; Sc&. u_ Secl:. 2. JuOl!CS: Story of the Jews underthe Government of the Judges. Chap. r I. The ocellion of that government. 3- \\ I Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar. . r I Dcborah. Judges < l I. Under Go- <; Gidcor;. 4>5· 6,7,8. contains j vctno.s, I Abimclcch. 2. Narration of Jephtha. 910, I I, 12, 1 3,to , 7 , Ruth l the Peoples frate.-< '! SampFn. ! 2. \Vithout Governours; wherein of} l their monfrrous fins and Civil wars. Her Scel:. 3· mut!), a Moabitijh woman; of her ·Piety. Converfion. Converfation. . 5 I. I. 2. 3· contains s I. 1 2. 3· Mamage, 1 2 _ Procured. Celebrated. · 4· Scel:. 4· Hitherto of the ftate of the Jervs under Judges_. Now under Kings till the Captivity. r. As the Kingdom was united in Books S 1. Election, 1 . Sam. ~ of Sam: where the Kings arc by ') 2. Succe!lion, 2. Sam. 2. As it was divided, in the 5 Solomon, 1 Kings. Books of Kings, under 1 Other Kings, 2 Kings. 3 • As it wa> in both frates, more fully confideredm the Books of Chronicles. , Sect. 5· Fidl: Book of~mnucl. Jews frate under Kings Elect. ( I. Time of change of Government in Sam11els days; whofe birth is del fcribed. I, & p3rt 2 ·1. Samu_el 2. Occafion of the change; (El. h' h. { Thrcatncd. 2,3. . . k d r f h ) t, \V IC IS p 'fh d contatns< vt<.. WtC e ne,s o t e) unt e . 4,5,6q. 1 Sonnes of tSamJtels Sonnes. 8. . _l 3. Story of the Kings: i Called. · 9· 1 1. Inauguration. 10. l r r. Saul; of {I. Election, Confir2. Confent of the People. I1. whofe as he was med by 3. Refignation of Samuel. I2. 2. Rejection,with the trll!'.caufes of it. I3,I4>15• I 1 ,. P r, . 5 His vocation to his Kingdom. 16. ro pertty, I Victory over Goliah. , 17. -< ~'- The caufe of it. I8. I I lr r. His exile & 2. The kindes;, In his own Country. I9rzo. -< banifhment, vi<.. ( Out of it, 5 Philiftwts, 21. · 2.. Da-1 amongfl: I. Moabiw. 22 , · l-uid his < 1 2.Hisper- (I. Thegricvoufncfs appears ' _LAdverfity, fecutions; f 1. By the divcrfity of places whither he lwherein -< ~ fled . • 2J>to27, · · 1 ) 2. Flight to his enemies, with whom , '- he lived. 27, to JO- ,l2. The end of them. 31. SeC!. 6.