1\cantng tl)e naorn. ore agreeable to the truth) underlhnds them to be fo called, for that they were fung . ~y the Prielts and Levites, upon the feveralll:airs that went out of the great Court or Porch where the people were, into the higher or inner part o~the Temple, whither none but the Priefis m1ght come; and m Nchemtah 9· 4· m~ntion IS made of the ft•urs h . eonthe Lcvites flood m the folemn f eafts, crymg tmto Cod, 0'C, . w ;~r Solomon in building the Temple of]er~falem~made certain Terrefies,~airs or 11eps _J'ifing one above another, 2 Chron. 9· I I. by wh1ch the Pnell:s and Lev1td went up from that outward ana great open Court or room adJoyn1~g to the Temple, ~ Chron. 4 . 9 . (where the people prayed, brought and attended the Sacrifice , called, John 10 . 29 • Soi<morJS porch, or the Court of the people,_bccaufe it was open to all the people) into an higher room or place m the Temple, called The mner Court, or Lords Hoit[c, 2 Chron. 2+· 21. or Atrium Sacerdotale~ becaufe none but the Priefis mull: enter thither : Now upon every feal1 day, the Lev1tes, or th~y of them appointed for the fong, fung thefe 15. P{alms, upon each ll:~lt one, bemg mnumber 15. as t.hey went 'up into that Court of the Temple, makmg a paufe upon each fian·, from whence they had the Title of Pfaims ofdeg~ces. _ . This ceremony ~~as ufed then as an~ut1~ard means of prel?arat10n to the worlhipping of God, to admomlh all peo~le to do 1t With chearfu! hearts, renew~d and lifted up to him by faith, from whence o..ypr~an obferves, ~hat m the Church-L1turgy of his time, the Deacon called upon the people to hft up the~t hearts unto God, uling this fpecch, Surfiun C(irda. Obforvatiom. It may be obferved, that in Titles many things fecn ll:range, and hard unto us, be– caufc we know not (nor do the latter Jews ofthefe times themfelves) the particular infirument 7 form of fingmg, or the tunes ufed m JPme,. whether they be the rame that we ufe in tllefe dayes ; or fome refemblance ofours , m refpeCl: of the playing by the hand, or by breath; as Decem-chorda, an inll:rument of ten ll:rings, is a refemblance of the Lute we ufe, &c. Cy111bals, of our Cornets, &c. o thet~vife we know no more of theirs then our fongs, tunes or infiruments are known to other firangc-nations and tongu;s, to whom we and our la~guag~ is unknown and unheard of. Again, where in fome Tttles tt ts fa1d to befung afterfuch a tune, it is no more but as in our Pfalms it is fa~d; Thzs u to be fung after, or accordmg to {11c& a Pfalm, becaufe neither their nor our Pfalms have for every feveral Pfalme a feveral tune, but the tune of oneis or may be referred to another. Thus much offuch hard place~ m_the PfalmJ, as t~e weak Chrill:ian fpokenof,defired and endeavoured, aft_er refolut!on m: For other dtflicu_lt places of Scripture, becaufe they would too much mlarge thts Book, I purpofely om1t them. SE C T. r6. Ofthe Analyfis of the whole Bible, and efpecially (as in the jirjl place) ofthe 0/dTeftament. J N reading of the Scripture (Section 4.) we fpake of an Analytical Table that fo we might better mark the drift and fcope of the Holy ~holl: , and that w~mjght with lingular cafe and delight remember the f.1me: To th1s purpofe I have anne¥ed this Analyfis, r. of the whole Bible; z. of the feveral parts. The whole is divided into two Tell:aments, { ONld, - .ew. I. The Old Tefiament Chrill: divides into) thhe Law.h _ . ( t e Prop ets . :.!: The Law 1S m the Pentatuch ofMofes, comprehended in this vcrfc, ---Genefis, E.\·od. Le·vit. M1merorum~ DeuterotJ~IJJi~ T t whercifl 3'lt '2 Chron. 9·11. 4· 9, John ro. 29 2 chrcn. '4· n