Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Chap. 1 ).SeC! 9. Mahtdath to be of divers fignifitarions, fignifying both a m11fca/ inftrumcm, or a Ouirr ·and com;any of Mttjitians, or infirmity; a~cording to every of which acccptions i~1ay be taken in this place, & applyed to the mflrurr.cnt fo called, to be fung by the whole company of the Levites; as well by voyce as playing, in times of affitCl.ion of that people or others. p SAL. 90. Title, A praJer of Mofesth~ m1m<f G'od ( i.r.) A Pfa!m ofprayer made by Moji·s. It is thought this Pfalm or prayer was ma9e by Mofes for himfclf and the people; at fuch time as the Sprescame back from vtewmg the Land ofCanaan, murmuring and bringing an rll report thereof, f~r whtch the Lord threatned that they fhould nor enter into the Land of promtfe. PS AL. 92. Title, A Pfalm or Song f or the Sabb.u h-day. This Pfall\1 was made to be fung and ufed in the fcrvice of God in the Alfembty upon the Sabbarh-day, when the people met for the publike exercifes of the Church. ' Some Hebrew writers fay, it was made by M ofrs, jn celebration of the memory of the Creation; there is no author thereof expre!fed m the Title. This P1alm for the Sabbath, & I I J, I I4, I 15, r 16, ll7, Pfalms, which r:te Jews· call their Hallelujah, or praifes ofG'od, were fung at the patfcover; and are the Pfalms· or Hymnes which are mentioned in 6e Gofpel,which were fung during the celebration. ' p sAL. I '9· In this I 19. Pfalm, we find no lefs then ten feveral names 01' appellations, whereby. David cxpreffeth Gods revealed will; fometunes he calls It Gods Law, fometimes his way, fometimes his Wor·d ,· fometimes his Precepts, fometimcs his Commandmems fometimes his J~tdgcmcnrs, fometimes his Statutes, fometimes his Promifes, fomctime; his RighttoJifnefs, fometimes his. Teftimonies; but above all, notable it is, that there iS: not one Verfc (exceptmg one, vzz.. 122.) m th1s long'Pfalm (containing according t<) the Hebrew Alphabet, two and twenty o:!onanes) where we may not find one or more of thefe ten words or names: Hence we may gather, if David were fo exad through– out the Pfalm, that in e~ery divifion (according to the 22.) and in every fub– divifion (every verfe begmm"g wtth the fclf fame letter) he ihll makes mention offome one or more ofthefe,fo many appellations: 0 then, how were his afflictions inkindlcd,: how was his love inflamed towards Gcds holy Ward! P SAL. I 20. The Title, A Song of Deg rees. . The Title of this Pfalm hath more relation to the ceremony and manner of tinging, then to the matter and contents of the Pfalm, and I do n<Jt find fo many different o– pinions touching the reafon of the Title in any other, as in this. Some fuppofe this and the r4- others next following to be fo called, for that the\' were fung in fome high and eminent place: Some refer it to the cxtenfion or lifting up of the voyce in finging, or rifin£ ofthe tune, that they might be better heard of the ' people; fo Cal'!Jin: Some, that they were fung by rhe Priefis and Levites, afrenhe form and melody of fome known and et1eemed fong,beginning with this Title: Solllc latter Expofitors conceive nothing to be meant hereby,but the excellency of the Ff"Jms above the refl, becaufe rhofe places are accounted chiefefl, whereunto we do afcend by degrees, therefore the word is ufed in the plural number [degrees] as being choice Epigrams, as one would fay, Moft excel/em Sonnets; becaufe the Hebrews ufe to exprefs the fuperbtive degree or excellency of a thing,by fubflantives of the plural num– ber as here; d Song ofdegrees, (i.e.) an excd!ent Song; fo the Canticles of So!omoil, called A Song of Songs, (i.e.) excel/em; fo the Lord is called, The God of g•ds, Deut. Io. '7· Lord of lords, Apoc. 19. 16. (i.e.) without all comparifon, above all other De~tt.-Jo. 11 Apoc.19. 16 Dm<.9·>3 gods or lords: Daniel called him a Man ofdefres, Dan. 9· 2 3. (i.e.) to be ell:cemed or defired above others; in this fence Juniu; takes it: Others think they werecom– pofed for Pfalms of I hankfgiving, at the return of the Jews from their captivity in Baby/on ; and in that Jmtfalemwas fcituated amonglt hills, whence foever they came, they mull: rife or afcend to come to it, as they do that dim" up an hill; rhete fongs therefore were appointed to be fung at every afcent and cleft, as the places they went up didarife, and for this caufe called Pfalms of Degree. C4rq/us Siggonius de rep. Hebr~ornm ( whofe judgement is more to be apprvved, as more