31' chap., s.sca. '4· ~caning tl)e worn _ __:_ __________ - - ---- ------- SECT. q. Secl:. I. Of Prophets Prophetical. 3fafab contains Prophefies. Chap. \!.R eproving and correchng fins 1Of the Je\vs. I ,ad r r. r r. Legal~ I \Vrth comfortto the ElcCl:. 11, 12. '\ , 2 .Threatnmg r.Enemies of) The particulat Nattons threatned. 1 3,ad 24. ) Gods people l The general ufcs of thcfe threatnings. 2.J-,ad 28. 1. Ifraelttes. 28. j 23· Jews rhemfdves, who~e captivity is denounced with ntixtcom1 forts in Chrtfl:. 29, ad 36. < 2 . Hifiorical. 36, add 40. l J ri . Deliverance from, and prefcrvation in Captivity. 40, a. 49· r 1. Of Chrifi. 49•50,5!. 2. Of God. 52· 1 3. Of the Pro- {I. Story of Chrill:. 53 . I 3 •Evangelical, con- '< . . phets exponrldl cerning their 1 2. Kmgdom of Chnll:, ing 2. Fruit of the Kingdom. 54. I about which he < Of G d 5 Promtfing. 55. makes eight Ser-~ 4· 0 ( Exhorting. 56,57· t monsorSpeeches 5· Ofthe JReprovmghypocrifie. 58, 5Y· Prophets I Exciting the Church. 60• . , 6. Of Chrill:, 6I,62. 7· Of the Church. 63,6-h 65. ~ 8. La!Hy, of God. 66. SeC!:. 2. ]etemfal) contains ; r 1 • A Prologue concerning. the Prophets calling. 11 . l~'l~:;-,,.h, I , , ... Judah,in the Jehojach•m. ; I, reign of ~ Zedech.ah again. f'r. Jews either in -< I ]eho1achun again. ' 2. Se~mons conI llZcdechtah again. '< cerning the ' L Egypt. ,\ lz. Enemies of the Jews. ,t 3, An Epilogne Hill:orical. Sea:. '3. )Lamentations contain the mournings of this ~ Church. Prophet. Church. Prophet. Church. Sed. 4· ®iekte\ contains 1 r. God, and his Majefiy. ~r. The Preface which concerns 2. T~cProphet, 5 Fearfulnef~: and his[ ConfirmatiOn• . ,z, ~rophefies themfelves, which 'ontain . I. z,ad 21. _2r,adz5. 25, 26,27· 28,ad35· 35· 36. .37• ad43· 43 ·"d4646,adp: 52· r.' 2. 3· 4· J•