Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674; .Sech ~ . Secl:. 9· Firft 4tblonftlcs. Chap. ii. Genealogy of the world from /!d '"1. ThebeginningofthcKingto Jacob. · am I dam ofIfrael, wherein 2. P_articularly of the Nation of Jfrael.t;; I,.Chron. m I2. Tnbcs. 2, ad 9· contains~ ~ r. Under Sattl. 1 j 2 , The Adminiftratiz.Under Da-1Entrancc} 9 ' 0 ' on of the Kingdom, v•d, whofe arc defcribed · " Ads i His inauguration. I 1 , l r I,D.cvidsentrance in- His followers. I I J? to his Kingdom, Care of Religion. 'I~- Confirmation m hi~ ~ingdom; 14 : r <l {Rcl!gwn,and Gods fervice.I 5,I6,I7· ~I. In the pro- {Good,for 2,Dav.ds grefsof?is . War. 18, 19 ,zo. , Ads re1gn Evil. 21 '- 2. Towards the end of his reign, in his old age. · ' '{ r. His courfes again for Religion . 22,ad 2 6. z. His order for the Common-weal. 3· The Parliament a little before his death, and events of it, 28, ~~: Secl. , o. Second 4tb~anltles. 1 1. Vertues. { Sacred. ., 1 ri. The increafe ofthe King2. Buildings both .e dam under Solomon, whofe ' Civil. g 3. Condition and death. 8 < 'Rehoboam.Io,II,IZ. \rAmaziah. 25-~Jofiah.' 8. ,_.]2.Thede-1 Abia. 13· Uzziah. 26. Jehoaz _ ~ creafe in Afa, 14,1 5,16. Jotham. 27. Jehoiachim} ~ the reign~, Jofaphat.17,18,I9-2o<Ahaz. 28. Jechoniah 36. l<l I of Joram. 2I. 1 Hezekiah.29,ad 33· Zcdechiah. . ·" Ahaziah. 22. Manaffeh I_ •• '"joa1h. 23.2+- ,Amman ) " 't,. I Sect 1 I. Cl!l~ta, ofthe return ofthe people from Baby/on. ~ ·I. Of the ·manner of it. · _I, 2~ ; z. Of the end of it; viz.. Reftoring of Religion and Government. 3· r R ·r. db h J I . Sam~~ntans. 4· . I· 31 e Yt e 1z. By the Governours of the Land of . 3· Ohhehinderance,< . Cant~an. 5· .. , llz..Remo-{~}/:a":dr{Journey. 7,~: vcd by_ whofe .. _Reformation which he wrought.9,1o ·,