Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Chap. I s.SeCl:. I o. ,. I. The object of the Law, to whom it was to be delivered, 'Viz:, To the Church "' I in its original in---- Gcnefts. c: 2. The promulgati~n of the Law, which wa~ · delivered Jl < r Joynt!y, the Law Ecclefiafiical and Civil in---Exodus. ,.c l I { Ecclefiafiical 1. L . . ;5: Severally, the Law in----- S evtttcm · either < Political, in-----Numbers. '- I 3. The rc,pitition of the Law after l D L once delivered in-- r C/tferonomy. l ri. Hifiorical, declaring time pafi,, comprehended in th\s verfe, ---- J ojhu£, JudtcKm , Rmh, Reg~<m, l'araltp.---E z:.. Neh. £jlh<r 2. Dogmatical, infiructing for fai th and life prefent, as ' ---Job, Dtt".lid, Proverb: Et:clefia : Cantic. 2. The ProI< 3· Prophetical,foretelling things to come, as·--lfaiah, Jercmi. Thm. phets are E z:.ekjel. D~tnillque, H o(e. Joel, Amos, Obcdt. J ona. M1Ch•. Nahumq•~e. H abbak__k_uk., Z cphani. H.<ggtu,Zachari: Malachi, 1, { E(dra : T obit, Judlth, pars £jfh : Sapit,-- Eu lejiaj/ic, JAs for B11ruch, trrs P.teri, Sufanna, JJel, M acbab<i--ATon jimt de ' C11none libri. SECT.. zr. Sect. I. Of the Pentateuch or Book.J ofthe Lmv. Chap. llLlettcfis treats ofthe Church, to whom the Law was to be delivered, · 1. Of the great world in which it was to live. r. l ri. The Creation of the 12. Of the leffer woi!d, l his Hapinefs. z. Genefts Church; and therein Man, of which it contains< was to be his Mife1 y. 3 , /2. The Confiitution of the Church, which mull: be confidered as it was in the ' two worlds. • ~I. The old world ~ The propagation of fin and punilhment. 4-' before thdlood; The confervation of the Church. S· wherein confider The condemnation of 5 Foretold. 1). the wicked worldI Executed. 7· 2. The new world after the flood in the ages of four men. ~' His deliverance from the deluge. 8.' His blefling from God. 9· 1 "r . Noah. in whom confider ~ United. ro. I ( His pofierity, as Difperfed, out of which , God chofe his Church.IZ. ·1 rHis vocation in the former part of Chapter 12. · I { I. Into Egpyt, in the latter part of 11 2. Abr11ham ; His pcregtin~tion Chapter IZ. in whom < 2. Into Canaan. IJ· ' confider \ . ~ 1. With L ot, 14.' 1 1 His dealings er 1Promifed him iffuc 1 5· 1 actions 2. With God Gave him a childe,and ' ' o.. who made his Covenant ! ' with him. 16.' 1\ ~~- The From, r r. On Gods part in the communication of · I i Councels and fecrets. 1S. 1 Of which his iDelivering Lot, 19. : Covenant 2. The fruit. Benefits in Succouring Abraham. zo. I confider ..:\ Givinghimlfaac. 21, 1 . 2. On Abrahams, part, who is commeoded 1 "Obedience and faith in offeringJfMc.zz.' ! \ ._for hisl Love and jufiicc in buryingSar11h. 23. ~ j Provid~nce and Piety in marrymg .'- Jf.wc, Z4· S· Jfaac;