lteantng tbt lWoto. Chap. I s.Su':t ll Secl. 3· J!,ebltfctt5 treats of holy obfcrvations and pcrfons. l r r. Sorts or kinds,. {Matter, of wllich 5 Animalia. dt!l:mgU<fhcd by thctr • ( Jnm'""'""· i. Sacrifices or < Occafion for which they were offerings their I f r. Good things from God. ) 2. Evils done by men. l 2. Rites about thhn. · ~ r. Publique; viz.. { I· Confccration to th(ir Office. 2. Perfons the Prie/l:s their 2 .. Execut1on of thctr Office. ' 3· Tranfgreffionm the1r Office. 2. Private, in refpeCl: of their fanCl:ification. Cha;. 1, 2, 9· ~ lO. ( r. Particular, of one man; where obferve the waycs whereby he is j polluted-- ~ I. Eating. "· < viz.. 2. Child-bearing. 12• I 3· Leprofie. q, I 4 • 4 . Flux. .Ij. l 2. Common, of the whole Church in things rr. Nccelfary, about 5 1. Punficati- ;, Ordinary. I6. \ which confider on for fins (Extraurdinary. r 7 • rl. The Laws which I concern either 2. Information of their lives. \ l S I. Occonom1cal about marriages. ( 2. Political ab,, ut their carriages. ~ ~\ 1 ~·. ~~~~~~:f.lical : which laws confider I 2. Things. T' ~ D ays. <. 3· lmcs, ) Years. 1 l 2. Obligation of them by Promifcs and Threatnings. c2. Voluntary, Chap. !all:. Sect. 4· foQmbeU, of Laws for moll part Political, occafioned by the muftering of the people for their journey to Canaan. 2!. 22. 2J,2{. 2). 26. N11mbers. This /l:ory contains Chttp. " I. Their preparation to the journey ; wherein 1 Civtl of the pco- 5 r. N umbred. h • r .Their muftering or numplc that were/ 2. Ordered. 2. I bcring, whtch was either Sacred, of the ) I. Numbrcd. 3· Pndts that were ( 1.. Ordered. 4· I ·. ~Common to all,about 5 Neccff'Jry. 5· <I 2. Laws given them, fanct<ty m thmgs I Voluntary. 6. which are either . 5 1. The ribcs. 7· (Parttcular for ? 2. The Pric/l:s and Lcvits. 8• . 1 I Manner of their { r. Sanctification. and order. 9· ._ 3· 2. Progrefs or Juurncy. 10. 2.Their journeys,which arc diftinguifh'd by a ftory ofeight murmurings ofthe people. -< 1 ,. I. For the tedioufnefs of their journy. n. l 2. For loathfomnefs of the Manna. · 3 • For the emulation of Miriam and Aaron againft M o{es. 12. I { Murmured 13. I 4 . For the fedition of the Spies who were j)lagucd. I4. ~ - rcconctlcd. J 5· \ 5. For the confpiracy of the three Levites,Corah,Dathan,and Abiram. I6. . . . · {TheirMurmuring. 17· I ·6. For the md<g~atwnof the people at J Pcrfons. 1 8. I the former Judgements; whercm Their rcconciling(_Manner. 19· l 7· For waot of water. zo. , 8. For wcarifomnefs of the way. 2 1 • 3· Their /l:ations or abode when 'they came near to C"naan, which hath two ftories that concern 1. The