Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

qhap. i 'i .Seet.l 3· Seer. 12. JJHbeutiab treats of Chap. · ~I. Caufes of it. .I The repair of the buildings, the iBcgun. . ~ · - z. Work it fclf, H" d r d 1 which was m e c · . Finilhcd. 2. Reformation, Political and Ecclefiaflical. Sect 13 • Cieilbe: conta1ns a flory of a miraculous deliverance of the Jews. 1. The means ·of it ; viz.. Efther. ~ z.Thc greatnefs of the danger. The manner i { r. The interceffion of the ~een. of it 2. Degrees of 2. Frull:rating the advice the deliverance 3. Confinhation of the deliverance. z. Revoking the Decree. ) z. Punilhing adverfaries. l 3. Peace of the Jews. 8. 9· 10. Hitherto of the~Nowofthe Books lr A lingular fubjeCl, as Job". Book] L •g•<l Dugmatical or Sa- { Davids Pfalms and Hiftmcat piential, which j Acommon { Proverbs. concern either ~ fubjeCl, as Solomons Eccleliafles, . Canticles. .SECT. 13. Sect I. Of Prophets Dogmatical. Job contains { r. Profperity. 1. The occafion, his 2. Advcrlity. . 3· Sin. "Elipha;:., Job. Bildad. Job, \ ~tar, Elipbaz.. rrTheDifpuJob. I tants, 0:: Bild11d. Job. I Zoph;tr. l 2, The forts, & fo ob-! Joh. fcrve the fpecches of' 1 . Eliphaz.. J Job. ' Bildad. I tJob, ,,The Moderators. 5t. GElidhu. (2 . 0. Vv 1, f,. 3· 4> 5· 6,7. 8. 9> 10, I I, J2, I 3 1 I4. I 5· I6; I7, I8. I9· 20. ::u._ 2~. 23, 2+. 25, 26,adp , 32, 33· 3+,ad.-p , 42, ScCl, ~ -