Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Seer. ~ . The };3ralma are by the Hebm vs dividcd into five Books. 1 • from Pfd. 1. to end of Pfai. +J. concludcdwithAmen& Amen. ~ 2 . Front 1'[< 1 !. 42. to the end of Pfal. 72. !hut up with A men & Amen. 3 . From Ff' 7J· totheendof Pfa/. 89. clofed with A men&Amen. + From J'f,d. 90 . to the end of l'f a!. 106 . ending with A men, HaUe!,jah. 5 . From Fftl. 107. to the e~d of Pfal. 1 ) O concluding with HalleluJah, This divifion feems to anfe from the peculiarclofcofthefefive Pfalms. ~ D irected from Man to God, as the Praying and Thankfgiving. Pfalms. · O thers divide them . The Exhortatory into two parts,fomc D1recrcd from God~ Confolatory ~Pf: 1 l to Man, as DidaCtical a ms. Prophetical Seer. l· p~obetbll contains Rules of life, . 1 b . h . { 1. What we mull: do. ,S 1. Genera, a out p1cty, w ercm Wh t fl: 'd ,( 2. Special, and fo the life ofman is in:~rmedaiw~~~~~~~ 01 . by all forts of Rules, mica! Moral. Sccl:. 4· qeccl£fialles treats 1 1 • Of the vanity ofall earthly things, 5 His own eftatc. proved by Solomom obfcrvations in~ Conditions of all lorts ofmen: ~ z.,Rules to be obfervcd in this vain life of onrs. IO, dftn. 'i', ·£.' ·,,ad IO. ·xo, u,rz. Seer. 5. ~antftlcll. · Deferiptions of the love 'twixt Chrifl: and his Church. l r 1 . 'Twixt Chrifl: and Church. :<.. Church and Chrifr. 3· Church. In fpeeches< 4· Chrifr. I 5· Church. 6.. Church and Chrift. . '- 7· Church. 1 Four greater. , The[' ar' the Books JJogmlllif61 : Now follow Prophets . , - , • · - . i,!, lJ:welvelclfcr•. r. 2 . 3· 4· 5· 6. 7,8• SECT. J-i: