Chap., ~ .sea. 1 t . :meaning tl)c worn. 3 2r:; --------------------~--- 1" r. Conquerors of tlicir Enemies. Chap. 22. I 2. Encount .red by Magic!< Arts,Ba!aam. 22,23,2+ [I. The people who were to' 3· Difordercd \'/ith !doh,try and fornication. 25. I inherit, conudcrcd as <\ 4. Reconciled, and agam muftercd. 26. 5· Furnirhed with a new Prince. 27. < 1 6. lnfl:rucred about) Neccff1ry. 28, 29. L facred things l Voluntary. 30. l 2 . The inh()l'itance it fclf, conudered . \ I. Conquered. F. l ri. Inapartofit 1 2 . Dif~ofed. '32. · Where by digrcffion their journeys are reckoned all together. 33. ~ 2 . The whole, 5 1. The Bounds or Diviuon of the Land. 34· l whereinare) 2. ThcLaw,concenungthe { Pncfl:s. 35· fet down 1.. inheritance of the P~ople. 36. L Sect 5· l:!DeuterDI;omp is a Repetition of the Law. p · f h 1 ii. Rehcarfal of Gods bleffings to them in peace. 1: ~I. rc~arat~onLo \e~~ e 2 • Good fuccefs which they had in War, 2>J. to rece1ve t e aw y o 1 rs. 3 • Councel. 4 , 5 • 2. Promulgation of the law given to the people. 6, 7> 8, 9, IO, I I. ~ 1. The propounding r. M 1 L ) generally· ofit.~ ora aw, (fpecially. I 2 >13· 2. Ceremonial Law. I4, I5,16. 2. The expounding ~ Common to all. 17. of it, namely, th~ 3· Judicial Law i Priefl:s. · I 8. as it was either SinguPeople. I 9· lar for W ar. 20. 3- Confirmation of the Law after it was given--·· Civil jull:ice. 2I, to 27. ~ ~: ~!~~-ifes and threatnings. By 3. Renovation of the Covenant. 4· The Election of a new Captain. 5· Propheues. 27. 28. Z9, 30. 31· ·J2, 33· '4. ConclJifion of all by the death of Mofes. Now of the Pro- ) Hifl:orical, called the /ntcrior Prophets• .Hitherto ofthe LaiV. phets which\ Dotl:rinul,called Hagiographa. 3~· are either (Prophetical, calledPofterior Prophets.· SE cr. I2. Sect. r. Of Prophets Hijlorical. (!i)olbua, · r I. His calling to the Government. I. ri. The fending of the Spies. 2 , 1 2. Their miraculous paffage over Jordan, with theconfequents. 3> 4, ~- 1 l r I. In time of 1 3. The beucging and winning ofJericho. 6,7, ofWar;where 4· Wihning of .Ai. 8. Jojlma ~ note 5. Covenanting with the Gibeonites ignocontams [ 1 .; rantly, . 9' I . . ~ J 6. Victory over five Kmgs. 1 o. 2 .I;!ts Acts m I , 7 . Battc\ ·with the remnant of the ea. J his Govern. naaites. I r. l ment \ 8. All repeated. I z; 2. In time of rr. Divifion of the land. '3> to 2 r. l peace.,2. Difmiffion of the Jordanians. 22. 3· Celebration of the Parliament. 23. ,t4. Death of Joflm~J, 24. Sett_. 2.