that fmit, &c. Others, that It was compofed by Dawd m tlie City of G'ath, when he was banifhed 7 Others, that that kind of in!lrument was invented and ufcd there : That which is mo!l propable and agreeable with the Scripture, is, That Gmith was an inftrument which Jeduthun and his poll:erity,being chief of the third Claffis or Order of Mufitians, . ufed to play upon, the cullody whereof was comn; itted to Ubed-Edtm the Gittite, and h!s family, that was of the pofterity of Jeditt huu; who for himfelf and his b.rethren, for his time, minill:red and ufed them in the holy fervice, 1Clmn. 16. 37, 38. ' P·SAL. 9· To the chief Mitfitian.on Mmh-Labben, a PJ-dtnofDa"J_id. .. 1 - Uuth-Labben was the beginning of a tunc, after which this Pfalin was to be fungby' the Qgire, which contains a Thankfgiving for his vr{tory, and for the death of Goliah, the Champion of the Phili!lims againll: lfr4el; therefore fonie r•ad the Title thus: Magijho S)'mphoni£ de morte il/iuJ bel/atoris (i.e.) Goliah, &c. which typically is ap– plyed to Chrill, as a fong of joy of the Church and Saints of God, for Chrills tJirJm– phant vi{tory over the tyranny ofSatan, and 'his Kingdom of fin and death: ~. ome divide the words, and make Mtith-Labben two pill:in{t words, and make the fenfe to be this, viCI:ori,fuper mortem filii, Pfalmus D.a•Jid, as if Davidhad.made it for the deat!J of his Son, as Seldan; which fenfe .Aujfin miflikes, and_yiclds his reafons for the for– mer, arguing from the fubllance.of the Pfalm, in rhat he mourned, and rejoyced not fo{his fons.death, therefore the firl1: fenfe is bell. . . P SAL. r 6. The Title is, Michtam ofDavid (i.e.) .Agolden or excel/cm Pfalm.' 'Fhe meaning is, it is a Pfalm made by David, to be fung after a certain tunc, named "]tfic'htam, well known ~mong the Jews, which for the excellency, is compared to Gold, the beginning of which tune was Michtam; or elfe it is taken for a mulical inftrument of fpecial eftecm amongll: them. . PS AL. 22. To;the chiefMltjiti4n on Aijeluh'Shahar ; ( i.e.)'The hinde of the mcrpin( ·r Sople take .Aljeleth Shahar, to be the name of fome common fong ,or to be the be– ginning of fome o~dinary tune, according to which this Pfalm was fung; that's t~e ·G,e1JC'1la note, which may be fo: But TremeliuJ, Lyra, and divers, take it to beo– 'thehvi{'c, and b~tter (as I thlnk) who interpfet thofe .f:Iebrew.words,in,or at the:d.-rvnmg •J; ip~ t/ay,''a$ you would fay; between break ,ofthe _day and fun-riling; bccaufc at that ttme, the comfohablc light or ·fhine of the day begtns to break forth. . Tb.e meaning of the Title being this, David made this Pfalm, :ind appointed it to be flj)le. Ul the Church by the Priell:s and Levites every morning, fo foon as the day brake (J 11 . • out;