Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

33'l Chap. 1 ).Sett. • 4 . r\ r. Objurgation, or ·reproof of the impiety of the Jews, with their judgements in I7. Sermons fro1n. 4,ad 25 ' 2. Comminations againll: the enemies of the Jews, in eight Sermons from 2),ad 3 : { Repentance, ~nd ~ 4 <: 3. Exhortations and encouin fix <ermons d I ragements to the Jews,to H fd 1. • · 34, a 40. ope o e 1very 4 , C?nfolations in one continued Prophecy of their Spiritual deliverance by Chrifl '- m V1fions. 40, adfin. . Sect. 5. ~anfel contains ~ 1 • An Hillory ~f things done 5 Babylonians and L in the Kingdoms both of the 1 Perjians. ( 2. A Prophefie of things 5 I. Many calamities to be executed. to be done, { 2. Final deliverance and glory of the Elect. Sect. 6; 'lj;)ofea is i Propounded. · ~I. Parabolical; and fo the Prophecy is Applyed. Repeated. · · .S 1. In Chap. ( n 1 . d ~ 1I. Commination or invective} 2. In Chap. 2 ·" am ;,an ° in three ~ermons, l 3. In Chap. IS either a 2. Confolation. I,~d7, 7,ad 12. 12. '· 2, 3· 4j ,6,7. 8, 9, 10. I J, "d If. - -------- ---------------- Sect 7. )oel contains { A Commination of Famine. ~: An Exhortation to Repentance. . 3· A Confolation to penitents. .Sect. 8. nmos contains :- I . Enemies of Gods people. f'!. ACorn-~ 'f Idolatry. ruination Plain words, Violence. J againll: 2. Jewsandlfrae-~againll: their Indignity, pride, I lites,and that in Inhumanity, luxury. I In a threefold type. . ,l2. A Confolation, from the I I. verfc of the 9· chap. '{ 1. Doth tellifie to. 2. Dehorts to. . 3. Comforts. Seer. 9 . <15baolaiJ. Seer. r o. ]onall . I . 3· 3· 4· 4•),6. 7>8>9· :ad jinem. 12. VIr. 17. '!llr. adfinem•. ~F' a h {Manner of it. I. . . lr ,t e Effect of it, Prayer. 2. Defcnbcs the two ca_llmgs {His Sermons to the Ninevms, and their Reof J~n(lr, 10 the pentance. 3, Second, 1he effett oftheir Repentance in ]onflh. 4. ' Sed. !I;