ChaP-' ~.sea-.9. latanlngtiJt naorn. 317 ~~~--~--~~~~ ----------------~- out. at which time it was by the Law and Cuitom their duty to exercife theirMinifteryin theQ!!ire, and to ling P(alms, r Chron.9. 33· which fervicctheLord would have to be done by the Church, tnat their faith and expectation of, mtght dady. be renewed and had in memory, the prophecy of whofc Kingdom and fuffenngs are reprefcntcd in this Pfalm, lvoking (as the day fprings from on high) that Chnfi lhould vifit them. p SAL. 3 o. Title, A Pfalm or (ong of David, at the dcdicntion of the Houfo cfDdvid, which he cowpofed to bejang at the dedica1 ion <fhis Houfc. · .. Which Title {hewcth the occafion of this fong, and time, when it wasufed, whtch was at fuch time as he had built and finilhed his houfe of Cedar upon Mount Sion,which many good Authors think probable, and follow. ' Or clfe when he was returned to his houfe again in fafety, after Abfolom in– bellion had prophancd it, and defilei:l it by his incefiuous wickcdn.cfs w.ith his Fathers Concubines, and fo to purge 1t from all ur.cleannefs, he dedtcates tt to the Lord, pray· ing him to fancbfic and make it holy again, that it might beJ:>le!fcd and.~qc,eptable to himfelf, 2Sam. r6. 22. which is the opinion ofle;:uned Tr<melim, and the matter of the P(alm ferves to imply as much; for it was a cuftom prefcribed by the ,Law, Dettt. Dm. 20, S 2o. 5· that whofoever had built a new houfe, he lho\Jld dedicate it unto the Lord, ferve it from wic~edncfs and linful abufe, or (as you would fay) make God the Landlord thereof. And this dedication imports three things : r. That the builder lhou\d devote it unto God, to teflifie that he would·uf~ it to holinefs, and not to prophane or finful ufes. · 2. To te!tifie his thankfulnefs for the work finifhed. 3· To offer prayers and facrifices, that God might continue and.conf~ h\.s bleffings upon them in it. PS AL: 34· A :Pfalm of David, whe.~ he changed his behaviour (ufo:e Abimelech, and he departed. : . . · ·' This Title fl1cws the occalion of the Pfalm, rather then the ceremony thereof: the fiory is fetdown, I Sam. 21. .13· thcc-fum is, D4vidflying ftom Saul toA•hifl'l King of Gath, who here is called A.bimelevh. for his fafety; but bcing.djfcovered by tbofe about the King, and .tliereby in fome danger, he changed his bcha\rigur, mutav!tguJ!umfaum, fome vultum, meaning that out of policy to free himfdf, he f<tig~~<l. adiil:emper, as if he had been mad before .Abimdech, who after fent him away' and ro efcap.e4 '\h.c; danger ~e. feared, and thereupon makes this Pfalm of Thankfgiving fqr hjs de)iver;>nce. And lt IS to be note<;!, touching the name of the King, that here he is ca.lleg .Abi,~,t.e/•ci?> which was a common name to all the Kings of that Countrey,asPharaoh was to !h~·M_yptians, C£far to the Romans ; and in Samuel he is called Achijh King of Gath, &hldi was his _more proper name. . ~ . •. Jf· P~AL. 38. Title, 4 Pfalm ofDavid to bring to remembrance. ,., APfalm whtch Dtwtd .m~de to be fung by the Q!ire upon the Sabba;\t, 'ttfter th,e Lord had aflltCtcdhtm W!th licknefs, and grievous chafull:ments, to put himfi;lf (and of Godschtldren m ltke cafe) in remembrance ofhislio, which eap;f~d them; (wh1ch fomc thmk \~as the matter ofVri.u) and to admonilh him of Gods goodnefs, who had deltveredh1m from thofe punilhme_nts, and pardoned his fin. .' d . Some apply thts to the agonies of Chriil:; and his powcrfull v(Ctory., O;V!!r fin, eath, &c. _,f), jj';'; ) PSAL. 39· Title, Totbe.chiefMttjitian,evento'jqd"tlmn,,. !'fall114flJf''l'iJ.:, . [Magiftro Symphoni£ Je'dttthun.] · Th1s Pfalm was compofed by David, and appointed to be fung.a~d .pl~Y€cb?n in– firuments toJeduthun, even to Jeduthun (i.e.) To that exceUcnt Mufittan, who for the excellency of h1s skill, was the chief of his Order, and father i:o 'thofe of his,fio,ck,which. prophefied With a Harp, to give thanks and praife t<? thctLol'd',,as I Chr,oiJ•Il.S.' 3¥ · , . I • •• {1? • . PSAL. 4~· Title, To the chief Mufttian~ji-hil.,.for tlh•fon~ ofCort(b•.',,, A Pfalm committed to thefonpes (t,e.) pofi:entyof'Cvr~l.of.whomirfegO!~H•m•n was