lL\tantngtl)t worn. Sect 6. Second Book of !alamuel under_the Succe{)ivcKings. r r. The tidings 'of Sau!J death. 1 2 • The unlawful Succeffor of j Promotion. Saul , Jfl•bojfnrh, whofe {_Dejecbon. 2 Samucll \Inauguration. c~ntams I 3.Thc true { 1. In Religious things; ~ucceifor .., ~Good. 2. In war. l whofe Governr. Committed. l Chap. ! z; 3>4· 5· 6,J. s; 9,ro. I I. u; ( Dav1d)( 3. In Polttical things. mcnt. j Bad,where '52. Confcffed. . '- his fins (3· Punifhed with{Internal. judgements ExternaI. { I. Ammons incet1, ~~.Internal or do- ~ The occafion. J meftick punilh2. Abfoloms fcdition, 1eginning. mcnts, r rogrcfs. < . ~~~ I { r. Sedition of Ziba, 2 . External and~ r. 1he kinds of it, publike . 2, Famine, l { Thankfgiving. · {Good as . 2. Events ofit, Prophcfie. Evil. sea:. 7 . lllngs Two Books treat of the Kingdom as divided. ·(1. The encreafe of the {I. His in!l:itu~io~ to be ~ing; 13· 141 5'· r6. I J,I8,!9• 20. 2I , 22. r. I Kingdom under So2. Confervat10nmthe Kmgdom. lomon, wherein 3· Adminillration of it: . Wh h' I . . h" {.BFa~ldily · d+' 1 . K.ngs< ere 1S g orymg m IS u1 mgs. 1•~ 9• <:ontains l R1ches. ro. J O li ~ {SmsofSolomon: · . '. ' , UniCC 0 0 • l I "ir. cca 10n or cau.es, J 11• fG d · -I.- 'I r. ,lz.Decrcafe: 2 . Begin-~r. Authors of the divifion i Rehoboam and . c:rsof1t. Jeroboam. I2 1 I3,14• z. Their Succef- {Briefly. · I 5• fors, whofe More largly in reign of Ahab. '" reigns arehandled adfinem; Sett. 8. Second Book ofJlllngs ; of the decreafe of the Kingdom&ofIfnut afl!}]u~f!h.'. . 1 rr. Their continuanceor.defection together. ~' Ahaz.ia/1, Joram. ~ . . . Joajh, ~·I. Of the Kings of Ifrael apart Jehu. 2. K·~l' · Jchoahaz..·Joas. contams I -2. Ofboth'Kingdoms together. r .'Their decay. ' \ z, Afpeialll:ory of the defeCi:i.on S 2. Their repair. . Ll ofthe Kingdom~of.]nd11h, 2 3 •Their 6n~l dellru{bon ') •.<: r.' . ;~fldg. 9,'to. ll 1 I2, ' I 3· '14,ad r8. r8,11dz2. 22,23z,..,adfin, :p7