:Jatantng t\>t naorn. Chap. I s.Secl:. 9. was chief, fbr the third Claffis, or Order of thofe Mufitians, to whom the holy fervicc belonged, 1 C.hron. 25. 5· All thefe.werc under the hand of the father; viz.. Hemon who fung in the houfe of the Lord wtth Cymbals, Pfalteries and Harps, &c. that i; might not onely be kcpt,but fung b~ them •.n the tune beginning with the word Mafchil, that both the fingers and hearers mtght be mflruCled m the matter thereof, according to the fignification of the word. ~ome think the Pfalm w~ made by the Sons of Corah , after his rebellion againll: Jl!ofes; to wh~m after thetr repencance, &c. God gave the fptrttof P.rophccy, where· by thty made dtvers Pfalmes, whereof thts. was.o?e, and therctn toretold things to come of Chnft,. &c. whtch concett .Auglljlme mtOtkes, netthcr cloth tt agree with the matter ofthe Pfalm; bcfidcs, the Hebrew letter Lamech, !Deing prefixed to note the Dative ~afe, fhews it was made by David, for them to act by their Muftck, and not of .them; and that David in his banifhment, to fhew his grief and zeal for the Houfe and Temple,and to quicken his faith and confidence in God for his comfort,made this Pfalm for his own and the Churches inftruction in the like calamity, and delivered it to Heman andhis fans, to be ufed in the fong. P SAL. 45. Title, To the chiefMufttian, Shofl>annim, for the fannes ofCorah, Mafchil, a fang of loves. ShojiMnnirn was an inflrument amongll: the Jews , that had fix ll:tings , according to the Lilly that hath fix leaves or Items, thereby called Hexacorda,upon which inll:rument thi~ Pfalp1 ..yas ciclivcred by David to be fung to, and played to by Corah and his pojhrity: it begins with tne word Mafchil (as afore) c(i.e.) To gwe inftruRion to Gods people,touching the fpiritual marriage l!.nd love between Chrijf and htJ Church,whereof Solomons marriage with Pharaohs daughter,was a.figure and type ; and likewife to fhc1v the perfect love that ought to be between the husband and the wife ; hence called, A fang of loves, not unlike to Solomom Ca'!ticles: And fame put this difference between a Song and~ Pfabn; that , where no mll:rument, but the voycc onely is; this, the contrary: others fay, the Song is, when the inll:rument begins, and the voyce follows· a Pfailp, when the voyce or ditty begins, and the iJ1fuument follows. ' PSAL. 46. Title, To him thatexcelleth upon Alamoth , or the chief . . - Mufttian for thefans of Corah uporl .Alamoth. Some underll:and this .Alamoth, to be the Wnt •f afang; I take it otherwife (after the bell: expofitions) to be meant of an injlrument, not a tune , the meaning beingthus much, APfalm committed by David to be fung, and to him that was chief of the fons of Corah, to be played upon the inftrument called .Aiamoth, for I .Chron. I 5· I o. it is exprefly faid, That Zachariah played with Pfalterics upon .Af, moth, and then they playedfi.rfl upon that injfrument, and fo then fung the Pf.1lm or ditty. PSAL. 50. Title, .A Pfalm of .Afnph. : Some think it is fo called, for that .Afaph was the authour of it, having the gift of prophecy, .which is but a weak reafon , becaufe all the reil: were endued with a pro– "phetical fpirit as well as he. .Auguflineand other learned Divines, take it to be focal· led, not for that .Afaphmade it, but becaufe it was committed to him and his pofierity to be th_; lingers thereof, 1 Chron. 25. 2. .. PSAL. 53. Title, To the chiefMufttian upon Mahalath Ma(chif. . < H~ome thinks Mahalath tofignifie awncofthewhole£2f!ire, orcompanyofftngert, and that Davidcommitted it to be fung by the whole company ofLwitcs, &c. but o– thers better take it to be an inll:rument, fuch as was made to found by breath and blowing, by reafon of the hollownefs thereof~ the reil: is expounded before. PSAL. s6. Title, To the chief Mufttian upon ']onath: Elem; Rechochim, Mit·htam of David, when the Pht!ijhms took_.h:m m Garb. . The words of this Title in the original, have a double fignificatton, and may be tn· terpreted either metaphoncally, a dumb Do11e, for fo ']onah figntfieth, :n a far orftrange Countrey; SoHierome , or more properly,for afoul-Jijfmng vwlence m afar Countrey; for howfoever ufually the firll: word is interpreted, Columba 1 a Dove, ye.t tt JS taken alfo ' in the other fenfe properly, and in its natural fignification, for [olll{ujfering.vi•lence; ·~ , . bmP