Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Chap. l) .Se& 11. S His iffue or kindred. Chap. 25. I 1 r c in whom His trivels and troubles. 26. ' 3· ,aa ; confider ) His Pr.,phcfies conc.erning the fia,te of the Church in his l two fans. 27. !"Into Jl;[fopo· , His journey thither. . 28. \ I tamia,where , His a.rnval :.nd mamage. 29. note C H" rtches and ch tldrcn. 30. 1 1 ~ His jour"cy thi thee , ·31· I 4- 'Jacob; in I Into c.1M.m, r Hts congrcls Wtth Efau. 32, 33· wh'"" confi- I where Arrival ; l ( Dmahsrape. 3-l· der h's perc- <J & there His progrefs ) Rachcls (:le.tth . 35, 36. J gri~ation lwith grief in) !:•fcphs felling. 37· ._ ( J udahs mcdL 38. I ' )'fofcph, in 5 Aft1t!tion , l9";o. ~I. His . whom hts { Dtgntty and prefermen t. 41. Into E•ypt, Sons ' The other Brethren. 42, 4 3, 44· ._whtthc~ went ~Hts fendtng for by Jofeph. , 4 5. 2. himfclf Tt avclltng thtther. 46. wherein ( Conferring. ~7. A bode there;) Bletfng. -18. l where his ) Prophefying. ~ 9 • (_ Dytng. 50. Sect. 2• ®tonnG treats of the Lawgiving ) Ecclejiaftical }t g th . to the Churth generally I Political 0 e er. 1 '1. The deliverance of the people to whom the Law was to be given. Chap.' 1 • Occafion of it, The Tyranny of the Egyptians. z. , 1 • 1. Birth. 2. ·ll Infl:rument by 2. Calling. 3 . whom effected , 3. Affi,h nt, Aaron. 4· (Mvfes)of whofe"i 4· Sayings to the King of Egypt. 5, 6. I 5· Signs which he ) Confirming his calling. 7· l wrought in Egypt,) Confoundmg the King. 8,9,10,I r. 'Exod1<S < Deliverance i{ I. Departure out of Egypt. . I2. ~ontainsl 3 'r If h · ) 2. ·RatificateonofttbyfignsandobfervatiOns. IJ. . JC w cretn rr h' 1 l 3. Pauage thorow the Red Sea. 1 4 . t e peop es (. 4- Thankfgiving after they were over. I 5I ~ 1. Provifion of viC!uals and ncceffaries, f:!!!.ails and 4· Confeqttents Manna. I6. ) of their de2. Defence and pn~teC!ion from their enemies, liverance, Amalekjtcs. I7, I l· Adminifiration of juflice by Jethro'scounre!. I 8. :...n. The delivery of the Law it felfunto the people; wherein confider , r ~ r. The preparation before it. 19. . ] I. How it was ~ r. Moral, in 2.Tables of fione. 2o. i given by God 2.Partsor 2. Judicial. 2I,22,2 3 . t · kinds ofit, 3· Cere-j Feafls. 24- , ~~ monial Tabernacles and infl:ruments. • 25, 26, 27. Priefl:s &their garments. 28,to 3 1. , z. How it was taken and obeyed by the people. { I. Their tranfgreffion in the golden Calf. 32. 1 1, Moral Law, z . Reconciliation to God by Mofesprayer. 3 3 . 3· ~ efl:itution of the Lnw by the finger of God. 34 . 2. Ceremonial ; wherein is fet down •the building of the Tabernacle, from .. 53_, ad fin; T t 2 SeC!. 3·