Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Sed:. r 1. $fdJa contains fiv-e Sermons. 1 . Threatning again!1: the who!~ Kingdom. ~ 2. Threatning again!l: the Magtlharcs. 3 . Confol~tions in God and the M e!fiat. 4 . Conimtn~tton. . 5 . Conf0latton agam. ----------------- seet 12. -*atJUm. Nah11m threatens clcfl:ru. 10.n 2 • The means !hewed. a:· { r. Propounded. io the ..AJ!j•rlll 111 > whtch ts 3 • The caufe 'of their fins. Sed:. I 3· ~abakkull. H abaLi·"lz. contains a { Dialogue betwixt God and the Prophet. '-"' Prayer. Sect, '4· zepbanp. · l I. A Commination, Zcphanycontains three Sermons, 2. An Exhortation, · 3. A mixture of both. Sect r 5· 1l;laggaf. .{ Firll:, Fxhmts to build the Temple. Hllg!, 4 ' Secondly, Comforts with Prophecy of Chrills Kingdom. ' sea. I6. zacbatfab contains Chap. r, z; 3.· .... 5· (). 7; i: :i, . { I . Hortatory .f Gen~rally to all the People. . r 'I ;'i.: . 'l SpCCJally unto the Prie£1-. ~r. Types and vtfions, 2. Monitory. 3>4· ,.,6, . 3. Confolatory. · 6. { r.DoCl:rinal,ofthings prefent,about Gods fervice 7 .8. 2. Prophetical, ofthings{ Incarnation. ' 9 10 2.Speeches and Sermons, that concern Chrifts Paffion ' • ----------- • JI,12,I3• Sed:. '7· t'J)alacbp. Mal ad,. {r. Chides for { 1 · Perfidioufnefs in Gods fervice. • 2. PollutiOn ofmarriage, and blafphemy, - 2. Comfons in the Promife of J Chrift. ( His forerunner. SI:;Ct. . IJI